"Brother Xuan? What's the matter?" Princess Caiwei frowned in surprise.

"Well, your brother Xuan... His side... Doesn't seem to work." Meng Xiaoxiao coughed awkwardly and explained hesitantly.

"What? Xiaoxiao, it's impossible!" Princess Caiwei's eyes stared as round as a copper bell, as if Meng Xiaoxiao had said an incredible world anecdote.

"Really, he can't..." Meng Xiaoxiao nodded solemnly and beat the drum secretly in her heart. If Xiao Moxuan knew that she was so careless in front of Princess Caiwei to slander his reputation, she would be killed. But now that the lie has been told, it seems to be much easier to make it up.

"Ah!" Princess Caiwei cried out, raised her hand and covered her mouth. She couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Elder sister Huang, Xiaoxiao, you met." Xiao Molan came over at this time.

"Hehe, we're just chatting." Meng Xiaoxiao turned around, looked at Xiao Molan and asked, "Xiao Lan, please take a good leave?"

"Yes, sir has agreed that I don't have to have class today." Xiao Molan said with a smile.

"Let's have fun today." Meng Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows happily, turned to Princess Caiwei and said, "Caiwei, let's go first. I'll come to you next time."

At this time, the expression on Princess Caiwei's face has changed from surprise and shock to a strange color intertwined with complex and uneasy emotions such as sympathy, worry, concern and disbelief. She grabbed Meng Xiaoxiao and whispered, "you have to persuade him to go and have a good look. The disease... Can't be delayed."

"What disease? Elder sister Huang, what are you talking about? Who's sick?" Xiao Molan didn't know why and looked strange.

"Xiaolan, it's nothing. We're talking about someone you don't know." Meng Xiaoxiao quickly covered up the past and said to Princess Caiwei, "well, I know. I'll urge him to see it."

After that, she took Xiao Molan and hurried away. For fear that Princess Caiwei would be too kind, she burst out a word of concern, which made Xiao Lan more curious and broke the casserole to ask the end.

Out of the palace, they went to many places.

Meng Xiaoxiao was always in high spirits and enthusiasm until the sun set. He said he had not enjoyed himself and wanted to play again. Xiao Molan didn't think much, but thought she hadn't gone out for a long time. Anyway, she said she wouldn't go back, so he patiently accompanied her.

When they returned to the capital, it was already dark. I don't know what time it was. Both of them felt hungry and tired, so they first found a restaurant for dinner.

Sitting in a quiet and elegant single room, looking at the delicious dishes one by one, Meng Xiaoxiao suggested, "Xiao Lan, let's have a drink today."

"Xiaoxiao, this is not good. You are a girl..." Xiao Molan hesitated. After all, girls seldom drink outside and their image is not elegant.

"It's nothing, Xiao Lan. You forget, I came from another era. Girls drink occasionally in our place. In fact, I still have a little wine." Meng Xiaoxiao smiled disapprovingly and asked the waiter to serve a pot of wine.

When the food was ready, the waiter took the door and went out.

Meng Xiaoxiao poured a small glass of wine for her and Xiao Molan, raised the glass and said, "Xiao Lan, thank you for accompanying me all day today. Come on, I'll give you a toast first."

"Hehe, let's accompany each other. I also want to thank you. I haven't had such a happy time for a long time." Xiao Molan obediently held a cup and touched Meng Xiaoxiao with a gentle smile.

The two people chatted while eating, mixed with constant drinking. Soon Meng Xiaoxiao had some thin drunkenness, and all the melancholy and tangled thoughts floated to her mind.

She had another drink with Xiao Molan, looked at him and asked, "Xiao Lan, do you think I'm happy or unhappy today?"

"I think you're happy today, but you seem to have something on your mind." Xiao Molan told him the truth. That's how Meng Xiaoxiao felt today.

"Yes, Xiao Lan, you're really powerful. I really have something on my mind, but I don't have anyone else to say." Meng Xiaoxiao said repeatedly, and his eyes were red: "I'm really annoyed. I don't know what to do in the future."

"What's the matter? Xiaoxiao, what's the matter?" Xiao Molan got worried and asked with concern.

"Xiao Lan, have you really loved someone?" Meng Xiaoxiao asked, adding a note seriously: "I'm talking about love, not general favor and like."

Xiao Molan was slightly stunned. For a moment, his heart was really undulating and mixed.

Have you really loved someone? God, what could be more cruel than her asking him this question?

Looking at Meng Xiaoxiao's dazed face, he really wanted to say out loud, of course, I really loved someone. This person is you.

But how could he say? He always had to keep in mind that she was his sister-in-law and could never have half a minute's wishful thinking.

Even if he loves her again and can't let her go, he can only maintain this close friend relationship with her, uncle sister-in-law relationship.

Finally, Xiao Molan just smiled bitterly and said slowly, "no, I just liked you before. You know, it's just an ordinary love."

"So, you won't understand..." Meng Xiaoxiao sighed gently and said sadly, "how painful it will be when you fall in love with someone and feel that you love him wrong and shouldn't love him."

"Xiaoxiao, what's the matter with you? Did you quarrel with brother Xuan?" Xiao Molan looked at her anxiously. This cheerful and lively girl is really wrong today.

Alas, how could he not have tasted such pain? Isn't he in love with someone he shouldn't love? He felt it all.

What she said today really pierced the pain at the bottom of his heart.

"Xiao Lan, it's a quarrel. I... I really hate him, but I actually love him again." Meng Xiaoxiao said with infinite contradictions, and his big dark eyes were full of difficult distress and helplessness.

"Xiaoxiao, don't worry. Speak slowly. What's going on? If brother Xuan bullies you, I will help you decide." Xiao Molan said patiently and defensively.

"He... He has fallen in love with others before." Meng Xiaoxiao raised her arm, rubbed her wet eyes, and said faintly.

"Oh, this is normal." Xiao Molan breathed a sigh of relief and felt that Meng Xiaoxiao was making a mountain out of a molehill. He could only comfort her and said, "brother Xuan is very kind to you now. Since it was a matter of the past, Xiaoxiao should stop worrying about it."

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