"But do you know who he used to love?" Meng Xiaoxiao paused, and finally burst into tears: "it's my sister-in-law... My sister-in-law and they were better before..."

In this case, she didn't say it to anyone. After all, it's a family scandal. Including gardenia, who was in love with her sister, she endured not to say and kept depressed in her heart.

Now she can't go back to her mother's house. Zhier doesn't want to say it, let alone others.

However, today, facing Xiaolan who is most familiar with all the details of her, Meng Xiaoxiao can't help but have a desire to tell him all.

Pour it out completely and let it out completely, otherwise she will be tortured and collapsed by it.

"Ah?" Xiao Molan was stunned by this completely unexpected situation.

He had heard that brother Xuan once loved a woman very much, but then the woman married someone else. But I never thought that the woman was Xiaoxiao's sister-in-law.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that the last time Xiaoxiao's sister-in-law was caught by a bad man, brother Xuan not only went to save her, but also accompanied her outside for half a month.

At that time, he was quite surprised and thought that brother Xuan, the son-in-law of Xiaoxiao's family, was also very good. Now, if you think about these things together, you can figure out everything.

For a moment, Xiao Molan was really tongue tied and didn't know what to say.

Seeing that Xiao Molan was silent, Meng Xiaoxiao expected that he must have been shocked by the shocking news and couldn't accept it. Her heart felt even more sad. She held her face in her hands and cried sadly.

"Xiaoxiao, don't cry." Xiao Molan came back and quickly took out a silk Juan PA from his body and handed it to Meng Xiaoxiao. He persuasively said, "who hasn't been in the past? Brother Xuan and your sister-in-law fell in love, and you also said it was the past. Now he loves you and treats you well, you shouldn't be angry with him about this old thing."

"However, when I think of these, I feel uncomfortable..." Meng Xiaoxiao picked up his handkerchief and wiped his tears. He looked at Xiao Molan with a tangled and confused face: "also, I don't know how to face my sister-in-law when I see her later. It's so awkward."

"Xiaoxiao, in your opinion, do your sister-in-law and your brother have good feelings?" asked Xiao Molan.

"Well, they're fine." Meng Xiaoxiao nodded.

"Do you think brother Xuan is nice to you now? Or do you think he loves you?" Xiao Molan asked again.

"Now he is very good to me." Meng Xiaoxiao thought for a moment and said frankly, "a few days ago, he wrote me a long letter, confessing everything between him and my sister-in-law to me, saying that he only loves me now."

"Ha ha, that's OK." Xiao Molan smiled gently, comforting and enlightening: "Brother Xuan only loves you now, and your brother and your sister-in-law are all right. It shows that their relationship is really over. Why do you care so much? Isn't Xiaoxiao the most generous girl? Don't be sad. You always think about those past things. If you get into the tip of an ox horn, you will only make yourself unhappy and the people around you unhappy. In fact, it can't solve anything What a problem, it's not worth the loss. "

"But..." Meng Xiaoxiao wanted to talk again, but he felt that Xiao Molan was also very reasonable. For a moment, he was speechless.

"Xiaoxiao, really, be happy. Don't people want to look forward? You're always stuck in the past between brother Xuan and your sister-in-law. It's not necessary to make yourself so painful." Xiao Molan said sincerely.

"Well, I don't want to. It's just that it's cheaper for him." Meng Xiaoxiao seems to have figured it out gradually. However, when he thinks of Xiao Moxuan, he is still a little unconvinced.

"Oh, who's cheap?" Xiao Molan laughed and said in a deep voice, "Xiaoxiao, you just said that you still love brother Xuan. How happy you are to be with the people you love. Is it necessary to worry about so much? Who's taking advantage? Who's losing?"

"Hey, Xiao Lan, I didn't expect you were young and could speak a lot of truth." Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't help smiling with her eyebrows. Under Xiao Molan's persuasion, her mood was much better.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm as old as you. Don't always think you're big, I'm small, I'm not small." Xiao Molan solemnly declared.

"OK, cheers to both of us." Meng Xiaoxiao picked up his glass, touched Xiao Molan, and drank it in a forthright way.

Then, she filled the wine again, raised her glass and said, "this cup, to thank you for persuading me so patiently today, take me out of the tip of the ox horn, cheers."

The conversation between the two people was relaxed again. All kinds of topics were talked about, and they drank a lot of wine unconsciously.

Xiao Molan looked at the girl who regarded him as a close friend and talked to him. She was filled with emotion. She was both happy and unspeakable sad.

He knew that in his life, he was destined to be such a close friend as her.

When she is upset and depressed, be the person around her who listens to her patiently. It will never be the lover she said just now, which makes her cry and makes her miss.

But that's enough. For him, it is also a kind of happiness to watch the happiness of the people he loves

It's late to come out of the restaurant. Meng Xiaoxiao still doesn't want to go back. He always remembers to play freely until midnight, which is a victory.

"Xiao Lan, are you all right at night? Can you walk with me for a while? I don't want to go back yet." Meng Xiaoxiao bluntly put forward his request.

"I'm fine, but now it's so late. Will brother Xuan worry if you don't go back?" Xiao Molan hesitated.

Of course he would accompany her. He always wanted to stay with her for a while. It's just that she went back too late. It's not good after all.

"Alas, I don't know where he is now. He came back so late yesterday." Meng Xiaoxiao sighed low and said, "he knows I'm out to find you today and won't worry."

"Well, I'll accompany you until you want to go back." Xiao Molan promised gently.

He knew that his proud cousin, highly valued by his father, was very busy and had a lot of entertainment. Xiaoxiao looks like this. Maybe it's too lonely. It makes him suddenly feel a little distressed.

So they walked slowly along the shady path by the moat and continued to chat.

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