Meng Xiaoxiao didn't say go back until she felt that it was too late. She was embarrassed to pester Xiao Molan to accompany her.

The bodyguards guarding the gate felt a little incredible when they saw that the princess came back with the third prince so late, but they didn't dare to show too surprised. They all saluted her respectfully.

Meng Xiaoxiao didn't want to pay more attention to these guards who were all snobbish in her eyes. She answered faintly and swaggered into the palace.

Along the way, the night wind was cool, and the whole palace garden was quiet.

Meng Xiaoxiao suddenly found that the prince Jing's residence at this time had a beauty she had never noticed in the past.

Looking up is the blue sky. Raising your hand seems to pick the stars. The air is filled with the fragrance of Jasmine or gardenia, which is delicate and elegant. A clear moonlight flows like water. Walking in such moonlight is like stepping on Qiongyao all over the ground.

While sighing at the beautiful scenery around him, Meng Xiaoxiao hurried to ziyuyuan.

Her head was blown by the cool wind of the quiet night, and she suddenly woke up a lot, and most of her drunkenness dissipated.

It's really too late. I don't know where the man is? Are you back? Did you sleep? Or work in the study?

Alas, how can I think of him again? That black hearted man must still be out having fun

With a slight sigh, Meng Xiaoxiao pushed open the door of ziyuyuan and went in.

It's dark in the room. It's so late that gardenia must go back to have a rest.

Why didn't the careless girl leave a lamp for her when she left? Meng Xiaoxiao whispered silently in her heart. She looked for the fire hinge in the dark and wanted to light the candle first.

"You've finally come back." with a cold and dull voice, the candle light "hissed" and lit up in the room.

Meng Xiaoxiao fixed his eyes on her. Xiao Moxuan was sitting in a chair in the hall. His eyes were like the deep and bottomless sea, staring at her gloomily. The color on the surface is cloudy and sunny, and seems to have the smell of storm.

She was surprised. Unexpectedly, Xiao Moxuan was here at this time, which made her heart feel a surprise.

However, looking at his face without a little warmth tone, Meng Xiaoxiao's heart sank again.

She turned her head away from his powerful eyes and said expressionless, "yes, I'm back."

"Have a good time?" Xiao Moxuan came over and stood in front of her, looking down at her. There was an obvious anger and acid in his dark eyes.

"It's none of your business." Meng Xiaoxiao said coldly, thinking, why should I accept your question? What did I ask you when you came back late?

"Oh, I've had a drink." Xiao Moxuan pulled out a sneer at the corners of his mouth, and his face became more and more cloudy: "Xiaoxiao, your ability is really getting stronger and stronger."

"It's none of your business. I'd like to drink it." Meng Xiaoxiao, still expressionless, went straight past him into the room, came to the table and poured a large glass of cold water, "Gudong Gudong" in one gulp.

After drinking wine in the evening and chatting with Xiaolan for so long, she really felt thirsty at this time. People also nodded heavily and feet were light. He supported the table with both hands and gasped slightly.

"Do you know it's hard now?" Xiao Moxuan followed her, grabbed her shoulder, narrowed his unfathomable black eyes, and said angrily and sarcastically: "why don't you think about your ability when you drink?"

"Are you finished? I said it's none of your business! Isn't that annoying?" Meng Xiaoxiao frowned irritably and pushed him away impolitely.

"It's not over!" Xiao Moxuan suddenly roared, took her into her arms and said angrily, "Xiaoxiao, I've been thinking about you all day. I've been waiting for you all night. I run out every few minutes to see if you're back. You're good. You're playing with people outside. Why do you have my husband in your eyes and heart?"

"So what? I just like to play!" Meng Xiaoxiao listened to him. Although he was a little empty in his heart, he was still full of arrogance on the surface: "what kind of husband are you? We don't invade the river. I didn't care about you. Why do you care about me?"

"OK, Xiaoxiao..." Xiao Moxuan's eyes were burning with fire and wanted to devour her. He stared at her tightly: "I think I spoiled you too much, which made you more and more lawless, didn't I? I love you wholeheartedly, but let you show your face to me every day and get involved with other men. I have to clean you up today!"

"Be clear! Who is involved with other men?" Meng Xiaoxiao was also angry.

"You and Mo LAN were together all day today. They drank dizzy. They didn't come back until late in the night. What's involved?" Xiao Moxuan said fiercely.

"Oh, yes, I played with Xiaolan all day and had a good time. He didn't persuade me. I don't want to come back now. I still want to play outside all night." Meng Xiaoxiao deliberately smiled and said carelessly.

"Xiaoxiao, don't go too far! Even if I spoil you, there's no limit!" Xiao Moxuan's face turned blue with anger. He seemed to want to tear her into pieces without relieving his hatred.

"Oh, your brother and I just went out for a day. Who is more excessive than you and my sister-in-law who stayed out for half a month?" Meng Xiaoxiao also changed his face and responded to him without weakness.

This sharp remark made Xiao Moxuan's fierce posture suddenly weak, and his anger turned into deep depression and sadness.

This clever little girl is really... Awesome. She's so unreasonable that she can't even say a word.

Meng Xiaoxiao saw that Xiao Moxuan suddenly lost his voice. He couldn't help laughing coldly. He easily broke away from his relaxed grip and angrily walked into the inner room.

After entering the house, she still felt that there was no place for her resentment. She could only "flutter and flutter" and vigorously tidy up the bed, as if those quilts and mattresses were hostile to her.

Xiao Moxuan came in, hugged her tightly behind her, and sighed in a low voice, "Xiaoxiao, why should we do this? What's the use of our angry words? I still love you and you love me. We clearly love each other. Why do we have to break and grind each other?"

"Go away! Don't touch me! Who loves you? Don't be amorous!" Meng Xiaoxiao said angrily, desperately trying to push away his arm tightly around his waist, but he couldn't push it at all.

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