On that night, as usual, it was very late, and Mencius Luo didn't come back for a long time.

General Meng went to the study and Su Ying was locked in her room. In the broad hall of the general's house, only Mrs. Meng and Hong Xiang were left. They were waiting for Meng ziluo while chatting.

After chatting casually for a while, Mrs. Meng sighed and said, "Alas, Hongxiang, you and ziluo can't go on like this all the time."

"Mom, I'm not good. I can't let brother ziluo like me all the time." Hong Xiang said softly, also full of disappointment.

"Don't say that. What's wrong with you? You're good enough. How does my mother look at you and like you. It's ziluo who gives up his heart and is hurt by that... Alas, if I don't say it, my chest will hurt." Mrs. Meng said, sighing again and didn't go on.

She wanted to say that ziluo was fascinated by the naughty fox spirit. After thinking about it, she finally held back her ugly words.

Mrs. Meng doesn't like Su Ying anymore.

Think about it. It's clear that she did immoral things herself and won't have children. Now it's like her son is sorry for her. All day long, I was in a trance and didn't let ziluo go back to his room to sleep. How did the Meng family marry this shameless and unscrupulous woman?

Alas, it's really a misfortune for my family

If she wasn't afraid of her son's temper, Mrs. Meng would have wanted to make the decision and said that she should stop Su Ying.

However, his son is the biggest fool in the world. He has been hurt like this by that woman, but he still doesn't want to give up her. Alas, the more you think about it, the more upset you are, and the more you think about it, the more suffocating you are.

"Mom, don't be angry. I'll take good care of brother ziluo." seeing Mrs. Meng's anxious face, Hong Xiang stood up and helped Mrs. Meng knead her shoulder.

"Hong Xiang, you are really a good child. Now Xiaoxiao is married. Fortunately, there is still you around her." Mrs. Meng said happily, holding Hong Xiang's hand and asked her to sit down: "come, sit here. My mother will tell you something."

"Mother, you said." Hong Xiang sat down next to Mrs. Meng.

"Hong Xiang, you and ziluo should have done things long ago, but until now, he doesn't leave the house every day. It's really not a taste in my heart. Alas, ziluo's stubborn temper, now it seems that there is only one way." Mrs. Meng opened her mouth with a heavy heart.

"Niang, what can I do?" Hong Xiang asked.

Mrs. Meng smiled vaguely at the corners of her mouth, leaned over to Hongxiang's ear and whispered a few words.

"Ah? Mom, it's not OK. In case brother ziluo......" after hearing this, Hong Xiang blushed and couldn't say anything later.

"Silly boy, what's wrong with this? When I brought you here, I gave you a dowry for marrying a daughter-in-law according to the rules. You should have finished the house long ago." Mrs. Meng smiled and said with confidence: "Hong Xiang, I know ziluo's temperament best. As long as the raw rice is cooked, he will treat you well."

"But... It seems that he only likes sister Su Ying. I'm afraid..." Hong Xiang hesitated, and her mouth is no longer as smart as usual.

"What are you afraid of? It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. He just likes Su Ying. What do you have if you have another one? Besides, you don't see that he and Su Ying haven't spoken for many days." Mrs. Meng looked straight.

While they were talking, they suddenly heard a messy sound of footsteps coming in.

It was Meng ziluo who came back, still drunk and staggering, even walking a little unsteady.

"Ziluo, you drink so much again. How can you stand it? Alas, you can't do without drinking?" seeing that her son came back full of wine, Mrs. Meng blamed her with both heartache and dissatisfaction, and winked at Hong Xiang at the same time.

Hong Xiang hurried to help Mencius Luo and said softly, "brother ziluo, I'll help you."

"No, I can walk by myself." Mencius Luo waved his arm, pushed her away, raised his red eyes and scanned the whole hall.

As usual, there are only his mother and Hongxiang here. There will never be the figure he wants to see, Su Ying. She will never be here waiting for him to go home.

The funny thing is that every time he comes back, he is still foolishly dreaming that she will sit here or stand by the door. When she saw him coming back, she would gently smile and say, ziluo, you're back.

Unfortunately, fantasy can only be fantasy.

He hasn't seen what Su Ying looks like now.

In the past, so many tenderness, laughter and laughter seemed to be easily cancelled by her with that slap, and there was no trace left.

She didn't want to see him, didn't want to pay attention to him, and didn't specifically wait for him to come back at home

Meng ziluo smiled bitterly at himself and said to Mrs. Meng, "Mom, I'll go to bed." then he stumbled out of the hall.

Looking at the figure of Mencius Luo staggering away, Mrs. Meng said with red eyes, "Alas, if this goes on, ziluo will be destroyed sooner or later. What evil has we done to the Meng family?"

"Mom, when brother ziluo wakes up, I'll persuade him." Hongxiang comforts Mrs. Meng.

Seeing Meng ziluo's dejected appearance, her heart was also difficult.

"Why are you waiting for him to wake up? You should go there tonight and stay with him. If you two really get married, my mother will be at ease." Mrs. Meng ordered without doubt.

"Niang......" Hong Xiang gently called Niang and hung her head with a little uneasiness.

"Hong Xiang, tell your mother the truth. Do you like Zi Luo?" Mrs. Meng looked at Hong Xiang and asked gently.

"Well, I like brother ziluo." Hongxiang nodded without thinking.

"Ha ha, that's OK." Mrs. Meng finally showed a comfortable smile on her face and said kindly, "Hongxiang, it's a little wronged for you to follow ziluo, but in the hearts of my father and mother, I've long regarded you as the daughter-in-law of the Meng family. You two will have a round house sooner or later, so there's no shame. You'll go to him tonight."

"But, mother, in case brother ziluo......" Hongxiang's mood is contradictory and hesitant. She doesn't know what to say.

Although she really likes Mencius Luo, she really wants to be his woman as soon as possible.

However, she is a little girl who has never experienced anything between men and women. Let her take off her clothes and sleep next to a big man. She really lacks such courage.

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