"You've seen her, too, son. Su Ying and she have long been in trouble. He's drunk like a cloud again. The lights are out in the room. It's dark. He's afraid he can't even tell who you are. When you go, you don't have to say anything. Everything comes naturally." Mrs. Meng pointed her with a smile, came over and took her hand: "Let's go. When you're ready, go to your brother ziluo. When you two really get together, everything will be all right. Don't worry, ziluo is a conscientious child. He won't treat you badly."

"Well, mom, I listen to you." Hongxiang finally made up her mind. She will strive for her own happiness.

Mencius Luo walked high and low to his room. Now he lives in a room not far from the house where he and Su Ying used to live.

Every time he came back, he would subconsciously look at the house that had left him and Su Ying countless sweets and joys for several times.

There, it's usually dark and the light is never on. He came back late. Su Ying must have gone to bed long ago.

Today, when he walked through the house that made him nostalgic and broke his heart and looked up there again, he unexpectedly found that Su Ying's room was still lit.

Su Ying hasn't gone to bed yet? What is she doing so late? Is she... Not angry with him?

Meng ziluo's heart suddenly moved, as if a long lost tenderness was gently surging in his chest. Unconsciously, he raised his feet and walked in the direction of the light.

Standing in front of the closed door, Mencius Luo's heart was full of ups and downs and mixed feelings. In a moment, all kinds of bitter, hot and sour tastes that could not be explained clearly were surging up.

Although he drank too much, he still knew better than ever.

How many happy and sweet footprints he once had here. But now, he can only stand outside the gate like a strange guest, hesitating and sad.

The door had never been locked before he came back, but now every time he walked here, he saw that the door was tightly locked.

Su Ying has completely locked him out of her world.

After a little hesitation, Mencius Luo raised his hand and gently knocked on the door.

"Who?" Su Ying's delicate voice sounded tired.

Mencius Luo closed his lips and kept knocking.

"Who?" Su Ying raised her voice a little.

"Su Ying, it's me," Mencius Luo said in a low voice.

The room suddenly became quiet. The light suddenly went out, and there was no light.

"Su Ying, open the door..." Meng ziluo still stubbornly knocked at the door.

There was still no sound inside the door. Su Ying had blown out the candle and lay on the bed.

She usually goes to bed early. Even if she can't sleep, she likes to go to bed early. Anyway, she has no other hobbies and is lazy about everything.

Especially these days, she always feels very tired, tired and tired, and sleepy.

But today, I don't know if she slept too much during the day. She didn't feel comfortable when she slept in bed. Later, she didn't sleep at all. She lit a candle and sat up to read. Unexpectedly, Meng ziluo would knock at the door.

"Su Ying, open the door, I want to see you." Meng ziluo's voice increased, and the door knocked again.

He could see that the light in the room suddenly went out, and his heart seemed to sink into the vast darkness with the extinguished candle. However, he just didn't want to leave. God knows how much he missed her and wanted to see her.

"I'm already asleep." Su Ying finally said a word.

Her heart was disturbed by the increasingly fierce knocking at the door, and her eyes were wet with tears. She tried her best not to cry.

Open the door for him? No! No! If the door is opened, will not all the suffering and pain she has suffered these days be wasted?

She can't give him a baby. How can she tie him up like this all his life? Let him go and stay with Hong Xiang. He was already getting on well with Hong Xiang. At this time, how can she let him come back again?

Hearing Su Ying's words without emotional waves, Mencius Luo stood outside the door and weakly dropped his hand ready to knock.

She still doesn't want to see him. She still won't forgive him.

For so long, he has been suffering in hell every day, dreaming of making up with her and torturing himself like an adult.

But she still couldn't see his injury or his pain at all.

She never loved him in her heart.

He got her by tough means and imprisoned her around him, but he still couldn't keep her heart. She always loved another man.

Mencius Luo stood quietly outside the door for a long time, and finally spit out a difficult sentence: "then go to sleep... I'll go."

Then he turned and left alone.

Su Ying lay in bed, listening to his heavy footsteps, walking away step by step. Tears finally could not stop, big strings fell down and wet the pillow towel under his face.

She repeatedly whispered in her heart: ziluo, don't go! Never leave me! But there was no sound in his mouth.

Recalling the three sad and painful words he said at the end, I left.

Su Ying's heart suddenly hurt and empty.

She seemed to feel that this time, he was really leaving her. This time, it seems that she will really lose him

An unprecedented fear and worry suddenly swept Su Ying's whole heart. She couldn't care any more. She jumped out of bed barefoot, rushed to the door and opened the door: "ziluo!"

Outside the door, it was empty and no one could be seen. Only the bright and cool moonlight spilled quietly on the ground

Su Ying stood blankly at the door, feeling a loss in her heart.

I couldn't help raising my eyes and looking at the room where Meng ziluo lived now. It was dark and there was no light. He must have gone to bed after drinking too much

I don't know how long I stood. Suddenly, a clear and crisp voice came from my ear: "sister, you haven't slept yet?"

Su Ying turned her head and saw that Hong Xiang had come.

Today, Hong Xiang seems to have been specially decorated. She is wearing a water red Juan yarn embroidered dress, with a thin powder and Dai on her face, which makes her skin white and bright. A long black hair like ink was spread around the back, not tied up. It was tied together at will with only a pink ribbon, which looked clear, beautiful and elegant.

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