"Sister Su Ying, I know you and your brother must have quarreled, but there is no husband and wife in the world who don't quarrel. Although my brother has a big temper and loves you, don't be angry with him. Like me and the prince, we didn't quarrel before, but we made up later. If we stand in each other's position and think about it, everything will be all right. We can't be separated. Why bother "What about it?" Meng Xiaoxiao tried to persuade her. She felt that she had become the aunt of the neighborhood committee. She had to be warm-hearted and eloquent.

"It's not because of this... Xiaoxiao, you don't know... Alas..." Su Ying stopped talking and finally just sighed bitterly.

The picture of Hong Xiang walking into Mencius Luo's room last night and closing the door, and the words that hurt people's hearts that Hong Xiang told her today, like an iron thorn, deeply penetrated Su Ying's heart and couldn't be pulled out.

"Sister Su Ying, don't think too much. Don't always be depressed about what you have to say. Just be frank. I've had such times. The more you want to be alone, the better it will be to find someone to talk to. I bet you're the most important in my brother's heart. Husband and wife should be honest with each other. When he comes later, you can talk about it. Don't be angry." Meng Xiaoxiao said earnestly.

At this moment, it seems that she has become a big sister who is intimate and sensible, and Su Ying is the fragile and capricious little sister.

"Xiaoxiao, thank you. You are really a good girl. You and the prince will be happy." Su Ying said with shame and emotion.

At this moment, she finally understood why Xiao Moxuan fell in love with Meng Xiaoxiao without hesitation?

This girl is kind, brave, enthusiastic, innocent, strong, optimistic, open-minded and cheerful... Like a rare treasure in the world, she is really worth all his love.

Yes, Meng Xiaoxiao's body has countless flashes that she doesn't have. She is indeed not as good as Meng Xiaoxiao, and indeed, she does not deserve such perfect and regretless happiness.

Seeing that Su Ying seemed to be better, Meng Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "sister Su Ying, take a rest first. I'll go out and see if the soup is ready for you."

"Well." Su Ying nodded gently and obediently closed her eyes to rest.

She stayed up almost all night last night and tossed about so much today. People are really tired.

Meng Xiaoxiao lightly took the door and went out.

She mainly wants to see why her brother hasn't come yet? I want to tell Meng ziluo not to quarrel with Su Ying before he meets Su Ying.

What happened in the past, even if Su Ying was wrong, passed. Moreover, Su Ying couldn't come back at that time because of the special situation of miscarriage. If you have anything to say, the two people communicate peacefully and don't make a quarrel any more.

In her opinion, since Su Ying thought of suicide, the contradiction between them must be quite big, so she wanted to persuade her brother first.

Came to the palace hall, where Xiao Moxuan and Xiao Fei were.

Meng Xiaoxiao asked, "Xiao Fei, where's my brother? Why didn't I come with you?"

"Princess, when I went there, I didn't see the major general. People in the family said that the major general had gone out to look for the young lady. I told them that the young lady was in the palace and the young general would come right away when he returned." Xiao Fei replied.

"Oh." Meng Xiaoxiao sighed again. "Alas, I don't know where my brother went to find it? He must be so anxious. When will he find it? Sister Su Ying was here."

Seeing Meng Xiaoxiao's anxious face and knowing that she was worried about her brother, Xiao Moxuan ordered Xiao Fei: "take some people everywhere to touch Meng ziluo and find him early."

"Yes, I'll go now." Xiao Fei promised and left.

Xiao Moxuan held Meng Xiaoxiao in his arms and said with pity, "baby, are you tired? Why don't you go to dinner first and I'll wait for your brother."

"Not tired, we'll eat together later." Meng Xiaoxiao gave him a sweet smile.

"Ha ha, good." Xiao Moxuan looked at her and smiled fondly. "How's su Ying now?"

"She's much better. I'll let her have a rest first." Meng Xiaoxiao said, and then asked, "is the soup ready?"

"Certainly not yet. I told the kitchen people and brought it when the stew was ready." Xiao Moxuan said.

"Today you are tired too." Meng Xiaoxiao looked at Xiao Moxuan and blinked playfully.

"Then you need to comfort me." Xiao Moxuan jokingly bent his lips, took Meng Xiaoxiao to sit down on himself, and said softly, "let me hug you well, so I won't be tired."

Mencius Luo rode his horse and searched the streets and alleys of the capital carefully. He didn't miss every insignificant corner. Of course, he got nothing.

His heart grew more and more anxious, sad and frightened.

Su Ying left a note missing. For Meng ziluo, it was the heaviest blow and torture.

He was so worried that he would never see Su Ying again. Then, his world will fall into a black abyss where there is no sunshine anymore.

It was completely dark, and there was still no trace of Su Ying. Mencius Luo knows that this can only be like looking for a needle in a haystack. There is little hope of finding Su Ying.

After a little thought, Mencius Luo rode back to the general's house.

He's going to arrange more people to cast a net around tonight. Anyway, he doesn't eat or sleep, but also wants to get Su Ying back.

Just pray to God, never let Su Ying have an accident, never... Don't let him lose Su Ying

Just back in front of the gate of the general's house, before dismounting, Mrs. Meng came out of the house and said in a hurry: "ziluo, Xiao Fei came just now and said that Su Ying was in King Jing's house."

"God..." Mencius Luo raised his hand and beat his forehead heavily. The heart that had been tight for a long time seemed to be suddenly released and relaxed.

Su Ying is fine! She's okay! I heard his prayer and protected Su Ying for him.

Mencius Luo clenched his sweaty hands and felt his eyes slightly wet. He relaxed his airway: "I'll go right away."

How could she be in King Jing's residence? As long as she's okay. Mencius Luo thought with mixed feelings and drove his horse to King Jing's house.

Along the way, he almost drove the horse to fly. When he was about to arrive at the palace, he met Xiao Fei who followed Xiao Moxuan's orders and came out again to find him.

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