Xiao Fei was pleasantly surprised when he saw Mencius Luo. He quickly reined in his horse and drove back to King Jing's house together with Mencius Luo.

On the way, Xiao Fei told Meng ziluo in detail the story of Su Ying trying to jump into the Languang lake when he met the Lord and was rescued by the Lord.

Meng ziluo was shocked and cold.

His hunch was right. Su Ying really wanted to die at that time.

Breathtaking, terrible

Mencius Luo clenched his teeth to calm his disordered heartbeat.

He couldn't imagine what would happen if Xiao Moxuan didn't happen to pass by Languang lake at that time, or didn't notice it?

There is no doubt that it will be the worst outcome, then he will really... Lose Su Ying forever.

For a time, Meng ziluo's heart was full of happiness and sigh like the rest of his life.

Although he once hated Xiao Moxuan so much, at this time, he had to admit in his heart that this time, he really wanted to thank Xiao Moxuan from the bottom of his heart.

Because it was Xiao Moxuan who kept Su Ying and the sunshine of life for him. Did not let his life fall into the darkest hell on earth

Xiao Fei took Meng ziluo into the palace hall. Meng Xiaoxiao and Xiao Moxuan were sitting there waiting for him.

"Where's su Ying?" Mencius Luo asked eagerly as soon as he entered the door.

"Rest in the back, brother, I'll take you to see her." Meng Xiaoxiao stood up and said.

Brother and sister went to the guest room in the backyard of the palace.

"How is she?" Mencius asked Luo.

"Almost died." Meng Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows and said solemnly, "the Lord passed by one second late, and you will never see sister Su Ying again."

Mencius Luo wiped the sweat drops on his head and said sincerely and with emotion: "Xiaoxiao, this time, I really thank you."

"Don't thank you. Just go and comfort sister Su Ying. She's still in a bad mood." Meng Xiaoxiao looked at Meng ziluo and explained seriously: "brother, don't quarrel with sister Su Ying again."

"Of course, I won't quarrel with her." Meng ziluo said in a deep voice, sighing slightly in the bottom of his heart. As long as Su Ying is well, I'll thank God. How can I quarrel with her?

"Brother, sister Su Ying didn't come back with the Lord for so many days last time because she had a miscarriage and couldn't go." Meng Xiaoxiao said again.

"Miscarriage?" Mencius Luo looked at Meng Xiaoxiao in surprise and couldn't believe it: "you said Su Ying was pregnant?"

"Yes, sister Su Ying was pregnant at that time. Unfortunately, she was caught by those gangsters. She bumped along the way and was frightened, resulting in miscarriage. The doctor said she would stay in bed for half a month, so they delayed coming back for so long." Meng Xiaoxiao told the truth in one breath.

"Those damn bastards!" Meng ziluo was hurt and angry. He squeezed his fists together and scolded angrily.

"He's dead. When the LORD saved sister Su Ying, he killed those damn bastards." Meng Xiaoxiao smiled mischievously and whispered, "brother, she and the Lord... Nothing really happened. Don't blame her."

Mencius Luo was stunned. After a long time, he sighed deeply: "I didn't blame her."

Yes, now, whether Su Ying and Xiao Moxuan happened or not seems not to be the most important thing for him.

He loved Su Ying so much, especially after the event that Su Ying threw herself into the water and was saved this time, his heart experienced the great suffering from hell to heaven in just a few hours. He also recognized Su Ying's indispensable and irreplaceable importance in his life. It was impossible for him to give up Su Ying because she made a mistake.

Suddenly, Mencius Luo felt that he had been very funny before. Always because Su Ying loved Xiao Moxuan, she kept worrying and brooding, which made both of them so painful.

In fact, Su Ying is everything to him. Would he still want her because she loved others? Even if there is another man in her heart besides him, isn't she the one he loves most in his life?

Even if Su Ying still loves others, even if Su Ying wants to leave him, all this is more important than her living well.

As long as she can live happily, that's the most important, isn't it?

Although I think so, I don't intend to tangle with those complicated and unclear past events.

However, after hearing Meng Xiaoxiao say that Su Ying and Xiao Moxuan didn't really happen, Mencius Luo's heart still felt a burst of mixed gratification.

It was like a heavy burden on my heart for a long time, which was suddenly removed, and suddenly relaxed.

Meng Xiaoxiao saw Mencius Luo's look full of emotion. He couldn't help smiling at the corners of his mouth and said happily, "brother, I want to tell you something."

"Xiaoxiao, let's talk later. Can you take me quickly." Mencius Luo was not interested at all. He just wanted to see Su Ying quickly.

At the moment, his heart is like suffering on a hundred stoves. He is eager to see Su Ying. Where is he in the mood to listen to Xiaoxiao's gossip again? But how do you feel that the little girl took him so slowly today?

"Brother, do you really don't listen?" Meng Xiaoxiao blinked his big black eyes and slowly threatened, "don't regret if you don't listen!"

"What's the matter?" Mencius Luo asked when he saw her look strange.

"Ha ha! Great news! You must jump up with joy." Meng Xiaoxiao smiled happily and deliberately sold the pass.

"What's the matter?" Mencius Luo frowned. His naughty sister is too exaggerated. Su Ying has found it. He really can't think of anything else that can make him jump with joy.

"Brother, you're going to be a father! Sister Su Ying already has your baby in her stomach!" Meng Xiaoxiao said cheerfully, beaming with joy.

"What you said is true?" Mencius Luo caught Meng Xiaoxiao at once. He even breathed a little tight. His voice, which had always been calm and calm, became very unstable.

The sudden shock and ecstasy made him not sure whether what he heard was true or not?

"Can I deceive you about this?" Meng Xiaoxiao tooted his mouth, looked at his hand clenching his arm, and muttered discontentedly, "brother, you don't have to hold me so hard when you're excited. Pinch me."

"Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry, I'm so happy." Meng ziluo quickly loosened Meng Xiaoxiao, with a bright smile on his face. He was radiant with great excitement and joy: "where's su Ying? Take me, you're too slow."

"Hehe, didn't you want to talk to you just now? You're in such a hurry, let's run." Meng Xiaoxiao made a mischievous face, picked up his skirt and ran.

Mencius Luo smiled comfortably and ran forward with her.

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