"Why don't you say you're a guest when you take the key in to take a bath? Why don't you say you're unfamiliar?" Meng Xiaoxiao glared at him fiercely and refused impolitely: "take it yourself! I won't serve these things!"

"Take it yourself. You don't have to be so fierce. Alas, a girl is not afraid to marry if she is not a lady." Xiao Molan shook her head with a fake sigh and gently brought the door for her very gentlemanly: "xiaoxiaoxiaoniu, I'll go. You continue to change your clothes. I won't disturb you!"

Meng Xiaoxiao thought and was angry. However, he chased out and shouted, "Xiao Molan, I know you did it on purpose! I warn you, if you don't dare to knock on the door and enter my room again, be careful I'll screw your head off and kick it."

"Oh, the more you say it, the more fierce it is. I dare not, no longer dare! Of course, it's important to protect my life." Xiao Molan stroked his chest exaggeratedly and walked downstairs leisurely.

Meng Xiaoxiao returned to his room and slammed his door. I thought to myself that there is no one in the villa these days. I'm used to it. From now on, I must remember to lock the door at any time.

As a result, I don't know whether I was stimulated by Xiao Molan or what? Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't sleep normally at night. In the middle of the night, she got up again and read for a while. Finally, I don't know what time it was, I turned off the light and fell asleep.

She slept very restlessly and had a lot of dreams in disorder.

In the dream, there seems to be Xiao Mo Xuan and Xiao Mo LAN.

For a moment, Xiao Moxuan was talking to her, and for a moment, he became Xiao Molan. Their two figures overlapped in her dreams, and many things seemed to be coming out. However, it is very vague. I can't see what happened

The next day was a rest day. Anyway, she didn't have to go to work. Meng Xiaoxiao had no burden in her heart and slept very sweet in the morning.

But when I was sleeping comfortably in the dark on the bed, I suddenly heard a loud noise: "xiaoxiaoniu, wake up, wake up! What time do you think it is? I'm starving! Why don't you get up and cook?"

Meng Xiaoxiao was so annoyed that he didn't want to pay attention to him. He covered his head with a towel, turned over and continued to sleep.

"Hey, are you a pig? It's almost eleven o'clock and you're still sleeping?" Xiao Molan was not polite to shout that she didn't wake up. He simply opened her tightly covered towel quilt and shouted in her ear: "Miss, it's time to get up!"

There was such a noisy goods that couldn't be sent away. Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't sleep even if he was a pig. He suddenly opened his eyes.

"Hee hee, Xiaoxiao girl, it's time to get up. I've been waiting for you for a long time." Xiao Molan, dressed in neat clothes, stood by her bed, smiling brightly. Like the warm and cute fresh meat in the youth idol drama, it is so handsome and charming that people can't be forced to look at it.

But at the moment, Meng Xiaoxiao just wanted to smash a teacup on his hateful handsome face and smash off his pretending smile.

She secretly congratulated herself. Fortunately, she was smart last night and wore a more conservative set of pajamas, so that she wouldn't be seen by him.

Meng Xiaoxiao sat up and angrily said, "you forgot what I warned you yesterday, didn't you? I'm sleeping! How did you come in?"

"No, xiaoxiaoniu, I'm wronged. You really wronged me." Xiao Molan blinked innocently and explained solemnly: "At first, I was really waiting for you outside, but you still couldn't get up, so I began to worry. Have you heard of someone falling asleep at night and suddenly whining? I've been thinking about it. I'm really kind to find the key to come in and see you. Besides, I'm hungry..."

"You just fell asleep and whined!" Meng Xiaoxiao was even more angry. He jumped out of bed and shouted angrily at him: "what's my business if you're hungry? Are you still a baby to feed? Waiting for me to feed you?"

"Er..." Xiao Molan looked at her up and down and said slowly, "if you really want to feed me, I don't mind."

Meng Xiaoxiao was stunned and reacted. He grabbed the mobile phone at the head of the bed and smashed it: "get out! My aunt is going to change her clothes!"

"Hey, you're such a hot tempered chick. We were born on the same day in the same year. You don't talk about feelings at all." Xiao Molan accurately caught the mobile phone she hit, put it back in order again, and said with a narrow smile: "Xiaoniu, I'll give you another piece of advice. If you're angry, you can do anything. Don't drop your mobile phone. You have to buy it again if it's broken. It's your own pain. How uneconomical..."

"I must pay you if I break it!" Meng Xiaoxiao fiercely interrupted him, stared round his eyes and said, "don't you go yet?"

"I'll go! I'll go right away!" Xiao Molan took the door and retreated out, not forgetting to shout out: "xiaoxiaoniu, change your clothes quickly, I'll wait for you below."

Meng Xiaoxiao squeezed his fists and took a deep breath. He kept telling himself that such a child was born short of nutrition. He didn't have to be knowledgeable with him, so he didn't rush out to scold him again.

After grooming, Meng Xiaoxiao went downstairs and saw the living treasure lacking nutrition. At the moment, he was leaning comfortably on the sofa and playing mobile games leisurely. Seeing her coming down, he looked up and said hello to her: "Hey, xiaoxiaoniu, it's so beautiful today..."

Meng Xiaoxiao ignored him and went straight to the kitchen.

Although he was upset and miserable by the boy early in the morning and lost interest in doing anything, he still had to eat. Besides, it's almost noon now. She's going to combine three meals into two. Let's just have two meals today.

When I opened the refrigerator, it was empty. There were only a few eggs, a few shallots and a poor bowl of leftovers.

There are few people in the villa these days, so there is no food in the fridge. It is estimated that uncle Cheng was not willing to pour out the leftovers yesterday, so he left them in the refrigerator until now.

Meng Xiaoxiao thought about it and decided to fry an egg rice. It's simple and can fill her stomach. Besides, she also likes fried rice with eggs.

She beat the eggs, cut the scallions, then lit the fire and began to fry the rice.

Meng Xiaoxiao often makes fried egg rice at home and is very experienced. She likes to fry the rice thoroughly, hard, and the rice becomes fragrant and burnt one by one.

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