In front of the stove, the spatula was turning over the ground. Xiao Molan came in and held his arms in front of his chest. He was still so cynical and careless: "xiaoxiaoniu, what are you cooking for me?"

"Right away, go out and wait." Meng Xiaoxiao said without looking back.

"OK!" I heard that there would be delicious food soon. Xiao Molan became very good and quit the kitchen without saying a word.

After Meng Xiaoxiao fried the eggs, he put them in two bowls, took them to the dining room and shouted to the living room, "OK, come and eat!"

Xiao Molan came over excitedly. When he saw the two bowls of lonely egg rice on the table, his dark and beautiful eyebrows suddenly frowned: "just eat this?"

Meng Xiaoxiao really convinced the young master, stared and said, "what else do you want to eat?"

"I'd like ham sandwich, filet mignon, spaghetti with meat sauce, tuna salad, Soderberg, cheese and onion seafood soup..." Xiao Molan said as if he ordered a single order in the restaurant.

"Well, there's nothing you said here, and I won't do it. It's just fried rice with eggs. You can eat it if you want, or pull it down if you don't eat!" Meng Xiaoxiao interrupted him impolitely.

"How can I eat this? I can't eat it when I look at it." Xiao Molan muttered unconvinced.

"I said, that's all I can do. If you like to eat, forget it." Meng Xiaoxiao was angry and didn't bother to pay attention to him again. He took a bowl of egg rice and ate it himself.

Xiao Molan stood by and watched her eat with relish. He didn't look at him anymore. He couldn't help protesting and saying, "Hey, hey, why are you so like this? You only care about yourself. You really don't care about me? It's not interesting enough."

"Didn't I care about you? The egg rice was fried well and brought to you. Who's to blame for your picky choice?" Meng Xiaoxiao gave him a white eye and said angrily, "if you want to eat well, go to the big hotel outside."

"You go out to eat with me." Xiao Molan raised her eyebrows and said righteously: "it's not interesting to eat alone. I'm a guest. You have to accompany me!"

"Cut! You're the only one who treats yourself as a guest." Meng Xiaoxiao disdained and said slowly, "master LAN, your brother told me last night. Don't be too polite to you. If you put forward any unreasonable request, I can refuse!"

"Shit! My brother taught outsiders to deal with me!" Xiao Molan rubbed his hair angrily and complained, "am I kissing him or you kissing him? I don't think he has found out the situation at all."

Meng Xiaoxiao smiled proudly, ignored him, buried his head and continued to eat his delicious fried rice with eggs.

Xiao Molan had no choice. Seeing that she really ate delicious, he couldn't help asking, "is this really so delicious?"

"I don't know." Meng Xiaoxiao didn't lift his eyelids and said forcefully, "anyway, my taste is different from that of your pampered young master. I think it's delicious. Maybe you're not rare at all!"

"Forget it, for your sake, I'd better try it." Xiao Molan found himself a step, said generously, and served a bowl of egg fried rice.

Meng Xiaoxiao secretly held back his smile and deliberately said, "don't force if it's not delicious. I don't cook this meal hard. It doesn't matter if you don't eat it."

This time Xiao Molan didn't speak. At first, he just tasted two tentatively. Unexpectedly, it was really delicious. It was delicious and crispy. It was more delicious than some chefs he had eaten abroad. He ate it in a big gulp.

As a result, he finished a bowl of rice before Meng Xiaoxiao. He picked up every grain of rice and asked, "is there any more?"

"No, just this rice, one bowl for each person." Meng Xiaoxiao replied simply.

"What's the matter? I'm not full at all, and you cook too cheaply." Xiao Molan complained.

Meng Xiaoxiao wanted to tease him again, but after all, she was kind-hearted. In addition, since she saw him yesterday, she always seemed to have a special feeling for him. She didn't want to make him hungry. She pointed to her bowl and said, "I still have it here. If you want to eat, I'll give it to you."

"What do you eat?" asked Xiao Molan.

"Girls eat less, I don't eat much." Meng Xiaoxiao said lightly.

Xiao Molan looked at her seriously, and then said without face: "cut, who wants what you've eaten? I don't eat it. It's not hygienic at all!"

After that, he got up lazily, stood up and left the dining room leisurely.

Meng Xiaoxiao bit his teeth angrily and said angrily in his heart: boy, if I have the slightest kindness and softness to you in the future, I really don't have a surname Meng!

After eating fried rice, Meng Xiaoxiao washed the dishes, cleaned up the kitchen and came to the living room.

Xiao Molan, who was ready to go, warmly welcomed him: "xiaoxiaoniu, how did you arrange it today?"

The bright smile, confident expression and intimate tone seemed to forget that they had an unpleasant argument just now, but they were their best friends.

Meng Xiaoxiao pursed his lips silently, and said indifferently, "collect the room, wash clothes and sleep."

Xiao Molan raised his eyebrows as if he couldn't believe it: "do you spend a weekend like this? Don't go out?"

"Yes." Meng Xiaomo spit out two words without expression.

"Tut Tut, I really doubt if you are from the same era as me?" Xiao Molan exaggerated smacked his lips and said sarcastically: "it looks very smart. How can you be more antique than some aunts and aunts?"

"I'm just like this!" Meng Xiaoxiao said coldly, "where do you want to play? Hurry up and don't waste time with me!"

"No, what's the point of going out alone? I want you to accompany me." Xiao Molan said, holding Meng Xiaoxiao carelessly and smiling: "come on, xiaoxiaoniu, I'm not familiar with many places in the mausoleum. Take me around."

"What are you doing?" Meng Xiaoxiao pushed him away and warned fiercely, "please pay attention! Don't start with me!"

"I knew you would react like this." Xiao Molan shrugged his shoulders disapprovingly and smiled: "well, I don't move. However, as a good friend with a lot of fate, do you really have the obligation to be a good guide for me, a newcomer?"

"Who is your good friend with a lot of fate?" Meng Xiaoxiao gave him a white eye and said mercilessly, "it's better to be down-to-earth. Don't be too amorous!"

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