The phone rang just in time. She took it out and answered it. There came Gu Beiye's pleasant voice as warm as jade: "Xiaoxiao, Happy Mid Autumn Festival."

"Thank you, have fun." Meng Xiaoxiao's heart flashed a soft warmth and narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Where are you now?" Gu Beiye asked.

"Me..." Meng Xiaoxiao was about to say that in the office, and felt that Gu Beiye would be surprised, so he paused, turned a conversation and asked, "Why are you asking?"

"Hehe, I haven't asked you out for a long time. It's a good day today. I was thinking, would you like to invite you to dinner?" Gu Beiye said with a smile.

During this period of time, because he was too busy, he didn't get in touch with Meng Xiaoxiao much and didn't meet much. Today's holiday, the busy work at hand finally came to an end, so I thought about asking Meng Xiaoxiao out to play.

Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't help feeling for a moment. Gu Beiye is really a considerate timely rain. She was just wondering what to eat at night? He just called and said he would invite her to dinner. It was amazing.

She rushed to say yes, but on second thought, her sister-in-law Bai Jie seemed to have said that Gu Beiye's father was the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Lingcheng city. Then his home must be in the mausoleum. Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. It's a family reunion day. He should also stay at home to eat with his parents, instead of going out to eat with her

So, after hesitation, Meng Xiaoxiao told a small lie: "I'm at home now. Today's Mid Autumn Festival, I'm going to eat at home."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Let's go out after dinner that night." Gu Beiye expected this answer and smiled faintly.

"Well, OK." Meng Xiaoxiao nodded and said.

Anyway, she has no other place to go. What she can go back is Yindu garden. However, even if you go back there, it's still cold and empty. It's better to play outside with Gu Beiye alone.

That night, Meng Xiaoxiao ate a bowl of noodles at random in a small noodle shop, and then wandered aimlessly in the street.

Fortunately, Gu Beiye soon called and they met at an appointment. Meng Xiaoxiao pretended to have just come out and didn't say a word about the unpleasant things that happened in his family.

They went to the central square together. On the night of the festival, the square is brightly lit, full of lovers walking tenderly, or a family playing intimately. The breeze is clear and the moon is clear, the scenery is beautiful on a beautiful day, and the atmosphere is very good.

As usual, Meng Xiaoxiao and Gu Beiye had a very happy chat. However, when Gu Beiye tentatively mentioned the key topic, Meng Xiaoxiao politely avoided it, and Gu Beiye wisely stopped talking.

In fact, Meng Xiaoxiao really thinks Gu Beiye is very good. She has no unrealistic expectations for Xiao Moxuan and has no intention to continue to be infatuated with him. It's just that I don't know about feelings.

Now it seems difficult for her to accept the love of another man immediately. Maybe all they need is some time

That day, they didn't play outside very late. Later, they had a snack at a night market stall. Gu Beiye sent Meng Xiaoxiao back to Yindu garden.

Opening the closed door, a gorgeous and spacious but empty house appeared in front of her, with a cold and lonely breath.

Meng Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly and changed her shoes. She nestled on the sofa and didn't want to move.

At this moment, she is very grateful to Gu Beiye for spending a happy night with her, so that her sad Mid Autumn Festival is no longer so lonely. At the same time, I feel very sad that I can only take Yindu garden as the only place to live

The next day was still a rest day, but it rained. The rustling autumn wind mixed with autumn rain "ticking ticking" hit the window, making people suddenly feel the chill of autumn.

Meng Xiaoxiao didn't want to go out even more. He slept in bed almost all morning. At noon, he got up and got something to eat. He went back to bed and continued to read.

The harsh phone ring rang at this moment. Meng Xiaoxiao picked it up and found that it was his brother Meng Donghua.

My brother usually doesn't contact her. After my sister-in-law had a quarrel with her at home yesterday, she felt that my brother wouldn't take the initiative to find her. Now I suddenly called. What's the matter?

Meng Xiaoxiao thought in doubt while pressing the answer button: "Hello, brother."

"Xiaoxiao, come to the hospital... Grandma can't..." the phone is very noisy. My brother's intermittent voice sounds very anxious and tired.

He said something later. Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't hear a word clearly. His ears were buzzing. I just felt that a spiritual pillar that had supported her for a long time collapsed suddenly, as if it had emptied her whole body and made her unable to speak.

Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't figure out how he got to the hospital? In my mind, I couldn't sort out a normal clue. I could calmly wave and stop the car, clearly say the name of the hospital to the driver, and haven't forgotten to bring an umbrella

However, even if she answered the phone and came as fast as she could, she still saw her grandmother covered with white cloth.

Grandma's thin body, flat on the white bed of the hospital, looked so weak and desolate.

When Meng Xiaoxiao saw this scene, his legs were too soft to walk, and the whole person was stunned. Even tears couldn't fall down, as if they all flowed back into her heart and turned into blood, gurgling and dripping at the bottom of her heart

She walked over with stiff steps and lifted the white cloth over grandma's face with trembling hands.

Yes, this is grandma, but it's not.

Because in this world, there is no living grandmother who affectionately called her granddaughter, spoke kindly to her, patiently taught her to do things. Now lying here is just a lifeless body without any induction

"Grandma! Grandma!" Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't hold on any longer. The tears in her heart just now seemed to find a way to break through, fell down on Grandma's cold body and burst into tears.

Her heart rending, heartbroken cry made all the doctors, nurses, patients and family members around sigh. They all lamented in their hearts that the granddaughter of this family is really filial, but it's a pity that she didn't catch up with the last time to see her grandmothe

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