Finally, Meng Xiaoxiao was pulled up from her grandmother by her brother and the doctor.

The dead are gone, and no amount of sadness and sadness can be recovered. The rest is to deal with the aftermath for grandma.

During the wake at night, Meng Xiaoxiao's mind finally calmed down a little. Looking at her brother who was also sad, she asked hoarsely, "why did grandma suddenly do this? When I went back yesterday, I was all right. Why did I suddenly... No?"

"After you left yesterday, grandma was not very comfortable and didn't eat dinner." Meng Donghua sighed heavily, full of fatigue and regret: "today she has been in a bad mood. At noon, your sister-in-law called her to eat, they argued again, and then grandma..."

Just a few words? My brother argued a few words at this time, which is likely to be a big quarrel.

Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't listen anymore. He rushed to Bai Jie sitting on one side. His eyes were red and swollen with tears and burst out an angry flame: "sister-in-law, it's you who made grandma angry! Is your heart made of meat? Knowing that Grandma had just had heart surgery, you're still angry with her every day! Are you human?"

Bai Jie turned her face with some guilty conscience, but she still argued forcefully: "I didn't say anything. Grandma is in poor health and can't carry this barrier. Why do you blame me?"

"I don't care! You did this to grandma! You killed grandma! You compensate my grandma! You compensate my grandma!" Meng Xiaoxiao lost control again, holding his face in his hands and crying.

Yes, if she had known so, she wouldn't have left home in such a hurry yesterday.

Even if Bai Jie said it badly and did it too much, she would honestly endure, eat with her grandmother and have a good mid autumn festival with her grandmother.

If she had known this would happen, she should have picked up grandma early.

Although the conditions are bitter, life is worse. However, with her care and company, at least, grandma will not die so early and regretfully. At least, they can take care of each other and keep warm.

Unfortunately, it's too late now. God is cruel. Even Grandma didn't let her accompany her at the last moment in the world.

No matter how much regret, no matter how much sadness, you can't call back the grandmother who once hurt her and loved her. From now on, she will be more lonely and helpless in this world

Grandma's funeral was very simple. She had no job before her death, and there were no more relatives in their family. There was no need for any grand memorial ceremony. The day after his death, he was cremated directly.

Then, we went to the bought cemetery, burial, monument erection, paper burning and whip laying... All carried out according to the procedure of Chinese people's death. When everything was finished, it was dusk and it was almost evening.

The autumn rain is still falling continuously. Playing on Meng Xiaoxiao's small umbrella also seemed to hit her broken heart. It was wet and couldn't see any sunshine

Coming down from the cemetery, Meng Donghua looked at Meng Xiaoxiao, who looked pale and haggard, and whispered, "go home and have dinner."

"No, you go back. I'll go back to where I work." Meng Xiaoxiao said numbly.

That family, it was because of her grandmother that she always thought about it. Now, grandma is gone, and her only thoughts and thoughts are gone.

Besides, grandma's accident has a direct relationship with her sister-in-law Bai Jie. Maybe she won't go back in the future

Foolishly back to Yindu garden villa, Xiao Moxuan and they have come back. Because they have to work tomorrow, their plan is to come back this afternoon. They had just arrived and were all sitting in the living room.

However, uncle Cheng is in Guangzhou. Xiao Moxuan has given him a long holiday and will not come back now.

Seeing Meng Xiaoxiao walking into the gate half wet, Li Jiaxue widened her eyes in disgust and displeasure: "where have you been? Didn't you say to make dinner for us today? Why did you come in later than us?"

"Sorry, Miss Li, I'm in a bad mood today. I can't cook dinner. You go out to eat." Meng Xiaoxiao replied coldly. After changing his slippers, he was ready to go upstairs.

"In a bad mood?" Li Jiaxue immediately raised her beautiful eyebrows, as if she had heard the biggest joke in the world: "Xiaoxiao, I think you haven't figured out whether you're here to be a servant or a young lady? If you're in a bad mood, you want to do nothing? Do you know? With your words, I can deduct your salary!"

"Buckle it. Anyway, I won't cook dinner today." Meng Xiaoxiao glanced at her indifferently and walked upstairs with heavy steps.

"Hey, what's your attitude?" Li Jiaxue didn't expect Meng Xiaoxiao to be so tough today. She wasn't even afraid of deducting the money she cared about most before. She also felt that she had finally caught a trace of her problem and shouted angrily: "I asked you to do things. Now it seems that she wants to offer you as a Bodhisattva?"

Meng Xiaoxiao didn't seem to hear it. He ignored her and went upstairs directly.

"Cut! It's getting too much! Meng Xiaoxiao, if you don't want to do it, just say it. What's this weird?" Li Jiaxue was so angry that her face turned red and white. She stood up at once, as if she wanted to catch up with Meng Xiaoxiao.

"Forget it, Xueer." Xiao Moxuan snapped and stopped her. He raised his eyes and looked at the small, slender figure slowly disappearing at the corner of the stairs. A trace of doubt and worry flashed at the bottom of his heart: what's the matter with her? His face was so bad, his eyes were blue, his face was gloomy, his voice was hoarse, and he seemed very tired. Was he ill again?

"Brother Xuan, you protect her every time, so she has more and more courage." Li Jiaxue sat down unhappily and muttered angrily, "she should have cooked for us. If she didn't do it, she wouldn't do it. How can there be such a truth?"

"I'll eat out today. Gao Yue, you drive." Xiao Moxuan took back his mind that had just been disturbed. His tone was light, but he showed irresistible toughness. Then he got up and stood up: "I'll go upstairs and change my clothes."

Li Jiaxue watched him stride upstairs without hesitation. Although she was suspicious, she didn't dare to catch up immediately. She had to bite her lips reluctantly and said secretly in her heart: as long as you don't go to find the fox spirit

Xiao Moxuan went upstairs and went to Meng Xiaoxiao's room. After a little hesitation, he still unscrewed the door.

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