What do you mean? Mi Xiaoqiao bit his lips and didn't speak, but his eyes couldn't help but turn red again.

When she used to watch a dream of Red Mansions, she always thought Lin Daiyu was too delicate and sentimental. But now, she seems to suddenly understand all Lin Daiyu's feelings at that time. It's really hard to feel the feeling of being surrounded by others

"Xiao Qiao, it's wrong for me to do that this afternoon. I apologize. Don't cry any more, will you?" looking at Mi Xiaoqiao's wronged and sad appearance, Meng Feifan felt pain and regret in his heart. He couldn't care about his damn face any more and said sincerely and gently.

"I didn't cry." Mi Xiaoqiao turned around, raised the back of his hand and rubbed his sour eyes.

What a stubborn silly girl. Meng Feifan shook his head helplessly and couldn't help himself any more. He stepped forward and held her hand: "it's me. I admit my mistake, but do you know why I'm so angry?"

"Mr. Meng, you're right. That's the truth." Mi xiaoqiaomo said expressionless, and drew back his hand without showing any trace: "if the president has nothing else, I want to rest."

What is this? A clear and unmistakable departure order? Meng Feifan picked a dark sword eyebrow, endured the impulse to leave and said patiently, "can you listen to me?"

He admitted that at this moment, the girl successfully hit his always proud self-esteem. He really didn't receive such a cold reception in front of anyone.

However, who makes him like her? If you like her, you have to let her, spoil her, accommodate her and tolerate her, don't you?

"I won't listen!" Mi Xiaoqiao lowered his head, covered his ears and said loudly, "I'll go to work tomorrow. Now I'm going to sleep."

Meng Feifan stared at Mi Xiaoqiao like a wayward child. She couldn't bear it. She pulled her hand off her ear and held it tightly in her hand: "you have to listen!"

"If you don't listen, you just don't listen! You will force others to listen to you. No matter what others feel, you are a bully and villain!" Mi Xiaoqiao suddenly became excited and tried hard to take back his hand, but he couldn't move. Tears fell down and confused his face.

"Yes, I'm a bad man, I'm very bad." Meng Feifan sighed gently and tried to hoop the crying girl into his arms: "but this bad man will become like that because he likes you. He likes you very much, very much, so much that he will be jealous when he sees you with any other man. Do you understand?"

"What?" Mi Xiaoqiao forgot to cry, raised his big eyes with blurred tears and looked at Meng Feifan in a daze.

"Silly girl, I said I like you, so I was so impulsive in the afternoon." Meng Fanfan spoiled and printed a kiss on her smooth forehead, and said softly, "don't be angry, okay?"

"You..." Mi Xiaoqiao was completely stupid, this bad man!

Isn't she supposed to be having trouble with him? She had already thought about it. In the future, except for work, she would never say a word to him again, and she would never believe his hypocritical rhetoric.

But now, why did he confess to her tenderly? It's true? Or, her momentary illusion

She blinked uneasily, only feeling that nothing was right. Everything seems to deviate from their expected track, but they don't know how to recover?

This confused look made Meng extraordinary's heart and soul ripple. He tightened the girl's waist, bent down his face and caught her rosy pink lips like cherries without hesitation

The girl's lips are soft and fragrant, with nectar like sweetness. People don't want to let go when they meet them.

Meng Feifan felt that his heart was going to be drunk. He kissed her carefully, lingering and gentle. Taste the beauty between her lips and teeth bit by bit, not willing to work too hard.

This is his favorite little cute. She is now in his arms, so good and so sweet, and he will never let her go again

Mi Xiaoqiao's brain began to dizzy again, confused and chaotic. It's like being full of messy cotton, unable to catch a clear clue, confused and disordered.

Under his persistent and gentle leadership, unconsciously, she began to respond to him uncontrollably.

The girl's response made Meng Feifan ecstatic. His actions became warm. He kissed her emotionally and whispered excitedly: "Xiao Qiao, I love you..."

This sentence suddenly woke up Mi Xiaoqiao, who was intoxicated in the confusion and agitation. She remembered that someone had kissed her so gently, and someone had said to her so affectionately and infinitely: I love you

However, in the end, the person who said he would love her forever hurt her severely and gave her the heaviest and most painful blow. Let her still dare not recall that scene. When she thought about it, it was a pain in her heart

Now, the same scene seems to have happened again, but the actor has changed. And this man is richer and more dangerous than Xia Lingfei

"Let go of me!" reason returned to MI Xiaoqiao's mind in an instant. She struggled fiercely and pushed Meng Feifan away with all her strength.

"Xiao Qiao, I'm serious..." Meng Feifan didn't know, so he tried to hold her again.

"Don't touch me!" cried Mi Xiaoqiao sharply. He stepped back several steps and kept a distance from him.

"What's the matter, Little Joe?" looking at the girl who has become as crazy as a little wild cat in an instant, Meng Feifan's heart is confused, anxious and hurt. The tenderness just now seems to stay between her lips. How can she say that she turned her face and turned her face?

Mi Xiaoqiao calmed his rapid breathing and heartbeat, said coldly and clearly, "President Meng, I want to make it clear to you that I came here and I agreed to be your secretary because you helped me. Now I just want to work hard to pay off the money. I don't want to consider anything else. Please respect me."

Respect? Meng Feifan rubbed the corners of his forehead, hiding the helpless bitterness under his eyes.

Doesn't he respect her enough? He loved her so much and cared about her so much. Almost all her smiles and smiles had been integrated into the depths of his heart and soul.

He had never been so careful with anyone. He wanted to be nice to her all the time, and he was afraid that he would scare her too abruptly. However, she still thinks that he is offending her

When Mi Xiaoqiao saw Meng extraordinary's expression, he suddenly became bleak. The strong and domineering man seemed to be shrouded in a layer of loneliness.

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