He didn't speak any more, but looked down at her quietly, with deep sadness and pain in his eyes.

The black eyes, as deep and bright as black jade, almost absorbed Mi Xiaoqiao's soul.

She felt herself vulnerable and helpless under his deep and stubborn gaze. The indifference and calmness she had just managed to arm were about to collapse. She quickly bit her lips and said, "I want to sleep."

"Good night." Meng Fanfan whispered two words, turned and walked out of the room.

Mi Xiaoqiao silently went to the dressing table and sat down. He opened the drawer and took out a delicate brocade box.

Open it gently. Inside, there is the shining diamond ring, which Xia Lingfei gave her. Now look again, the heart is still pricking like a needle.

Seeing the ring, she seemed to be able to see the first sweet kiss between her and Xia Lingfei on that summer afternoon. She seemed to see Xia Lingfei put on the ring for her affectionately and said to her tenderly: Xiao Qiao, I love you forever, and only you can be my bride.

But now, where is that man? Where has he been since her mother had an accident and she needed him most? Not only did he not appear, but when she finally found him, she added a cruel knife to her scarred heart.

Men are probably good at disguise and rhetoric. This ring, it's time to give up

Mi Xiaoqiao smiled sadly and bitterly. Tears rolled down again, gradually more and more, and finally couldn't help crying

Meng Feifan didn't leave immediately after he went out. He still stood at the door of MI Xiaoqiao's room nostalgically. His heart surged and couldn't calm down for a long time.

He didn't expect that under such circumstances today, he spoke his heart to MI Xiaoqiao, showed his affection to her, and kissed her.

At that time, he felt that the little girl accepted him and didn't resist at all. It was obvious that she was still addicted and intoxicated with him

But later, she became so cold as ice and refused people thousands of miles away. Alas, a woman's heart is really a cloud in the sky. It can never be understood.

Maybe I was too abrupt and really scared her.

Her mother has just had an accident and is in a bad mood. She needs time and space to digest all this. He should be patient, guard her and wait for her.

Meng Fanfan thought that his perfect handsome face showed a soft smile like the spring breeze blowing willows.

Yes, he is confident. The little white rabbit doesn't feel nothing about him. However, he is not ready to accept him. He can wait and is willing to wait

At this time, Meng Feifan suddenly heard a low, repressed cry from the room.

His heart immediately picked up with the cry, hesitated for a moment, and still unscrewed the door.

He saw Mi Xiaoqiao lying on the Milky dresser, crying out of breath. She had a delicate diamond ring on her hand.

Meng Feifan's eyebrows were suddenly twisted into a knot. There were bitter ripples in his heart. I can't tell what it was like?

He is no stranger to this diamond ring.

I remember that night at the Imperial Hotel, he saw Mi Xiaoqiao throw the ring to the man named Xia Lingfei with grief and anger. Now, is she crying so sad for him?

Alas, silly girl, is it worth it for a man who doesn't know how to cherish you? I'm so kind to you. Why can't you see?

Meng Feifan sighed with an inaudible sigh, didn't speak, and gently took the door.

If it's for that man, let her cry for a while. After crying, it's time to put it down

This night, MI Xiaoqiao didn't sleep well.

She had many strange dreams. First, she dreamed that she was with her mother.

My mother is still so young, beautiful and charming. She took her on the bustling street. Constantly asked her what she liked, bought her a lot of favorite snacks and beautiful clothes

But suddenly, my mother disappeared, leaving only a stream of vehicles and strange people on the street.

Mi Xiaoqiao was shocked and shouted desperately, "Mom! Mom!"

At this time, a pair of generous big hands stretched out in front of her. It turned out to be Xia Lingfei. He smiled at her gently, and his eyes were as warm as the spring sun.

Mi Xiaoqiao quickly grabbed him and begged: I want to find my mother and take me to see my mother.

However, Xia Lingfei suddenly pushed her away and said coldly: I never loved you! Don't pester me!

The world suddenly became dark and there was nothing around. Mi Xiaoqiao seemed to fall into an endless black abyss.

She tried to catch a little support, but she couldn't catch anything. It seemed that she heard her mother calling her, but when she opened her eyes, she couldn't see her mother, so she couldn't stop crying: "Mom, mom..."

In the continuous nightmare, MI Xiaoqiao was in a cold sweat all over, and his face was full of tears

I don't know how long she cried. She felt that she was held in a warm embrace. A voice kept whispering in her ear: "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm here..."

"Mom, are you here?" Mi Xiaoqiao murmured in a dream, greedily closer to the warm direction: "accompany me... Don't go again..."

"Yes, don't go, Little Joe, you sleep at ease..." the voice comforted her gently, patting her back with her palm, like coaxing a restless child.

Mi Xiaoqiao's heart gradually settled down. She hugged the body that made her feel dependent and relaxed, and fell asleep vaguely

Seeing that the girl in her arms finally fell asleep, Meng Feifan breathed a sigh of relief and gently wiped away the tears left on her cheeks with her fingers.

He had never loved his little white rabbit so much as at this moment.

He didn't sleep well tonight. When he left the little girl's room, her sad cry affected his heart. Of course, he couldn't rest assured and always paid attention to the movement here.

Sure enough, in the dead of night, he heard her scream and her cry. So he rushed in and saw her struggling helplessly and crying in the nightmare

The girl lost her father since childhood. Now, her only dependent family - her mother can't take care of and protect her. She is really pathetic... Meng Feifan fondled Mi Xiaoqiao's soft black hair and swore in his heart: be good to her, be good to he

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