"Where are you going now?" asked Mi Xiaoqiao with a cold face.

"Xishan Park, didn't we agree?" Meng Feifan has completely recovered as if nothing had happened.

"Don't you want to see Guan Sasha?" Xiaoqiao's face was even worse.

"Cheng bin will handle it." Meng Feifan's voice and color are indifferent.

"Why are you so cold-blooded? A girl committed suicide for you and is now lying in the hospital. You don't care and want to play by yourself. Don't you even have a little sympathy?" Mi Xiaoqiao raised his tone. He didn't know why he was so excited and angry?

"She doesn't know how to cherish her life. You showed me what she can say?" Meng Feifan was unmoved. Her beautiful and invincible face showed a clear coldness: "She knew for a long time that I had no feelings for her, and she knew that what I hated most was that women were crying and pestering men. Now she suddenly committed suicide and asked me to see her. Unfortunately, I didn't have the good interest to play the play with her. For the woman who wanted to threaten me with death, I had only four words for her. It was foolish."

"You..." Mi Xiaoqiao was angry and blocked, and asked aggressively: "How can you say that? Is she threatening you? She just despair because she can't get your love, and she can't think of doing something stupid for a moment. I ask you, if she didn't find out by the nanny, she really died? Can you still be so calm? Can you still be so indifferent? Can't your conscience be touched? You're really chilling!"

"Oh, do you really want me to see her?" Meng Feifan sighed and asked in a low voice, "Joel, do you want me to comfort other women? Give others a little of my wholehearted love for you?"

"I just wanted you to see her, but I didn't say I wanted you to love her," said Mi Xiaoqiao.

"But have you ever thought about it? If I compromised because of her suicide this time, I really saw her in the past. She is likely to do it again and again in the future." Meng extraordinary looked serious and said in a straight face: "Emotional matters are most taboo. I don't love her at all, and I can't share my love for you with others. The so-called long pain is better than short pain. It's better to let her completely die this time and don't expect anything. Moreover, after this suicide incident, I believe she will know the value of life and won't do such a stupid thing easily."

"Anyway, it's too ruthless for you to be so indifferent." Mi Xiaoqiao still disagreed and said angrily: "I really feel sad for the women who used to be with you. If it were me, I would never commit suicide, but would try to make myself better than you."

Seeing Mi Xiaoqiao's indignant appearance, Meng Feifan couldn't help smiling and embracing her spoiled: "of course you're different, baby, you're the most different, and I'm absolutely reluctant to let you have a little sadness."

Mi Xiaoqiao was silent and said softly, "forget it, you don't want to see her. I'll go and see her."

"What are you going to do?" Meng Feifan frowned with a thick black sword eyebrow and obviously disapproved: "she has been out of the performing arts circle since she was 16. She is very smart. You are not the same kind of people at all, Joel. You don't have to worry too much about her."

"We are all women." Mi Xiaoqiao sank his face again and said unhappily, "she is like this now. Even if you don't care, at least it is related to you. Last night, I contacted her for a while and felt that she was actually very poor. Infatuation is not her fault. I went to see her and did a good deed for you."

"Joe, I don't need you to help me with such a good deed." Meng Feifan said with a bitter smile.

"But I can't be so cold-blooded!" Mi Xiaoqiao raised her eyebrows and said coldly, "which hospital is she in? Take me there."

"Oh, Joel, what do you want me to do with you?" Meng Fanfan sighed and said, "haven't you thought about it? Her identity is so sensitive and it's a publicized suicide. I don't know how many reporter fans are around the hospital and ward? Don't you push yourself to the cusp of the storm in the past?"

Mi Xiaoqiao thought for a moment. Although he thought Meng Feifan was reasonable, he still stubbornly said, "anyway, I want to see her. I can also tell people that I am her fan."

Staring at her silently for a while, Meng Feifan reluctantly gave way: "well, I'll go with you."

"No, you're not going. You go with me to be more publicity, and maybe even more stimulation to her." Mi Xiaoqiao thought for a moment and said solemnly, "I thought about it. I'll go not only to see her, but also to enlighten her, cheer her up and start a new life in the future."

Meng Feifan bowed his head and kissed her lovingly. He said emotionally, "Joel, you are really my kindest good Joel. How can I not love you?"

"It's not the boring thing you caused!" Mi Xiaoqiao blushed and said angrily.

But Mi Xiaoqiao insisted that Meng Fanfan sent her to the first hospital.

When getting off the bus, MI Xiaoqiao asked Meng Feifan to go back first. Although she was not sure how long she would stay here, she felt that she wouldn't come out too early.

After buying a bunch of flowers in the nearby florist, MI Xiaoqiao went directly into a medical inpatient department.

Guan Sasha is a film and television star. Of course, the news of hospitalization is a sensation. Without much trouble, MI Xiaoqiao found out where her ward was.

However, at the door of the ward, she was stopped by someone from the agency. They accepted her flowers and politely told her that Miss Guan's current physical condition was not suitable for meeting anyone.

Mi Xiaoqiao knew that they regarded themselves as ordinary fans. After thinking about it, he said, "I'm miss Guan's friend. Please convey it. My name is Mi and I came to see her."

The man from the brokerage company went in and soon came out and said, "Miss Guan, please go in."

Walking into Guan Sasha's ward, MI Xiaoqiao found that the treatment of stars was really different from that of ordinary people's Congress.

This is a very luxurious large suite, spacious and bright, and all kinds of facilities should be complete. The room is full of flowers and fruit baskets, and even expensive exquisite gifts from fans.

Guan Sasha lay pale in bed, looking haggard and helpless. Next to a worried middle-aged couple, MI Xiaoqiao guessed that they might be Guan Sasha's parents.

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