"Miss Guan." Mi Xiaoqiao went to the bed and shouted softly.

"Miss MI, thank you for coming to see me." Guan Sasha reluctantly smiled at Mi Xiaoqiao and said to her parents, "Dad, mom, this is Mr. Meng's current girlfriend, Miss MI. Go out first. I want to talk to miss Mi alone."

When her parents heard her daughter say so, they couldn't help but look at Mi Xiaoqiao carefully, with both examination and dissatisfaction in their eyes.

Mi Xiaoqiao didn't expect Guan Sasha to introduce herself to her parents, so she smiled awkwardly.

Guan Sasha's parents took the door of the ward and withdrew. Guan Sasha sat up supporting her body. It seemed that she had regained the reserve of some stars. She smiled and said, "Miss MI, sit down."

Mi Xiaoqiao sat down in a chair beside her bed and said frankly, "Miss Guan, why do you do this? It's the stupidest and not worth it to hurt yourself or even give up life for a man who doesn't love himself."

"But I can't help thinking about him. I fantasize that this may call back a trace of his nostalgia for me." Guan Sasha said sadly, and tears fell down her pale and bloodless cheek: "who knows, I can't even die for him to see me..."

"Oh, Miss Guan, I'd like to be more open in the future. Love can't come by praying. You've played so many emotional plays, and you should know that if a man's heart is gone, it's useless to complain and cry. It's better to live a good life and live a proud style, which may make people look up to him." Mi Xiaoqiao sighed low, Pass her a paper towel: "you are still so young and your career is booming. Cheer up and face life actively. You will harvest your own beautiful love in the future."

"I know all these reasons, but I just can't stop loving him..." Guan Sasha held her face in her hands and burst into tears: "I can really die for him. Why is he so cruel to me..."

"When a man doesn't love a woman, he can really be cruel." Mi Xiaoqiao sighed again and said sincerely, "Miss Guan, don't be stupid again. This can only make you fall into endless pain and can't recover anything. Try to forget those unhappy past and start your new life."

Guan Shasha cried sadly for a long time before wiping away her tears. She looked at Mi Xiaoqiao with a strange look: "Miss MI, why did you tell me this? Shouldn't we be lovers? Don't you have any hostility towards me?"

"Because we are all women, because I can understand your desperate state of mind." Mi Xiaoqiao smiled faintly and said frankly, "I can't say I like you very much, but there is absolutely no hostility. If I can help you out of this wandering and depressed dead end, I will help you."

"Miss MI, no wonder Meng always treats you so well. You are really different from ordinary women." Guan Sasa said with infinite emotion and asked uncertainly, "can we be friends?"

"Of course," said Mi Xiaoqiao, slightly stunned.

"Thank you, Miss MI. You are really a kind and lovely girl." Guan Sasha seemed to calm down completely. In her gloomy eyes, she radiated some beautiful looks again: "I want to go to the bathroom. Can you help me?"

Mi Xiaoqiao quickly got up and helped Guan Sasha out of bed. However, at this time, something completely unexpected happened to her.

Guan Sasha stood by the bed and didn't move around, but suddenly reached out and grabbed a sharp fruit knife on the bedside table and quickly aimed at her own body.

"What are you going to do?!" Mi Xiaoqiao was shocked and took the knife in her hand without thinking.

"Miss MI, you are really good, but I can't help but hate you." Guan Sasha looked at Mi Xiaoqiao almost calmly. A strange and endless smile appeared on her charming face: "since he can't love me, I don't want him to love you smoothly."

Then she grabbed the tip of the knife and stabbed herself in the abdomen, then exclaimed loudly, "Miss MI, what are you doing? No... come on! Help me..."

When Mi Xiaoqiao didn't react, the door of the ward opened and closed. Sasha's parents and the staff of the brokerage company rushed in together.

The scene in the house surprised everyone. Guan Sasha curled up in bed in great pain, with blood dripping on her clothes and gurgling blood coming out of her abdomen.

And Mi Xiaoqiao, pale, stood by the bed. In his hand, he was holding the cold fruit knife, and there were red blood drops on the tip of the knife.

Guan Sasha's father took the lead in responding, rushed over, hugged his daughter and shouted, "call the doctor!"

Everyone was in a hurry. Guan Sasha weakly opened her eyes and said angrily, "Dad, mom... I didn't expect Miss Mi to hate me so much. I've broken up with President Meng and won't pester him again, but... She still won't let me go..."

"Sasha, stop, stop, you have a good rest, and the doctor will come soon." looking at her daughter's miserable and helpless appearance, Guan Sasha's mother shed distressed tears and looked at Mi Xiaoqiao with resentment: "the person who hurt you, we won't let her go!"

"I didn't hurt your daughter! She did it herself!" said Mi Xiaoqiao excitedly.

She was still immersed in extreme shock and consternation. She couldn't believe that there were such crazy and terrible women in the world? I stabbed myself and planted it on her?

She experienced these vulgar scenes that seemed to happen only in TV dramas.

Guan Sasha, she really deserves to be a popular film and television star. Mi Xiaoqiao finally saw her skillful acting skills with his own eyes today. He had to admire and marvel

"Miss MI, the fact is in front of everyone. Do you still want to deny it?" Guan Sasha's father stood up and looked at Mi Xiaoqiao angrily and disgustedly: "something happened to my daughter not long after you came in. You still have a knife in your hand. So many people have seen it. There are both witness and material evidence. What else do you have to argue?"

"I didn't! I really didn't! She stabbed herself. I took the knife just because I took it from her hand!" Mi Xiaoqiao eagerly defended, feeling that he was plunged into a chaotic dark abyss again.

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