"Auntie must want you to raise it well and give the baby enough milk." Mi Xiaoqiao smiled and comforted her: "don't worry, even if you get a little fat now, when the baby is big, it will naturally lose weight."

"Alas, it's really hard to be a woman." Ye Feifei complained with emotion, quite indignant: "it's still a man who pays the most. He can be a comfortable father without suffering any hardship."

"Feifei, isn't it painful to have children?" seeing that his good friend, who always laughs and doesn't care about anything, MI Xiaoqiao asked with worry.

"Of course, that kind of pain is unimaginable. I thought at that time that Fang Rui should have a taste of it. If he dares to be bad to me in the future, I have to kill him!" Ye Feifei said with a flying face. Suddenly, she found a look of fear in MI Xiaoqiao's eyes and quickly smiled and said: "Little Joe, you're not married yet. I won't scare you, lest you dare not be a mother at that time."

"But... It really hurts. I've seen it in books and on TV." Mi Xiaoqiao frowned and felt that having a child was a terrible thing.

"Oh, it's okay. It's exaggerated in books and on TV. What I told you just now is also exaggerated." Ye Feifei smiled and said carelessly: "In fact, it's the same truth that having children is familiar. Although there will be some pain, it's generally tolerable. Just bear it, and a white and fat baby will come out. Don't you think it's good that so many women have become mothers smoothly?"

"Then what you just said was so scary! It made me have premarital panic disorder." Mi Xiaoqiao gave her a white eye.

"Ha ha, I'm used to saying it. Now I say these words as soon as I see Fang Rui. Fang Rui doesn't dare to say anything to me." Ye Feifei smiles happily.

Fang Rui and ye Feifei spent a whole day at home. After dinner, MI Xiaoqiao and Meng Feifan said goodbye to them and happily returned to the Jingyuan villa.

Out of the door of the Fang family, Meng Feifan affectionately hugged Mi Xiaoqiao and asked very seriously, "Joe, it's march in spring. Should we do our business?"

"What's your hurry? Isn't it good now?" Mi Xiaoqiao snuggled into his generous chest and said coyly.

"Of course I'm in a hurry. Fang Rui has been promoted to be a father. I haven't even married you back. I'm much behind him. If I don't hurry, I'll become a fool." Meng Fanfan's face is depressed and tangled.

"A fool is a fool." Mi Xiaoqiao laughed and said, "really, you have to compare everything with others. What's the difference?"

"I don't want to compare anything with others. That's why I want to compare it with others. Joel, I really don't want to live such a bitter and boring single life again." Meng Fanfan picked a thick black sword eyebrow with ink dye, and looked very wronged: "you see, people are out of pairs now, and I'm still alone."

"Are you alone? Hum, if you're good, you're the most dissatisfied person." Mi Xiaoqiao gave him a white eye and whispered, "although you're not married, you don't ask when you want to eat people clean. What's your pain?"

"Hehe, who makes you so charming? I have a big appetite when I see you." Meng Fanfan hugged her and recalled her lips: "but what I want is not just to eat and drink enough. I want you to stay with me all my life and give me more babies. How happy you are like Fang Rui and Feifei."

"No, I heard Feifei say today that it's hard to have children. I'm afraid to think about it." Xiaoqiao chuckled coyly.

"I'm not afraid, Joel. I'm with you. I'm not afraid of anything." Meng Feifan bowed his head and kissed the girl lovingly. He said yearningly, "we'd better have a pair of twins. In this way, there will be two at a time. It's better if it's a dragon and Phoenix fetus..."

"Fuck you!" Mi Xiaoqiao pushed him away with a blushing face and gave him a pink fist angrily: "if you want to have twins, you can have them yourself. I only want one."

"Hey hey, one is not enough, absolutely not enough!" Meng Fanfan caught her in his arms again and showed an electric smile on his face: "Joe, your birthday is coming soon. First say it's mine all day. Don't be busy with your company at that time."

"Alas, I'm twenty-six years old." Mi Xiaoqiao raised his hand and stroked his long soft hair like a waterfall. For a moment, he sighed: "time passes so fast. I'm getting old in a twinkling of an eye."

"Therefore, we should get married quickly, or we will become an old girl." Meng Feifan joked.

"Cut, what's the matter with the old girl? The old girl doesn't want to marry you or won't marry you." Mi Xiaoqiao said pretending to be angry.

"This can't work, Joe. I must marry." Meng Fanfan hugged the girl's soft waist and smiled charmingly: "no matter how old you are, I want you. In this life, I will decide you."

Although it is agreed that the whole day of his birthday belongs to Meng Feifan, March 31 is not a rest day.

Early in the morning, MI Xiaoqiao gave Meng Feifan an apologetic kiss and said he still had to go to work in the company.

She thought Meng Feifan would cheat and wouldn't let her go. Who knows, Meng Feifan didn't show any dissatisfaction, but gently kissed her back, said happy birthday, and sent her to the company.

In this way, MI Xiaoqiao felt a little lost, and felt that he didn't seem to care much about his birthday.

However, as soon as she arrived at the office, she immediately devoted herself to her work and began to get busy, regardless of her own careful things.

Until more than ten o'clock, all kinds of affairs were handled almost. Mi Xiaoqiao was relieved. He made a cup of flower tea and sat down to taste it slowly.

I can't help thinking back to her 21st birthday five years ago. That day, Meng Feifan gave her the priceless "life waiting". He also said that he would spend every birthday with her in the future.

At that time, none of them would have thought that they would experience such a long and painful separation. When he spent this birthday with her again, it had been five years apart

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