Thinking, MI Xiaoqiao's eyes were slightly moist. Yes, life is short and things are changeable. When you have happiness, you must cherish it.

On her birthday that year, Meng Feifan once gave her an unforgettable surprise. What kind of birthday present will he prepare for her today? He must have planned for a long time.

Mi Xiaoqiao gently stroked the dazzling diamond ring on his finger with thousands of feelings in his heart.

Although this ring is equally rare and beautiful, what she misses more seems to be the missing "waiting for life"

Being immersed in reverie and infinite meditation, the crisp telephone ring. Mi Xiaoqiao intuitively felt that it must be Meng Feifan, so he quickly picked up his mobile phone to answer.

"Joe, are you finished?" sure enough, Meng Fanfan's gentle magnetic voice came to his ear.

"Almost," replied Mickey Joe briskly.

"Well, the rest of the time, it's time for me." Meng Feifan said in a low voice.

"Where are you?" Mi Xiaoqiao gently pinched the phone, with a sweet smile on his cheek. It's really happy to have such an outstanding man who cares about himself.

"I'm right downstairs. Come down quickly." Meng Feifan said with a smile.

Mi Xiaoqiao ran to the window and really saw Meng Feifan's car parked downstairs. His people are also standing by the car, wearing a white casual suit, natural and unrestrained, handsome and boundless, like a tall and handsome poplar, which makes people excited.

He is still so handsome that he can't be saved. Mi Xiaoqiao's heart is hopelessly disordered and sweetly promised: "I'll come down right away."

After hanging up, MI Xiaoqiao went to the next office, said hello to manager Tang, and came downstairs.

Seeing the beloved girl coming out, Meng Feifan smiled and took her hand: "happy birthday, Little Joe."

"Ha ha, it's not small. It's twenty-six." Mi Xiaoqiao smiled, and two lovely dimples appeared on his cheeks.

"In my eyes, you will always be a young girl." Meng Fanfan opened the door for her and said with a spoiled smile: "please get in the car, my princess and queen."

"I'm talkative again..." Mi Xiaoqiao blushed slightly and said angrily. When he sat in the car, he suddenly smelled a fragrant and refreshing smell, and frowned suspiciously: "Wow, it's so fragrant! What did you put?"

"Hehe, look behind you." Meng Feifan also got on the bus and said with a fake sigh: "Alas, I really didn't expect my Joe to be so careless. I can't even see the gifts I carefully prepared for you."

Mi Xiaoqiao looked back and saw that the back seat of the car was filled with all kinds of beautiful and gorgeous flowers.

Roses and perfume lilies, tulips and Phalaenopsis, forget me and jasmine orchids, love grass and alas. The bouquet of flowers and flowers gathered in the back seat of the car, forming a sea of flowers, filled with the fragrance of moving hearts.

"God, have you moved the whole flower shop..." Mi Xiaoqiao blinked in amazement. He blinked his big eyes as bright as black glass. For a moment, he was excited and sighed: "what beautiful flowers! How beautiful..."

They have been in love for so long that Meng Fanfan seems to have never sent her flowers.

Although it doesn't matter on the surface, MI Xiaoqiao sometimes sees other girls in the company receiving flowers from her boyfriend, and his heart will still be filled with a little envy.

Whether noble or ordinary? Maybe every young girl's heart is still longing for her boyfriend to send her flowers

"Do you like it?" Meng Feifan asked in a low voice, with a strong tenderness in his tone.

"Of course love it." Mickey took a large bouquet of fragrant perfume lily, buried her hot face in the delicate flowers, and said, "you never knew before sending flowers to me."

"Cough, that's so vulgar." Meng Feifan charmed thousands of people and said with a joking smile: "however, if you like, I can send you flowers every day in the future."

"No, I don't think it's a surprise to send it every day, and there's no need to waste it." Mi Xiaoqiao raised his hand, rubbed his crimson cheeks, and asked happily, "where are we going at this time?"

"Revisit the old place, OK?" Meng Fanfan looked at the girl who was more vivid and beautiful than the flowers in her hand. Her eyes were as gentle as the moonlight on a spring night.

"Revisit the old place? Where?" Mi Xiaoqiao raised his eyebrows suspiciously.

"Come with me and you'll know later." Meng Fanfan smiled smartly and started the car.

After arriving, MI Xiaoqiao knew that he had taken her to the city center square, where he solemnly expressed his love for her for the first time on New Year's Eve five years ago.

Although it is not a holiday, today's central square seems to be specially decorated.

Colorful balloons of joy are hung everywhere, filled with colorful flowers. The passage to the central screen is also covered with a red carpet and soft rose petals.

The whole scene, a happy and festive atmosphere, looks like a scene about to hold a grand wedding. But here, more beautiful and more dreamy

"Is that what you arranged again?" after getting off the bus, MI Xiaoqiao looked like the central square in holiday costumes and hesitated: "what's your idea? You don't want me to do the wedding with you here?"

"Silly girl, how can you wronged you like this?" Meng Feifan couldn't help laughing, raised his finger and spoiled the girl's tender cheek: "don't worry, baby, when I get married, I will want you to appear in front of everyone infinitely. Coming here today is just an episode."

He took her through the red carpet paved with rose petals. Along the way, many people stopped and stood, casting envious and blessing eyes at them.

Mi Xiaoqiao's heart was both surprise and expectation, and obediently followed him to the front.

At the bottom of the big screen, soft and lyrical music sounded. The big screen, which was still playing other programs, suddenly changed into an extremely warm and romantic background. At the same time, there were several lines of striking characters: Joe, marry me, let's be happy together forever!

Below, the name of Meng Feifan is signed.

Gazing intently at those lines of big characters, MI Xiaoqiao's eyes were wet. It's like being in the happiest and sweetest colorful world, like a dream and intoxicated

"Joe, I formally propose to you again today." Meng Feifan hugged the beautiful girl and looked down at her affectionately: "marry me, will you?"

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