The moment she heard the players talking, Lin Qing suddenly opened her eyes.

Someone is coming!

She immediately sat up, listening to the sounds outside, and began to put on her clothes and pick up her weapons.

Judging from the leader's confident tone, it was obvious that this group of people had some kind of positioning tool in their hands and were heading directly for her.

It's obviously someone with bad intentions!

Ordinary players will definitely not use this precious prop easily.

The player who has gone to such great lengths to find her is none other than one person.

That's the Black Mamba!

It's him who's coming.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing's eyes flashed with a cold light.

Since it was delivered to your door, don't blame her for being rude.

When Little Bear saw Lin Qing waking up, he carefully stepped aside to make way for the door.

It knew that the time was coming, and pointed at the bomb made on the side, telling Lin Qing not to forget to bring it.

Lin Qing nodded, simply put on his tactical uniform and put on the bomb.

At this time, she was already in front of the door with her weapon in hand, and could hear the words of the approaching people more clearly, as if she was leaning against a nearby wall.

The sinister voice like a poisonous snake said: "However, the positioning of the props is here, and it must be correct. Could it be that I have some props in my hands that can hide my figure after I became rich overnight, so I Can’t find her?”

Black Mamba's guess was correct.

The moment Lin Qing entered the sand trap maze, his props made a warning sound.

He judged from this that it must be the first time for him to get rich overnight and he would not have any other companions.

And she may not know that he has this kind of prop in his hand, so she might be able to catch a turtle in a urn when he is not prepared.

However, when I hurriedly arrived here, I didn't find even a shadow of a person, which was really strange.

Thinking of this, a trace of viciousness flashed in Black Mamba's eyes, and he ordered his men: "No matter what, she must be here. Even if she digs three feet into the ground, she must be found for me."

"It's the boss!"

Several people under his command said in unison.

It seems that Black Mamba is still very good at taming his subordinates.

Lin Qing stood next to the surveillance camera and counted the people around him. Including the Black Mamba, there were a total of 6 people.

They are all tall men.

If she relied purely on weapons, Lin Qing felt that if she ran out and swept around, she should be able to hit a few.

But the problem now is that since she has life-saving props in her hand, it is estimated that this group of people also have them, but she doesn't know what their props are and whether they will interfere with her attack.

According to the current situation, even if they discover the room, relying on the room's defense system will not be a problem for a while.

However, Lin Qing is not one to sit still and wait for death.

She prefers to attack proactively rather than having her enemies discover her.

The laser cannon in the room can now be used 4 times, but it needs to be fired one by one, which means that if the burst fire is unsuccessful, the enemy will discover the location of the room.

Seeing that there were still 10 minutes left before the room disappeared, Lin Qing decided to wait and see what happened, intending to continue to see what they would do.

Under the orders of Black Mamba, these players are using pickaxes and other tools to dig out the sand below.

However, Lin Qing's room has been integrated into the maze wall, so they can only determine the approximate range and will never discover the location of the room.

These are just useless efforts in vain.

"Boss, we still haven't found it. Could we have made a mistake?"

Despite his subordinates' doubts again, Black Mamba still did not waver at all. His cold eyes swept over the surrounding sand piles and weathered rocks.

"There is absolutely no mistake. I checked and her ID has not turned gray. She must not be dead. She must be nearby."

"But, we can't find anything. Boss, could it be that he got rich overnight and is deliberately playing tricks on us?"

"Yes, brother, according to you, she is nearby, maybe she will be watching us all the time, waiting for some killer move?"

Hearing this, a sneer flashed in Black Mamba's eyes, "If this is better, I will wait for her to come out."

After all, enemies hiding in the dark will be more difficult to deal with.

Realizing this, Black Mamba narrowed his eyes and suddenly shouted towards the maze here:

"I got rich overnight. I know you are nearby. You harmed my brother. I must ask you for an explanation today. If you are a man, come out and fight me openly. Don't hide in the gutter."

Lin Qing behind the door:

Is he using provocation?

It didn't work for her, though.

First, she is not a man, and she will not go out to fight with others just because he said a few words.

There are obviously a lot of people outside, so it would be foolish for her to go out, okay?

Even if she can win the fight, it's hard to say whether she can escape or not.

Secondly, she didn't think that with Black Mamba's IQ, he wouldn't be able to guess that she had some offensive props on her body, and she would let him hang around in front of her without taking the initiative to attack.

Such a vicious person would definitely have a backup plan waiting for her to attack first.

At this time, the men next to Black Mamba suddenly realized a certain situation and whispered: "Brother! You have forgotten that she who became rich overnight is a woman and does not meet the conditions. She will definitely not be subject to your provocation. "

After hearing what he said, Black Mamba's face darkened for a moment, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You don't have to say it. Go and find someone for me."

Then he kicked him hard.

The subordinate who was kicked didn't understand why, and walked out with his painful buttocks, muttering carefully as he walked: "Isn't it also kind to remind the boss? Really."

However, some people were worried, "Boss, it has been almost an hour since the last sandworm outbreak, and the next worm tide is coming soon. We have to find a safe area quickly."

"Yes, boss, it's not a good idea to stay like this. People can't be found."

At this time, someone suddenly mentioned, "Boss, didn't the channel say that there is a maze prop in the maze that can return to the room? If it is this prop, you can enter the room in the maze to rest. Has she entered the room, so we can't find her trace in the same place?"

"Props to return to the room?"

The black mamba narrowed his eyes slightly, frowned and looked around.

He gradually groped the nearby maze wall, as if he wanted to confirm whether his subordinates were right.

Hearing this, Lin Qing realized that she might be discovered.

The finger was placed on the burst button, and the next second, the laser beam was about to be fired.

However, at this moment, Lin Qing's bracelet, as well as the bracelets of other players outside the door, suddenly sounded the sound of the survival system.

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