However, Lin Qing did not think that, given this man's obsession with killing her, he would give up on hunting her.

Lin Qing put on a robe to cover the wind and sand, and a sneer flashed in her eyes.

She whispered: "Since you want to kill me, don't blame me for my counterattack."

At this moment, Lin Qing's reminder system suddenly sounded,

"Ding, after system detection, there are 2 points props and 1 maze direct pass prop in the maze where the host is located."

"The 2 points props are in a bronze treasure chest and a black stone treasure chest, respectively, located about 5 kilometers and 7 kilometers northwest of the host, and the maze direct pass prop is in the copper treasure chest directly in front of the host, about 6 kilometers away."

"Because the props are rare, there are powerful maze sandworms guarding the nearby treasure chests, and the danger is extremely high. The host can try to obtain it."

"There is actually a direct pass prop in this sand trap maze."

Lin Qing's eyes lit up.

She must get the maze direct pass prop.

After all, the maze countdown is less than 12 hours.

It seems that Qingfengzhan's speculation before was indeed correct.

If other players observe carefully, they will also find the existence of the maze countdown.

But if they fall into the language trap in the system, if they really think that this maze game is just a simple task to accumulate points without any time limit, then it will be difficult to accumulate enough points to leave the maze in the next 12 hours.

Then, there are only two ways in front of her.

One is to continue to complete the tasks of the sand trap maze, and after obtaining points, go to the next level of the maze.

The other way is to get the direct pass props in this maze.

Now the night is long and dreams are many. If she does not choose the direct pass props and continues to do the task, she may not be able to complete it within 12 hours.

And the Black Mamba group is here, she does not think that being obtained by these people will be of any benefit to her.

At present, the direction ahead of them is the road to the copper treasure chest.

Lin Qing is determined to get the treasure chest.

And it seems that only she knows that there is a prop that can lead to a clearing in this maze.

At this time, she was thinking about it and came up with an idea.

She took out the actor's mask, and the simple and thick props faintly glowed in the desert.

Since they were coming for her, why couldn't she disguise herself and enter this group of people?


In the maze. Dark clouds covered the moon.

The Black Mamba group was rushing in the dark.

In the sand trap maze, a wave of insects would be generated every once in a while.

If the player was caught by the insects in the sand in the maze, he would only be eaten up and become a skeleton.

Even the Black Mamba suffered a loss once and lost a capable general, so he was particularly cautious about the insect tide in the desert.

However, in the sand trap maze, some players found that on a kind of white sand in the maze, the sandworms in the yellow sand would not invade, and there was a high probability of obtaining wooden treasure chest supplies.

So players can regard this area as a safe zone within the maze.

Once the time is up, you must enter the safe area to ensure your safety.

"Brother, there is a piece of white sand in front, we are safe."

At this time, the third brother who was responsible for exploring the quicksand in front with props suddenly shouted.

Hearing the voice, everyone was shocked.

It was already visible to the naked eye that yellow sand and dust had been swirling in the sky not far away, and soon accompanied by the yellow storm, the insect tide would come again.

"Hurry, let's speed up and hide in it before the sandworms come."

With the coming of the sandstorm, the sandworms that were originally sleeping in this place also woke up from the sand, making a rustling sound.

Time is getting more and more urgent. Fortunately, they came to the oasis before the sandstorm completely came.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, this means that they are safe now.

The duration of this insect tide is uncertain. If it is short, it will only be three or two minutes. If it is long, it may last from 20 minutes to half an hour.

So even though the countdown for the maze has begun, they have to take a break and wait for the end of the insect tide.

"Set up camp and rest as planned, and quickly recover your strength. Next, we need to explore this area as soon as possible." The third brother said.

The second brother also walked up to Black Mamba and said, "Brother, how about I disperse the brothers to expand the search area? If we work together, our search area will definitely be small. If other players search for the props, it will be more trouble than gain."

Black Mamba nodded, "Okay, I have the same idea. I will do as you said. After the insect tide is over, you disperse the brothers."

"Understood, brother."

The second brother got the task and left his vicinity, leaving a place for Black Mamba to think.

This maze world is like adding insult to injury for them.

Although Black Mamba has upgraded to a level 5 room and gathered many men, after entering the maze, due to the restrictions of the maze rules, they can only disperse and explore alone.

The situation improved after he obtained the maze props that could gather players together, and he summoned back a lot of people.

However, according to the survival system, it seems that they can't use this maze loophole for long.

The reason is simple. If these props are scattered all over the maze, more people will be needed to explore.

Only when more people are scattered can he know more about the location of the treasure chest.

Fortunately, he has more men, and some of them are scattered in other mazes.

However, as the countdown progresses, his eyes become sharper and he can only come up with another idea.

He waved to the second brother who was in charge of the arrangements, "Second brother, come here!"

"Brother, what's wrong?"

After the two whispered for a while, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the second brother, and hesitantly said: "If other players poke it into the channel chat, it will not be good. What if someone finds out?"

The Black Mamba sneered, "Haha, do you have to admit that you are our people? Just say that you are his subordinates who got rich overnight. I want to see how she will deal with it then."

At this time, a man who looked smaller also came to the third brother who was in charge of the alert with a grin, "Third brother, I want to solve a physiological problem."

"Go ahead." The third brother waved his hand irritably, "Just come back before the insect tide comes, otherwise no one will collect your bodies."

"Okay, third brother." The short young man smiled flatteringly, "I will definitely come back as soon as possible."

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