After the female voice on the radio disappeared, with a slight click, the door in Lin Qing's room seemed to be pushed open from the outside by an invisible hand.

Instantly, the chat in the channel exploded, filled with extremely happy joy.

"Goodbye, friends, I hope we will never see each other again!"

"Hahahaha, I can finally see my wife!"

"I have been gone for so long, my family must be worried crazy, I will go first!"

"Blessings, blessings, I hope we can all come back smoothly and gather together!"

Soon, the chat in the channel cooled down.

Lin Qing slightly lowered her eyes and walked behind the door of the room.

Her heart was more nervous than before when she opened the door to face the dungeon world.

However, this time, she firmly grasped the door handle and pulled the small gap that had been pushed open a little to the maximum.

Taking a deep breath, she whispered: "Huh, I'm back!"


The night was silent, and the colorful neon lights flickered in the darkness, dimly illuminating the road on the street.

In the dark alley, a chef who was taking out the garbage, holding a cigarette butt that was flickering in his mouth, pushed a large trash can out of the kitchen, intending to wait for the kitchen waste truck to collect it tomorrow morning.

However, when he was dragging the garbage into the dark alley, a wild cat suddenly jumped out from nowhere, and with a fierce meow, it pounced on the chef's feet.

"Fuck! What is that?"

The chef was shocked and subconsciously kicked the wild cat out.

The ferocious cat fluttered twice in the corner and fled to the street.

At this time, the chef also breathed a sigh of relief, pinched off the cigarette butt and threw it into the trash can, "Huh, I was really scared to death, it turned out to be just a wild cat."

Because this alley was used as a kitchen waste disposal site by the kitchen, it often attracted some stray cats to come here to find food.

However, there has never been a cat as ferocious as this one.

I don't know what frightened me just now.

The chef had just parked the trash can and when he looked up, he suddenly found a vague figure in the shadow of the alley, which frightened him instantly.

"Who, who is playing tricks there? Let me tell you, I am not a vegetarian. I can beat three strong men with one punch!"

However, the figure slowly moved from the shadows, like a ghost, slowly floating a few steps away from him.

For the sake of momentum, the chef did not retreat with his neck stiff, but continued to bluff: "Don't play tricks!"

The chef only heard a sneer from the shadow not far away. In this environment, the sinister laughter was particularly weird.

"Hiss, I came out and encountered food, I just accepted it with a smile!"

Before the chef realized what was happening, a strong wind swept by, and he suddenly felt a chill on his neck.

The next second, his eyes went black, and after the aorta ruptured, blood gushed out, like a fountain, all over the wall and the surroundings.

The head and body separated directly, and fell straight down.

Until then, the person in the shadow came out.

The man had curly hair, and his heavy bangs covered most of his eyebrows and eyes. He looked pretty handsome, but because a few drops of blood accidentally splashed on his face, it added a lot of horror.

At this time, he put his hands in his pockets, and in front of this bloody scene, the corners of his lips were greatly curved, and he seemed to be in an unusually happy mood.

He stretched out his slender tongue and licked off the few drops of blood, "Ah, what a wonderful feeling!"


At this time, Lin Qing was walking on the familiar neon street, feeling unusually happy.

Unexpectedly, returning to the real world was a random teleportation.

She was placed in a large shopping mall near the rental house and walked out of a fitting room.

The bright lights almost blinded Lin Qing's eyes.

"Ha, I'm back!"

She danced happily, and saw that there was a salesperson next to her. After discovering her strange behavior, she frowned slightly and even communicated with her companions.

After all, it is a civilized world, so it is better to be reserved.

Lin Qing was afraid of being treated as a weirdo, so she ran away before the salesperson called the security guard.

It was not until she passed through the surging crowd and was baptized by the fireworks and popularity that Lin Qing finally realized that she was alive.

"Ah, I'm finally back, it's great to be back!"

She couldn't help but sigh.

Although as a social animal, she has many complaints about this prosperous city, but compared with that survival game, it's nothing, and the little pain and suffering are nothing.

After all, the civilized world has order, at least it's safe.

You don't have to worry about losing your life one day.

I don't know if it's because of the experience in the world behind the door, Lin Qing's whole heart has become Buddha.

It's good to be alive, really!

Considering that the location of the teleportation is not far from her rental house, and Lin Qing has no mobile phone or cash in her hand, she decided to walk all the way back.

Only by feeling the night breeze and popularity at night can she integrate into this society like a normal person.

However, when she passed by a food street, she suddenly found that many people were gathered at the door of a restaurant. There was even a cordon, and a specialist was sent to investigate and deal with it.

For some reason, Lin Qing had a bad feeling.

She walked over curiously, but because there was a cordon and the crowd was so crowded, she had to ask the flat-headed man who was watching the excitement nearby:

"Brother, what happened here? Why are there so many people here? What happened?"

The flat-headed brother explained to Lin Qing with a frightened expression: "Hey, little girl, don't ask, go home quickly. A murder happened here, it seems to be a dispute, and then the chef in the restaurant was killed."

"Yes, but as far as I know, this is not an ordinary murder."

The older sister next to him also said: "I am the owner of the noodle shop next to me. I just heard a roar, and a drunk ran out of the alley with a bottle of wine, shouting murder, murder, it was so scary."

"The merchants near us then called the police. Guess what happened inside?"

The older sister kept it a secret

"What happened?" Lin Qing continued her words.

"Oh, you don't know, the drunkard said that there was a murdered person inside, and it wasn't an ordinary murder. The chef's head and body were cut open. This is really scary."

"That's not the case." The elder brother next to him continued, with a face full of fear:

"I can't even kill a chicken or chop ribs so neatly. I don't know what tools this person used to commit the crime. I heard that the cuts on the head and neck were very neat, as if he was killed with one knife."

"Too scary." The elder sister next to him was also in a state of panic.

After listening to the explanation, Lin Qing lowered his head and thought about it.

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