It seems that the second senior brother's attitude is much better than that of the first senior brother.

This is the conclusion Lin Qing came to through observation, but of course this is just her guess.

The method of the player surnamed Song did allow them to escape from the Immortality Gate smoothly, but this was only a stop-gap method.

According to Lin Qing's estimation, it only took a quarter of an hour to fly the treasure gourd from the mountain to Qingshui Town. This thing could follow them and catch them back in minutes.

And I don’t know if the so-called fairy insect will be tracked. The two parasitized players are always a hidden danger.

"I'll knock on the door first." The player surnamed Song took the initiative to recruit for this job.

Lin Qing saw that he was confident, so the water ghost thing must be true.

Otherwise, these two senior brothers alone would not be able to explain.

Soon, the antique-colored Chen Mansion's door was opened by an old servant. Seeing that this man was Taoist Priest Song, he immediately enthusiastically invited the group in.

"It turns out to be Taoist Song, please come in, come in!"

The old servant enthusiastically welcomed the group of people in, "I didn't expect you to actually invite the Taoist Priest of the Immortality Sect. My master is really lucky."

"It's all the Taoist priests from the Changsheng Sect who care about the common people, so they go down the mountain to eliminate harm for the people. I'm just a messenger."

Taoist Master Song seemed to be very humble and honest, and he complimented the two brothers by the way.

"This is the senior brother Gu Lang of the Eternal Life Sect, and this is the second senior brother Zhu Qi. I still have a mission for the sect, and I just happened to take the disciples down the mountain to practice and observe, so I brought some junior brothers and sisters who have just started to come over, as a way of disturbing me. It’s your mansion.”

"Haha, don't bother me, don't bother me."

"The arrival of all the immortals really makes my Chen family shine."

Hearing the commotion, the master of the Chen family also came up to him with a smile. His face looked quite haggard, and he seemed to have spent a lot of energy on the matter of the water ghost.

However, facing everyone at the Eternal Life Sect, he still greeted them energetically.

After everyone sat down in the side hall, Mr. Chen said with a bitter face: "To be honest with you Taoist priests, there have been a lot of troubles in Qingshui Town recently, and many families' children have been dragged away by water ghosts."

"The water ghosts are related to the Qingshui River to the east of the town. I don't know what happened to them recently. They are so bold that they even dare to go ashore to eat people during the day. The people in the town are complaining, and it is very difficult for me to deal with it. So I fought Please ask the two Taoist priests to come down the mountain."

These words were basically told to them by Taoist Song.

Taoist priest Song also added, "Well, it's because my magic power is low and there are so many water ghosts that I can't take care of them at the moment and can't save all the children."

The senior brother pretended to drink tea, "You are just a water ghost, but you actually dare to cause trouble in the realm of our Eternal Life Sect. This is simply contrary to heaven. Don't worry, Mr. Chen Dashan, since our senior brothers are here, I will definitely give you an explanation. ”

"Isn't that right, Second Junior Brother?"

"Yes, yes." As soon as the second child sat down, he never stopped talking. The fruit plate and cakes for the guests were basically divided up by him alone, and even the group of standing junior brothers and sisters were not left behind. .

Chen Dashan also pretended not to see it and continued to cry: "Taoist Priest, what are you going to do? I will definitely cooperate with you. Wait a little while and the water ghosts will appear again at dusk. I don't know if there will be any." How many families suffered, alas."

"Ahem, Daochang Song and I have already discussed on the road and made a preliminary plan. When I go to the river to investigate, the second junior brother will refine the formation to trap those monsters."

Although the eldest brother looks young, he is still relatively safe in his work.

After he arranged it, he immediately started to do it, and even took away a few carrot heads, saying that he wanted them to follow him to exercise.

The second senior brother also found a guest room to refine the formation, and the other children were assigned to an empty room.

After they left, Taoist Song also started to go out and ordered three players among them.

"I don't know if any clues have been missed before. I'll take them for a walk around the town to inquire about the situation and see if there are any new clues."

"Okay, okay, then I'll trouble Taoist Song."

Seeing how busy they were, Chen Dashan seemed to really consider them.

The four of them managed to get out easily.

However, when passing by an inn, Taoist Song took them in and booked a room.

"Time is urgent. I don't know what that bug looks like. I need to do surgery to take it out first. Otherwise, having this kind of thing left on your body will always be a disaster."

After entering the room, the player named Song looked serious.

"Ah, are you going to perform surgery in this environment?"

He Jian was dumbfounded looking at the simple environment in front of him, and suddenly thought of something, "Is there no bacterial infection in this kind of place? Do you have the instruments and anesthesia for surgery? Also, what if the bug is not in the stomach? Can you bear this risk?"

The player surnamed Song frowned, "I'm a doctor. Of course I have the things you mentioned. As for the environment, it's just a temporary force. This world is too weird. I don't know what's going on in your stomach. As for the situation, Infection is not something you can think about now.”

"No, then why do you dare to operate at will without knowing anything? What if you kill someone? What exactly is this kind of fairy insect? Is it just a mistake? Maybe it is a specialty of the dungeon world. ?”

At this time, the male player gave up and seemed very afraid of having an abdominal surgery.

"No, I don't want to."

Dr. Song obviously didn't imagine the current scene, and his face was a little ugly, "Then what do you want to do? We don't have much time, and there is not much chance for you to weigh the pros and cons. What if you are discovered by the two brothers? You may not even have the chance to hide with other props."

"No, I'll think about it again,"

He Jian stepped back, his face pale, and he looked very scared.

Dr. Song turned to another girl and asked coldly: "What about you? What do you want to do? Don't want to have surgery either?"

However, the difference is that although the female player was pale and looked like she had no strength to vomit, she insisted this time: "No, I want to have surgery to take it out, Dr. Song, you must save me, I really don't want that kind of thing in my body, just thinking about it will kill me."

Dr. Song was also obviously stunned for a moment, he nodded and said: "Okay, I will try my best to save you. Thank you for your trust."

Seeing the female player lying on the bed, Dr. Song took various surgical instruments from the space backpack one by one, and He Jian also hesitated.

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