In the end, it was Zhao Ying who stood up and accepted Dr. Song's proposal.

Lin Qing glanced at the male player who was shivering and afraid of surgery, and offered to go out and be on guard.

After all, they were still in a small town and not completely safe.

After walking out of the door, she opened a room next door and asked A013 to guard the room next door.

If anything happens, you can report it to her at any time.

According to Lin Qing's understanding of the dungeon world, such places generally have scope restrictions.

Even if they run out of the range of the Eternal Life Gate, they may not be able to leave Qingshui Town.

If you really have to stay here for two days, it's really not safe.

Lin Qing decided to go around the town in person and explore the map.

However, before setting off, she took out her paper scissors and cut out some paper figurines.

After being cut out, these little people seemed to really come to life, moving their limbs clumsily. After adapting for a while, they lined up on the ground, waiting for Lin Qing's orders.

"This prop is quite interesting, but it's a pity that the number of times it can be used is limited."

Lin Qing sighed and ordered the little man on the ground: "Go to the east, west, north and south of the town respectively, and help me explore where I can go. If you encounter obstacles or abnormal situations, report to me in time."

"By the way, don't be discovered by other people in the town, especially the two monks from the Eternal Life Sect. Do you understand?"

The people cut out of pieces of paper on the ground nodded.

"Okay, act now!"

Lin Qing ordered them.

The little paper figures accepted the order and jumped from the window one after another. With their thin bodies, Lin Qing was worried that a gust of wind would blow them away.

However, the paper figure cut out by this paper scissor does have some strength.

Under Lin Qing's gaze, not only were these little people not blown away by the wind, but they fell straight to the ground and quickly dispersed, running in three directions.

Lin Qing felt relieved and decided to start her own exploration.

However, after leaving the inn, she kept an eye out and took the initiative to use the actor's mask in a dark alley to change her face.

This makes her look like an ordinary village girl.

At this time, Lin Qing was in trouble. Qingshui Town didn't look small, and this area was just a commercial district. Where should we start exploring?

The sound of the prompt system rang again,

"Ding, the street to the right of the host has been detected. There is a bronze treasure chest in the grove outside the west city gate. The host can go explore it! However, remember not to enter the temple at the city gate."

Hearing its sound, Lin Qing instantly became motivated.

"Okay, thank you!"

She turned around, carrying a bamboo basket in her hand, and walked towards the street on the right.

It was now noon, but there was no lively scene in this commercial district. Every household was closed, and the occasional businesses that opened their doors seemed to be only half-open.

When Lin Qing, a stranger, walked over, these small business owners seemed to have seen some kind of monster, and they even hurriedly closed half of their doors.

Lin Qing:.

Does this mean she is a monster?

Looking at these small shops, Lin Qing's hands felt itchy again.

"There are so many supplies here, I wonder if they can be robbed?"

Just when she had this idea, the voice of the prompt system sounded urgently again:

"Ding, in this world, it is best for the host not to have such thoughts."

I didn’t expect that the system would be so active today.

Lin Qing laughed subconsciously and explained: "Don't worry, I'm just thinking about it. There are all kinds of abnormalities in this world, and I don't have to ask for the materials here."

After walking for a while, she could already see a strange temple not far away from the city gate.

This is the west city gate where the system suggested she come.

In order to prevent long nights and long dreams, she first went to the grove outside the city gate and took the bronze treasure box.

The bronze treasure chest was guarded by a bamboo leaf green, and Lin Qing easily eliminated it.

After opening the box, there were some simple survival supplies inside, as well as a space teleportation prop.

This prop is different from the space props Lin Qing obtained before. It can actually teleport back to the place she has been.

Lin Qing was still pleasantly surprised.

However, the name of this prop still flashed a strange look on her face.

[Name: Beta version of space teleportation]

[Grade: C grade]

[Usable times: three times]

[Function: Using this prop, you can instantly move to the place you have been before, just imagine the space there, or recite the name silently]

[Note: This prop is a test version, the side effects are not known yet, please use it with caution]

"The concept of this prop design is pretty good, but it's a pity that it's a test version."

After reading the introduction to the props, Lin Qing still felt a little regretful.

Although the function of this prop is surprising, not knowing the side effects is a big problem.

Lin Qing hasn't forgotten the cheating teleportation badge. That guy can send people to the enemy in minutes.

No wonder it is an incredible escape prop, but its rating is only C.

Lin Qing decided not to use it unless there was an emergency.

At this time, the villain who went to explore the west had already given her the answer.

According to their description, after crossing the small woods here, there is a large lake there, and there is no way to continue moving forward.

So Lin Qing directly chose to let them come back.

Her expression turned serious. The existence of such a large lake was similar to an air wall in the dungeon. Without the guidance of locals, it would be easy to get lost on the lake.

This means there is no way to go.

"I wonder if there is any news about the other villains? I hope there will be a good result."

Lin Qing waited at the city gate for a while and took the returned paper man into his pocket.

The city gate here is horribly deserted. There are not even NPCs entering or exiting the city gate. There is only a large lake and the City God's Temple at the city gate.

At this time, Lin Qing's eyes fell on this weird temple.

The temples enshrined in such places are usually local gods who will protect one party.

Since the system reminded her not to enter the temple, although she couldn't go in, it was okay to ask, right?

Lin Qing squatted in the nearby residential area for a while, and finally caught the opportunity and spotted an old woman passing by.

She suddenly jumped out, startling the old woman so much that she almost threw all the eggs in her basket.

"Hey, you girl, why are you neither light nor heavy? You scared me to death."

The old woman covered her heart and said.

Lin Qing explained with a smile and sent two freshly grown pears over: "I'm sorry, grandma, I'm new to your place and I don't understand the rules. But after walking around the town for a long time, everyone on the road closed their eyes tightly. I didn’t even have a chance to get close. I had no choice but to make this move.”

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