Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 309: eclipse, action (4)

   Chapter 309 Eclipse, Action (4)

   "When is the eclipse coming?"

   "If you go back to His Highness, it will be the first day of the fourth month."

   "I understand! I understand!" Zhuge Ye's eyes flashed with excitement.

  Chu Qianqian said, "What do you understand?"

Zhuge Ye took Chu Qianqian's hand and came to the map on the wall: "Look, if the majesty's iron cavalry leaves tomorrow, it will take twenty days to reach the capital by taking the shortest route, but after the solar eclipse, ten days later will appear."

  Chu Qianqian still doesn't quite understand.

  Zhuge Ye clenched his fists and said, "They are making noises!"

   "Huh?" Chu Qianqian opened her eyes wide and looked at Zhuge Ye.

Zhuge Ye picked up her round little head and kissed: "They didn't leave the capital! They deliberately forced the mother to open a safe passage, just hope we think they have left, so we are tired of finding them, tired of fighting with the Maharaja. The iron cavalry is circling, ignoring their own movements! Solar eclipse, I am sure, the day of the solar eclipse is the day they can no longer hold on!"

The news of   solar eclipse gradually spread among the people.

  The common people regard the solar eclipse as a kind of warning from heaven, and the object of warning is often the emperor of a country.

  Popularity is a very scary thing.

   It is not a thousand troops, but it is better than a thousand troops. Any emperor who does not conform to the people's will will not end well in the end.

   In order to appease the panic-stricken people, the emperor decided to hold a ceremony to sacrifice to heaven at Putuo Temple on the day of the solar eclipse.

  The common people were very curious about the sins committed by the emperor. I don't know what anger he did, which caused God to warn Da Zhou with a solar eclipse.

   In the early morning of April 1, the emperor, who had fasted for seven days, set foot on the carriage to Putuo Temple.

   Many people have been at the foot of the mountain since the evening of the 31st.

   After the carriage arrived, the emperor got off the carriage and everyone visited the shrine.

  The emperor did not use the sedan chair carried by the guards, but walked up the mountain.

   This move naturally won the favor of many people.

   You must know that when His Majesty Sejong and His Majesty Mingjong were on the throne, they never climbed the mountain on foot.

  The people followed behind the emperor.

  Suddenly, an old lady who was resting halfway up the mountain fell down from the steps.

  Emperor caught the other party quickly, not only did he not think the other party was dirty, but also took the initiative to feed the other party water.

   "Old man, are you all right?"

  The emperor's tone and expression were very kind.

  The old lady opened her eyes weakly, thanked her with tears of gratitude, and finally, got down on her knees and kowtowed to the emperor.

  The emperor excused her from the ceremony, and arranged for a palace maid to accompany her to the pavilion to rest, and then came back to the temple when she regained her strength.

The image of    the emperor's closeness to the people has become more popular.

   As for whether the old lady is really sick or is a nursery, who knows?

   Anyway, the common people were very moved by the emperor's actions.

   "The emperor is a good man."

   "Hey, do you know? The nine-door admiral who occupied the girl, who His Majesty Mingzong dared not move, the emperor will be slapped on the throne!"

   "Yes, there is also the governor of Jizhou, who embezzled millions of taels of silver, and his daughter-in-law is still a princess! The emperor said he would do it!"

   "The emperor loves his people like a son, how could he have committed a death?"

   People, you and I talked about it one by one, and it is unknown whether there are childcare arrangements arranged by Zhuge Ye.

But it cannot be denied that the emperor was already quite popular when he was still the regent. Since he ascended the throne for four years, it goes without saying that he has been diligent in government and caring for the people. Moreover, he has never missed a case or wronged a good person. The blow was even more severe than ever. In the eyes of most people, he is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime good emperor.

   But, what kind of mistake did such an excellent emperor make to anger the heavens?

  The people followed the emperor into Putuo Temple with doubts.

  The civil and military officials have arrived and bowed to the emperor.

The abbot    led a group of disciples to go out to greet him.

   "I see the emperor, long live my emperor! Long live!"

  The coercion of the emperor, like a tornado in the sea, is vast and vast, echoing for a long time above the solemn temple.

   Everyone couldn't help but lower their bodies a bit.

  The emperor waved his hand, not angry but said with authority: "Be flat."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

  The crowd kowtowed and stood up.

  The emperor asked the old abbot Xiang: "Dare to ask the abbot, is the altar ready?"

   The abbot gave a salute and said, "Everything is ready. As soon as the auspicious time arrives, we can open the altar and talk to the gods."

   "There is an abbot Lao." The emperor said politely.

  The abbot gave another salute: "I don't dare. There is still an hour before the auspicious time. The emperor will go to the Chulin Pavilion to rest for a while, right?"

  Chu Lin Pavilion was built by Putuo Temple in gratitude to Chu Qianqian. If Chu Qianqian hadn’t given the credit for capturing Mobei’s fine work to Putuo Temple, Putuo Temple would have been gradually suppressed by foreign beliefs like other temples.

  The emperor refused with good words: "I am here to plead guilty like the gods, and my heart is sincere. For the sake of the world, I can't be greedy for a momentary enjoyment. Please also ask the abbot to take me to the altar."

   "Amitabha!" The abbot gave another salute and led the emperor to the altar.

  The altar is located in the center of Putuo Temple, surrounded by Guanyin Hall, Brunei Bodhisattva Hall and Zen Room on three sides from east to west. To the north, a pagoda towers into the sky, which is the Baoling Pagoda built by Sejong for Ouyang Qing.

  The emperor looked at the direction of the Baoling Pagoda, and always felt that today's Baoling Pagoda is not the same as the impression.

   "Your Majesty, please." The abbot pointed to the mat on the ground.

The    emperor lifted the hem of the dragon robe and knelt down.

   Civil and military officials all knelt down behind him.

   It is certain that the fourth master wants to seize the throne, but he has no money, no power, and suspended death for so many years, how can he still have popular support? Now it's just a solar eclipse, even if the emperor makes a mistake, he won't be so guilty that he has to surrender the throne.

  So, what is the wishful thinking of the fourth master of the year?

Just now, a black cloud floated from the sky, and then, a small moon shadow turned around to block the radiant sun, the moon was a bow, and the full string shot the sun. Gradually want to darken, until it is like ink.

   day, it's totally dark!

  The people are restless!

   Just when everyone was uneasy, a thunderstorm sounded from the sky!



  bang bang bang!

  No, it didn't seem to be thunder, it was the sound of an explosion of a huge object, and even the ground trembled.

  The eclipse gradually dissipated.

   The dark and ink-like sky has regained its brightness and clarity.

   In the crowd, someone shouted.

   "Ah - look! Look! Baoling Pagoda... Baoling Pagoda is down!"

  The emperor and everyone looked over together, and saw the Baoling Pagoda, which had been standing for more than 20 years, fell down, and fell into the ruins. That's how the feeling of shaking the ground just now came.

   But this is very strange, isn't it?

   The Baoling Pagoda is so good, how can it fall down?

  If it is a lightning strike, why is there no lightning strike?

  If there was an earthquake, why didn’t the house be destroyed?

   Everyone was shocked to the extreme.

   Soon, they found it wasn't the most shocking thing.

   After the smoke dissipated, a half-broken iron cage appeared in everyone's sight.

   And inside the iron cage, with a wrist-thick iron chain, a miserable prisoner was locked.

  Looking at his appearance, it seems that he has been locked up for many years.

   This realization made everyone's eyes widen.

   They have only heard that there is a white snake under the Leifeng Pagoda, but they have never heard of a prisoner under the Baoling Pagoda!

   The prisoner knelt on the ground, his hands were suspended high by the chains, and perhaps the dust was embedded in his nose and mouth, and he coughed a few times.

   Then, he raised his head under the incredible gaze of everyone.

  His face, dirty, hair, messy.

   But even so, he still recognized him, and it was none other than the former emperor Zhang Taiye.

   "Your Majesty... Your Majesty, His Majesty Sejong—"

   (end of this chapter)

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