Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 310: The power of a pair of obscene pants (1)

   Chapter 310 The Power of a Pants (1)

   Mr. Zhang staggered towards the prisoner in the iron cage.

   "Your Majesty!"

   And as he shouted, some older officials also recognized each other.

   "Ah! It's Your Majesty! It's really His Majesty Sejong!"

   "His Majesty Sejong!"

   "His Majesty Sejong!"

  More and more people ran over.

   Abbot was stunned: "This... what's the matter?"

  A prisoner was imprisoned under the Pagoda, and the prisoner was what the officials called His Majesty Sejong. You must know that this Baoling Pagoda was built by His Majesty Sejong. How could he himself...become a prisoner at the bottom of the tower?

   The abbot's doubtful eyes swept across Sejong's face covered with stubble and dirt, and finally turned to the emperor.

The emperor    looked at Sejong without saying a word, his eyes deep.

  Some ministers who didn't run over looked at Sejong with deep eyes.

   boldly asked the emperor in a low voice, "Your Majesty, is that really His Majesty Sejong?"

   From the looks of it, yes.

  The minister asked worriedly: "Didn't His Majesty Sejong die twenty years ago?"

   This point, I am afraid to ask Sejong himself.

   "Your Majesty! How are you, Your Majesty?" Mrs. Zhang took off his official robe and put it on Nian Siye's body.

   On the other side, a military general with high martial arts drew his sword and cut off the chain.

   Nian Siye leaned weakly on the shoulders of Mr. Zhang, as if he was about to die at any time: "Zhang... Emperor Zhang..."

   Mrs Zhang burst into tears: "Yes! The minister is here!"

   "Cough cough..." Nian Siye coughed a few times, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth.

   Mr. Zhang was so distressed: "Your Majesty! Why are you here? I...I thought Your Majesty passed away!"

  A lot of officials knelt down: "Chen and so, I also thought that His Majesty had passed away!"

   Year Fourth Master was so weak that he seemed unable to speak. Anyone who had been imprisoned for 20 years would probably not be able to maintain good physical strength. He even closed his eyes, as if he couldn't stand the light above his head.

   Master Zhang sobbed: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

  Nian Siye opened his eyes with great effort, looking at the emperor standing on the altar, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes: "Uncle Huang, God has eyes, finally let me see the sun again!"

   After saying this, are there still some who don't understand what he means?

  As expected, Mr. Zhang's face changed and he looked at the iceberg-like emperor: "His Majesty Sejong, is it... the emperor imprisoned you here?"

   Year Fourth Lord nodded.

Zhang Hesu had always been at odds with his father, and his father wanted to help him, but he didn't like it. He refuted: "Nonsense! What did the emperor imprison you for? Ah! What's the use of keeping you?"

   That's right, if it was to usurp the throne, it would not be surprising that the emperor tortured Sejong for so many years. After all, Sejong was the first emperor. As long as he was alive, the emperors behind him were not as orthodox as him. He issued an edict and indeed had the right to decide the next emperor. But the problem is that the emperor has been on the throne for four years, and he did not need to rely on Sejong to admit himself before, and he will not need it after that. It is meaningless to keep Sejong, but there is still a hint of danger.

Nian Siye's eyes were like torches, but he said weakly: "He... he used Yan'er's life to blackmail me and let me pass the throne to him. I disagreed. Locked up... tortured for so many years... he said... he wanted me to watch him, the son of a prostitute in a brothel... how did he get the country..."

   No wonder he didn't kill Sejong, he wanted to torture Sejong day and night, this emperor seems not only ruthless, but perverted!

   In the crowd, I don't know who shouted: "The emperor imprisoned His Majesty Sejong, and finally caused a solar eclipse! His heart can be punished! His heart can be punished!"

  The solar eclipse was originally an ominous sign in this era, and it must have been the emperor who made a major mistake. Even if the emperor is right, he must repent at the Temple of Heaven, not to mention that there is such a big mess right now, it seems impossible for the emperor to clean it up.

The people cast sympathetic glances at the Fourth Lord Nian, and cast hateful glances at the emperor, as if they had been deceived by the emperor's lustrous appearance. At this moment, the truth was revealed, and the anger in their hearts, Enough to burn down a city!

  Water can carry a boat or capsize it. It is very difficult for an emperor who has lost the popular support to sit firmly on the throne.

   "Hand over the throne! Return it to His Majesty Sejong!"

   Someone took the lead and shouted.

   "Yes! Hand over the throne! You tyrant! You have imprisoned His Majesty Sejong for so many years! You are trying to seize the throne! Your mother is a prostitute! With such a dirty identity, what qualifications do you have to be our emperor?"

   This is undoubtedly a nursery.

  Who is the emperor's biological mother? After the strict suppression by the Maharaja, no one talks about it anymore. Most people only remember that the emperor was the son of Empress Xiaohuiren, who was deeply loved by Empress Xiaohuiren. But at this moment, the old things were brought up again, as if a scar had been opened, and every word was poked into the softest part of the emperor's heart.

  The emperor's eyes dimmed a little.

Nian Siye had a panoramic view of the emperor's expression. He knew that the emperor was angry. The emperor is a very filial son. You can look down on him, but you must not insult his mother. Even Shangguan Ruo, who you love so much, dare not openly touch his inverse scales. How dare a plain-headed commoner?

  My good uncle, hurry up!

   Hands-on these bad guys, don't let them attack your mother again!

  The emperor naturally saw Nian Siye's wishful thinking, didn't he just force him to kill the defenseless people when he couldn't bear it? In this way, he is more and more true to the name of the tyrant. It is increasingly impossible to get rid of the crime of imprisoning Sejong.

   I have to say, one link is another link, Nian Si Ye's design is very secret and ingenious.

   However, Fourth Nian seems to have forgotten that there has never been an airtight wall in this world.

   "Prince arrives—"

   With the shrill voice of the maid of honor, a soft sedan chair carried by sixteen strong men walked majestically onto the altar.

   (end of this chapter)

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