Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 322: what's the situation?

   Chapter 322 What's the situation?

  In the Ming Hall, Chu Qianqian and Ouyang Jue sat silently.

   For a long time, Ouyang Jue broke the silence of each other: "Don't he know yet?"

  Chu Qianqian lowered her eyes: "Well, I don't know."

  Ouyang Jue was dumbfounded.

   It's been so long since I came back, and so many things have happened, Zhuge Ye didn't even know that Chu Qianqian was Ouyang Qing.

   "I... I'm not really sure." Chu Qianqian added another sentence.

  Ouyang Jue was stunned for a moment: "What does this mean?"

   "That night, he suddenly told me that Empress Duanmin gave His Majesty Sejong a blessing as a pure yin daughter. I don't know if he found something to test me." Chu Qianqian said quietly.

  Ouyang Jue stared: "He never asked about your relationship with the fourth master or with Yan'er?"

  Looks like...I really didn't ask.

  Chu Qianqian shook her head.

  Ouyang Jue didn't know what to say, but after thinking about it, the rebirth is unbelievable, and it may not be convincing if you say it.

   During the conversation between the two of them, Sun's servant rushed in anxiously: "Ouyang Cairen! Your Highness is out!"

   "Why are you going out?" Chu Qianqian asked.

  The maid of the Sun told the news of the Majesty's entry into the customs and Nalanyan's coming to greet the Maharaja. What else did Chu Qianqian not understand?

   "He's not healed yet." Chu Qianqian tightened her fingers.

  Ouyang Jue took the sword and stood up: "I'll find him!"

   In the dark room with no light, there were also two men sitting silently, one wearing a bamboo hat and the other a plain robe, who were relatively young.

  The man wearing the bucket hat lit the wick with a long needle and asked slowly, "Zhuge Ye left the palace?"

   The lighter man glanced at him and said with a smile: "Yes, as soon as he heard the news of the Maharaja's entry, he came out to greet him in person. He really cared about the Maharaja!"

  The man wearing the bucket hat snorted nonchalantly: "That was before, now, he is more concerned about Qing'er, what about Qing'er?"

   The younger man showed a hint of annoyance: "The old way."

  The man wearing the bucket hat said again: "So, she really can't remember that incident."

   The younger man nodded: "It should be."

  The man wearing the bucket hat smiled meaningfully: "It's a pity, I'm a little reluctant to forget her."

   The younger man's eyes turned cold: "If we don't forget, our last hole card will be exposed."

   "Okay, Zhuge Ye has set off, it's time to prepare." The man wearing the hat said, and walked out of the gate.

   Zhuge Ye moved very fast, and it took Ouyang Jue most of the night to finally catch up with him on a small path.

   It is true that Zhuge Ye sealed up the Prince's Mansion and Ouyang's house, but Ouyang Jue also understood that Zhuge Ye never really had any intention of killing them.

"Over the top of the mountain in front, you will pass the sphere of influence of Nian Siye." Ouyang Jue rode his horse and walked beside Zhuge Ye, "I don't know which way Nalanyan took, but if you know, you can block her first. down."

   Zhuge Ye clenched the reins, his eyes were cold and sharp: "It's nothing to do with her."

   "Huh?" Ouyang Jue didn't understand what Zhuge Ye meant.

  Suddenly, he moved his ears, pressed Zhuge Ye's neck, and lay down on the horse's back.

  Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

  Three sharp arrows slid past the backs of the two of them and crashed into the stone wall of the side door. The flames from friction flashed on the stone wall a few times, illuminating the trembling tails of the arrows.

   Ouyang Jue scolded "Damn", pulled out his sword, and slashed towards the other side of the mountain.


   A few screams came, and a **** smell floated in the air.

  Ouyang Jue swept his eyes and smiled: "Thirty-eight people, he really looks down on us!"

   This he, no doubt, refers to the fourth master of the year.

   From the capital to the west, you must pass by Nian Si Ye’s site. It is not surprising that Nian Si Ye would set up an ambush in the middle of the road, but Ouyang Jue was a little excited by such a big hand.

   "Wait a moment, Your Highness."

  With him there, naturally there is no need for Zhuge Ye to do anything, not to mention that Zhuge Ye is still injured, if something happens, my sister should be sad.

   Just solved five, and there are thirty-three more.

  Ouyang Jue jumped up, and from the east, he killed him like a blanket!

These are not ordinary guards, but dark guards who are different from ordinary people. Each of them can fight one against ten, but this is not a problem in Ouyang Jue's eyes at all. At the cost of a little injury, Ouyang Jue successfully kill them.

   Zhuge Ye threw him a bottle of gold sore medicine.

   He smiled: "It hurts, it doesn't get in the way!"

   gave it back to Zhuge Ye.

   There is a small cut on the left shoulder, it really doesn't matter.

   Zhuge Ye put away the medicine, did not speak, only looked forward with a solemn expression.

   On the surface, Nian Siye's ambush failed, but in fact, the real ambush has not yet begun.

  As expected, just as the two of them rode their horses across a wooden bridge, the wooden bridge collapsed with a bang!

Under the    bridge, it is neither a deep abyss nor a rushing river, but a depression as deep as two people, but it is such a seemingly inconspicuous place, with poisonous weeds that even poisonous snakes avoid.

  If a person gets a little on it, the skin will fester immediately.

   Four years ago, when Zhuge Ye set out from the capital to look for Chu Qianqian, he saw with his own eyes a hand fell off a wooden bridge, fell into the grass, and then turned into a pool of thick water at a visible speed before they rescued him.

Ouyang Jue still didn't know what the danger was here. He thought it was an ordinary weed, and planned to just fall to the ground. Suddenly, his waist tightened, and Zhuge Ye grabbed him with a long whip. Then, he saw Zhuge Ye. The other hand was vigorously raised, and an iron hook was thrown to hook the rocks on the cliff.

   The two of them swayed and swayed to the opposite side.

   One person endured the strength of two people, and all the lines of Zhuge Ye's wounds collapsed.

  Ouyang Jue smelled the strong smell of blood and frowned: "Your Highness! You are injured!"

   (end of this chapter)

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