Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 323: Kill the Fourth Lord of the Year (1)

   Chapter 323 Kill Nian Siye (1)

   "It's okay." After Zhuge Ye said lightly, he turned to look at the dark canyon ahead, "Since you're here, why don't you show up?"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

   With the clear high-five, Fourth Nian walked into the sight of the two with a smile on his face.

   On his face, there were still bruises left after being beaten by Ouyang Jin, which made his smile turn hideous.

  Ouyang Jue stood beside Zhuge Ye vigilantly.

  Nian Fourth Master smiled slightly: "I waited for you all in the middle of the night, I thought I couldn't wait."

   "Wait?" Ouyang Jue looked at Zhuge Ye, "He knew we would go this way?"

   Zhuge Ye's eyes always fell on Nian Siye's face: "Nalanyan is the way to go."

  Ouyang Jue was surprised: "What? Are you chasing Nalanyan?" It turned out to be chasing! But why didn't you catch up? Nalanyan, a woman, actually walks faster than their men!

   Year Fourth Master still smiled and said that the spring was bright: "It seems that you know that Nalanyan is a trap. It's strange, why are you still chasing after you stupidly?"

   This sentence, Ouyang Jue understood. Na Lanyan didn't really go to find the Maharaja, but just deliberately created an illusion so that Zhuge Ye could be intercepted. And Nian Siye set up an ambush on the road, so that Zhuge Ye could be placed on the spot or captured alive.

   What a vicious mind!

  But since Zhuge Ye knew it, why did he still throw himself into the net? Still alone! If he didn't come after him, he...

  Ouyang Jue wanted to pry open Zhuge Ye's head to see what this guy thinks! Don't know if you are hurt? Also jumping in the pit of the fourth master in previous years!

   Zhuge Ye said expressionlessly: "Because, I want to kill you too."

   "Haha..." Fourth Nian laughed out loud, "Just you? One person? Well, including Ouyang Jue, two people."

   Zhuge Ye blinked his long eyelashes lightly: "To deal with you, you don't need so many people."

Nian Siye's face showed a very displeased expression of being underestimated, he turned his eyes, glanced at Ouyang Jue, and said, "If it wasn't for his sneak attack last time, you think I would have been injured by him in a state of complete alertness. arrive?"

   said, in order to prove himself, he cast a contemptuous and mocking look at Ouyang Jue.

  Ouyang Jue was on fire and slashed at Fourth Nian with his sword!

   Unexpectedly, the sword penetrated Nian Siye, but there was no obstruction or blood.

  Nian Siye's smile widened, and he threw himself towards Ouyang Jue!

  Ouyang Jue instinctively took out his palm, trying to knock the opponent into the air.

   Who knows that the other party is like a ghost, and he passed through his body abruptly!

   "Damn it!"

  Ouyang Jue's cold sweat broke out all at once!

   "Hehe... I said you can't hurt me."

   Year Fourth Master appeared behind Ouyang Jue.

  Ouyang Jue did not believe in evil, so he slashed again with his sword!

  The man was clearly there, but it was as if every sword had slashed into the air.

   "This... what the **** is going on here?"


  No, not immortal, not even injured!

  It seems...not even a body!

  No no no, those with a body can see it, but… can’t touch it!

  Ouyang Jue has grown so big, and he has never encountered such an evil situation!

   He pinched himself!


  It hurts!

   is not a dream!

  Ouyang Jue's back was covered with a layer of chills, and when the cold wind blew, all the hairs stood up!

   He swung his sword and slashed at the opponent again and again!

   But no matter how much you cut it, it was futile.

   He was exhausted to the point of death, and Fourth Nian still smiled like a spring breeze.

   "I don't believe it anymore, I won't kill you today!"


   Zhuge Ye grabbed his wrist.

  Ouyang Jue frowned: "Let me go, I have to kill him today!"

  Zhuge Ye looked around with deep eyes: "Before you kill him, you will be exhausted."

  Ouyang Jue's throat slid: "What kind of evil art does he practice? Why does he look like Tuan's Shadow?"

  I can't touch it, hit it, it doesn't hurt, I can't hurt it.

   Zhuge Ye said, "Illusion."

   "What? Illusion?" Ouyang Jue's heart skipped a beat, and he pointed to the fourth Nian Ye, who was smiling like a flower, "Is that fake?"

   "Not only is he fake, but everything you see now may be fake." Zhuge Ye hooked his lips and slapped Ouyang Jue on the chest.

  Ouyang Jue was shot flying, hit the rock behind him, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

   He looked at Zhuge Ye in disbelief, but saw that Zhuge Ye's figure swayed slightly and turned into Fourth Nian Ye.

   And the fourth master of the year just now disappeared without knowing when!

  Ouyang Jue was dumbfounded.

   Who can tell him what the situation is now?

  How did the good-looking Zhuge Ye suddenly become the fourth master of Nian?

  Where did Zhuge Ye go?

  Ouyang Jue rubbed his eyes, hoping that he was wrong, but to his disappointment, this guy who was Zhuge Ye a second ago really looked like a fourth year old.

  So...this thing is called...illusion?

   He has been practicing martial arts for many years, and he has traveled far and wide. It is not that he has not heard of such a wicked kung fu. Illusion first appeared in Miaojiang, practiced by priests and witches with the best qualifications. It was mainly used in sacrificial activities to create some illusions for the tribesmen to inspire their more intense worship and loyalty. Later, this kung fu spread to the imperial court, causing many **** cases among the courtiers, and the imperial court ordered the ban on illusion.

   It’s just that the imperial court forbade its widespread dissemination, while cultivating the children of the royal family to practice quietly.

  Ouyang Jue had contact with many royal clansmen, but none of them were proficient in this way. Ouyang Jue thought the illusion was lost, but unexpectedly, he met him in the hands of Nian Siye.

  Strictly speaking, Nian Siye is just a fake trained by Nalanyan. Although Nalanyan is expensive as a queen, she is not of royal blood, nor does she practice martial arts, so she should not be proficient in illusion. Then, who did Nian Siye learn from?

   (end of this chapter)

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