Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 336: spoil (3)

   Chapter 336 Pampering (3)

Shangguan Ruo leaned on the back of Luan's car in disappointment: "Isn't Liu Meiren not favored? She doesn't have many personal servants, right? It's excusable that there are so many people, I don't remember, there are only one or two, how can I give it to her? Forgot? The emperor doesn't remember Ming Lan, and neither does the old lady."

   The maid lowered her eyes, just because she didn't "remember" it, she remembered it all. Now, she has been able to determine that Ming Lan's sudden "disappearance" has nothing to do with the emperor.

   She wasn't sure whether to continue the investigation.

  If you check, maybe you will pull out a secret that the queen can't accept at all; if you don't check, the queen will be kept in the dark for life.

   Queen, Queen, who are you offending? Why did you provoke Mingyue? Merry and happy didn't catch it, but instead hung a knife in his heart.

   If I knew this earlier, I should have lied to you in the first place, indicating that Lan was buried with Liu Meiren!

   When Zhuge Ye woke up from his sleep, Chu Qianqian was taking care of Xiaobao and Xi'er in Fengqi Palace, and he couldn't come back for a while. Zhuge Ye dressed neatly and simply ate some meals before heading to the imperial study.

   Ever since the Maharaja was assassinated, there has been a doubt in his heart. If he hadn't missed Chu Qianqian and Xiaobao too much, the first thing he did when he returned to the palace was to ask the emperor to answer his questions.

  The emperor is reviewing the memorial.

Naturally, he heard the news of the Majesty's entry into the palace. Not only did he hear it, but Shangguan Ruo also sent someone to invite him for a meal, but he didn't move.

   He was at odds with the majesty, and everyone in the whole world knew that he had to go to the majesty to catch the wind and wash the dust before making people shout to hell.

   "Imperial Father." Zhuge Ye crossed the threshold and clasped his fists in a salute.

  The emperor raised his eyes and glanced at his shoulder: "Is the injury healed?"

   Zhuge Ye said, "It's okay."

  The emperor gave a "hmm": "Is there anything you want to do with me?"

   Zhuge Ye raised his eyes and looked fixedly at the unsmiling emperor: "My son, I want to ask, did the emperor send someone to assassinate the grandfather?"

The    emperor glanced at him and said nothing.

   This is the default.

   Zhuge Ye frowned: "Imperial Father! He is your father-in-law! He is the grandfather of Erchen and Xier! Why do you want to assassinate him?"

  The emperor lost the memorial in his hand with a slap, looked at Zhuge Ye and said, "Go back to your East Palace, without my permission, you are not allowed to take a step out of the East Palace!"

   This is to ban his feet?

   Zhuge Ye's eyes turned cold: "If you don't want your grandfather to take your mother away, I can tell you very clearly that unless the mother is willing to stay, even if you kill your grandfather, I will take the mother away!"

The    emperor crushed the wolf brush in his hand.

   After leaving the imperial study, Zhuge Ye was of course not so obedient and went directly to Fengxi Palace.

   Xiaobao and Xier played chess for an hour. Basically, Xiaobao kept catching, Xier kept playing, and every time they played different chess games, from easy to difficult.

  Chu Qianqian was about to admire Di Xier, so patient. If you are yourself, you will not set it up again and again, just to give Xiaobao a paw to scatter it. Chu Qianqian would not admit that she had never seen many chess games played by Xi'er, let alone broken them.

   At the end of the game, the person setting the game was not tired, but the troublemaker fell asleep on the board.

   saliva flowed into a large pool.

  Xi'er has a cleanliness addiction, a severe cleanliness addiction.

   Once a palace maid accidentally got a strand of hair on the chess piece, Xier was so mad that the table was overturned.

   Now, Xiaobao's saliva has contaminated almost the entire chessboard.

  Chu Qianqian was more afraid that Xi'er would overturn Xiaobao and the table together. Unexpectedly, Xi'er just took a handkerchief calmly and gently wiped Xiaobao's saliva.

   He just finished wiping, Xiaobao was flowing again, and he rubbing again, there was no impatient and disgust in his expression, but full of tenderness and doting.

  Chu Qianqian blinked, almost thinking she was wrong.

   "Second Highness." She saluted.

  Xi'er stood up, walked slowly to her, and returned a half salute.

  This is...a gift from my brother-in-law to my sister-in-law.

  Chu Qianqian's eyes suddenly widened.

  Xi'er...I know her identity.

Just now?

   or… earlier?

  Is this child really human?

   (end of this chapter)

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