Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 337: The truth of that year (1)

   Chapter 337 The truth of that year (1)

   Xiaobao and Xi'er were already taking a nap when Zhuge Ye entered the door. If Shangguan went out and didn't return, Zhuge Ye only saw Chu Qianqian sitting alone in front of the bed.

   Picking up the unhappiness at the emperor's place, Zhuge Ye walked up to Chu Qianqian and said, "What are you in a daze?"

   "Xi'er... seems to know my identity." Chu Qianqian said with a hint of uncertainty.

  Zhuge Ye pulled up a chair and sat down beside Chu Qianqian: "If you know it, you will know it, he won't talk nonsense."

   He can't speak at all.

   Of course, he can write.

   But he was never a troublemaker.

Chu Qianqian slowly turned her head towards Zhuge Ye's outstretched hand, pressed her cheek against his generous palm, and noticed that the temperature was much lower than before, she couldn't help raising her eyes, looking into his darkened eyes, and asked. : "You woke up so fast, what happened?"

  According to the dose of Anshen Decoction, Zhuge Ye would sleep until night. When he woke up so early, Chu Qianqian thought that someone woke up Zhuge Ye.

Zhuge Ye touched the heads of the two children, making sure they slept soundly, and briefly explained the assassination of the Majesty: "...The emperor also banned my feet, it seems that I don't want me to interfere with this again. something happened."

Since ancient times, the relationship between the prince and the emperor has been somewhat delicate, but this one is completely ineffective when it comes to the current emperor and Zhuge Ye. Whether the emperor is a good husband Chu Qianqian dare not make a deal, but for Zhuge Ye, it is a Very qualified father. He wants to kill the majesty, if Zhuge Ye has been by the maharaja's side, it will be difficult for him to kill him.

  Chu Qianqian thoughtfully: "I don't understand why the relationship between the emperor and the majesty is so tense?"

   Not only does the emperor hate the majesty, but the maharaja has always guarded against the emperor, which can be confirmed from the safe passage. In the world, after marrying a daughter, which father would set up an escape route to prevent his daughter from being hunted down by his son-in-law? This seems to confirm that the relationship between the two people will not go too smoothly, or that there is some indelible safety hazard between the two people.

Zhuge Ye knew from the time he was sensible that his mother was the jewel in the palm of the majesty's hand. The maharaja favored Shangguanling, but the maharaja's favor for Shangguanling was far less than one-tenth of that for Shangguanruo. He didn't take the matter of the safe passage to heart. But when Chu Qianqian suspected it, he suddenly felt that some of the authorities were obsessed with bystanders.

   "You mean..." He looked at Chu Qianqian.

Chu Qianqian said earnestly: "Let me tell you, one day Yan'er grows up and is about to get married. We chose a husband with a very good appearance and family background for her, but she wants to marry a poor scholar. You Do you think it is necessary for us to leave a lot of chips for Yan'er to escape because we are worried about Yan'er's bad life?"

   Female secret guard, safe passage, which one is not the insurance your Majesty gave Shangguan Ruoshang?

  Zhuge Ye frowned slightly: "Do you think your Majesty has been guarding against my father?"

   "What's more than prevention? There is a kind of apprehension of marrying my daughter to an enemy." Chu Qianqian truthfully expressed her thoughts, "Does the Majesty have a grudge against the emperor?"

   Zhuge Ye fell into contemplation: "Have hatred...but not so."

  Chu Qianqian took his hand and motioned him to continue.

   Married for four years, the child is three years old, Zhuge Ye never talked to Chu Qianqian about family matters, he hesitated, but Zhuge Ye said it anyway.

"My mother was originally the fiancée appointed by His Majesty Jingzong. At that time, His Majesty Jingzong had not yet ascended the throne and was the crown prince. My mother came with the majesty to discuss the marriage, but the mother did not like His Majesty Jingzong, but fell in love with my father. My father The status of the emperor..." Zhuge Ye paused, "Liu Meiren is an official prostitute in a brothel, and she is not favored. The mother and son stay in the palace all year round, and they are not as good as pigs and dogs."

   The last few words, he bit out between his teeth.

   is no exaggeration.

   In order to have a full meal, Liu Meiren has been reduced to the point of washing the feet of the eunuch. In order to earn some money to buy medicine, Zhuge Ming often served as sandbags for those guards.

   His martial arts were not learned from famous teachers, but were beaten by others.

   If it wasn't for Empress Xiao Huiren to express her importance to the Majesty and Shangguan Ruo, she would not have allowed a destitute prince to attend the banquet.

   Unexpectedly, a reception feast that gathered the entire royal family would make Zhuge Ming fall into Shangguan Ruo's eyes.

   "Your Majesty has always wanted his daughter to be the queen, and he doesn't look down on my father and emperor. It's not surprising that the relationship between the husband and wife is so bad."

  Chu Qianqian nodded: "It should be like this, but... that's because the majesty doesn't look down on your father, it's not because your father doesn't look down on the maharaja. Could it be that... your father is very opposed to this marriage?"

   Oppose to the point of wanting to kill the Maharaja to vent your anger?

  No, it wasn't the Majesty who forced Shangguan Ruo to marry the emperor, but if Shangguan wanted to marry himself, the Majesty nodded because of helplessness, and if the emperor wanted to blame Shangguan Ruo, what was he doing? .

  Don't tell her that the emperor resented the maharaja for giving birth to such a domineering daughter.

   "Zhuge Ye, could it be that the Majesty has done something to make you feel sorry for your father?" Chu Qianqian gathered up her courage and asked.

  Zhuge Ye had vaguely guessed this, but he never dared to admit it, Chu Qianqian repeatedly tore through his cowardice, forcing him to open a **** hole in his heart.

   He breathed heavily and clenched his fists.

Anyway, Chu Qianqian didn't mind putting some disinfectant on the wound: "It must be! Based on what I know about your father, he will not let the majesty have an accident under such a high-profile situation, and will leave a handle on him. It must have been unbearable, so I took the risk of being tainted for thousands of years to kill the Maharaja."

   It is impossible to go to Kashiqing to assassinate the Maharaja. After all, the west is the Maharaja's territory, but once the Maharaja enters the customs, it will be different. It's just that everything has advantages and disadvantages. If the majesty has an accident in the customs, no matter whether it is the emperor's hand or not, everyone will put the account on the emperor's head. Who told the majesty to bring the army with him?

The    emperor had only two choices: either spare no effort to protect the monarch, or do nothing to kill the monarch.

The    emperor chose the latter.

  The fool also saw that the emperor was abnormal.

  Perhaps, she should ask someone to learn about the history of the emperor.

   (end of this chapter)

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