Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 395: The show is so spineless (3)

  Chapter 395 The Extraordinary is so spineless (3)

   His Highness the Seventh did not warn me, I consciously kept my mouth shut.

   I kind of enjoy the feeling that this secret brings, it makes me feel like I'm different from others.

  I gave Su Rong the materials I bought, Lian Rong the cover of the knife handle, and Bai Rong the books. These are their feelings for His Highness the Seventh Highness. How they give it to His Highness is their own business.

   In addition, I also bought a hairpin for each of them.

   They liked it very much. Su Rong and Bai Rong told me to make me a set of clothes and a pair of shoes, and Lian Rong called me.

   After dividing the gifts, I took out the ingredients I bought for the Seventh Highness. Miss Liu probably didn't expect the cakes and plum wine to be sold. There was only one chicken, one catty of flour and two catties of eggs on the list. But Miss Liu's body also needs to be repaired, so I divided the ingredients into two parts, and the Shangyang Palace and Liuchun Pavilion each got half.

  When the chickens were divided, I left the pregnant hens here.

  There is no reason, it lays eggs every day, and Su Rong can cook egg custard for His Highness every day!

I brought five kilograms of beef, five kilograms of mutton, and three chickens (one male and one female, so that they can mate when they grow up! Mating or something, let's put it here, I seriously doubt that the cold air of the seventh prince will Caused infertility of chickens), five catties of vegetables, five catties of eggs, a carp, a grass carp, and a basket of grapefruit and oranges When they returned to Liuchun Pavilion, Miss Liu was dumbfounded.

   "That's… so much!"

   Miss Liu looks so silly.

I smiled and clapped my hands, and handed the remaining 10 taels of silver to Miss Liu: "Your cakes were sold for 22 taels, my plum wine was sold for 25 taels, and then I gave them to my fellow villagers for 5 taels. It's a dividend."

   is strange.

   The plum wine was only sold for fifty taels, and the truth of the other fifteen taels is that Uncle Chang gave ten taels, and Su Rong, Lian Rong, and Bai Rong collected fifty taels!

   "It only cost me thirty taels to buy things, and you take the rest! You don't blame me for buying so many more things, right?"

   Miss Liu shook her head: "No, the ones you bought are very good, they are all the favorites of the Seventh Highness."

She hasn't been in the palace for a long time, and she doesn't know the outside market for a long time. A jar of plum wine and a few boxes of cakes sold for 40 taels. So much meat and vegetables cost only 30 taels. How unusual, she didn't doubt it at all. ! What's more, she wasn't angry when I made an assertion or something!

   Having such a good master is also quite a peace of mind!

  In the evening, we keep the ingredients well, the weather is freezing cold, and we don’t worry about spoilage, but we are afraid that some hands and feet are not clean and they will steal things.

   Those old guys in the kitchen are not good people!

   "Do you like to eat egg custard?" Miss Liu asked me while making a late-night snack.

  I threw a piece of wood at the bottom of the stove: "I like it."

   Miss Liu made a total of two copies, one for His Royal Highness and one for me.

  I really wanted to eat alone, but Su Rong, Lian Rong and Bai Rong all paid for it. I was a little embarrassed, so I went into their room with the egg custard.

   This is the first time we have eaten something so delicious, the kind of tenderness that tantalizes the whole taste buds, almost made us eat our tongues together.

  The egg custard made by Miss Liu was quite heavy, but it couldn't hold up our four mouths. After a while, we bottomed out. We licked the saliva from the corners of our mouths, and all had the urge to lick our bowls.

   "It's even better than the egg custard in the imperial kitchen." Bai Rong said still.

  Su Rong asked: "Have you ever eaten in the imperial kitchen?"

  Bai Rong choked: "No..."

  I have eaten it, and I have eaten a lot, but no royal chef has ever made it more delicious than this bowl of egg custard.

   Maybe, I'm just starving.

   Having eaten the egg custard, I remembered the injury of the seventh prince, and knocked on the door of the seventh prince with the golden sore medicine that had been prepared: "Your highness, are you finished? After you finished, the servant took the food box back to Liuchun Pavilion."

"Come in."

   Indifferent voice without a trace of emotion.

   The sweat I made while eating the custard was all frozen in this second.

  I quietly pushed the door and entered.

   His Highness Seven has not finished eating.

  I don't know if it was because he didn't want to eat it, or because he saw me desperately swallowing saliva, he suddenly pushed the bowl: "You can eat it."

   I blinked.

   His Highness the Seventh said: "Don't want to eat?"

   I swallowed my saliva, I can't rob you...



   So spineless!

  Is it an illusion or something, there was a slight laughter in my ear, very light and fast, but when I looked at his lips, there was no trace of laughter.

   I ended up eating the half bowl of custard.

   It came out of a pot, but I think this bowl is even more delicious than the one just now.

   Before leaving, I put the golden sore medicine on the table.

   His Highness the Seventh glanced at it and said nothing.

   The next day, before dawn, I was awakened by a scream.

   (end of this chapter)

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