Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 396: The eldest lady of Ouyang's family (1)

   Chapter 396 The eldest lady of the Ouyang family (1)

   I ran out to take a look and was dumbfounded!

A group of very dignified and well-dressed maids and women were surrounded by a pink doll in red, her skin was as clear as ice and snow; her eyes were shining like gems; The small mouth and the baby's fat face are so beautiful that a whole room of people, including Miss Liu, have all become foils!

   Miss Liu stood aside a little embarrassedly, neither greeting nor not greeting, it can be seen that the identity of the little girl is not ordinary.

   Also, for ordinary people who can afford to wear such expensive clothes, the gold thread on the cuffs and the tears of the mercenaries alone are enough for the entire palace's salary for one year.

  But...this is the palace! Can you come uninvited, there will be nothing but the people from the palace? Why can't I remember such a little princess or princess in the palace?

   "Miss!" The woman in the lead gave her a light snort, as if she was displeased by her recklessness, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that beneath that layer of dissatisfaction, there was a lot of pampering.

   The little doll smiled sweetly, and the morning light hit her side face through the window lattice, outlining her delicate facial features dimly and slightly shining: "Grandma, I know, next time it won't be like this!"

   After she finished speaking, the grandmother smiled helplessly.

   At this moment, she saw me.

  I hurriedly lowered my eyes and bowed.

   She smiled politely, then jumped up in front of Miss Liu, tilted her head and asked, "Are you the mother of Uncle Seventh Emperor?"


   One who is qualified to be called the Seventh Highness Uncle, can freely enter and leave the palace, and looks so beautiful...


  The eldest lady of the Ouyang family!


  Why is she here?

   The Seventh Highness didn't follow her, which means she ran directly to Liuchun Pavilion—

   The surprise on Miss Liu's face was no less than mine. She rubbed her handkerchief and said to Ouyang, "Uh... yes... yes."

  Ouyang Qing put his index finger on his soft red lips, thought about it carefully, and said, "Your surname is Liu?"


   She bent down her small body like a glutinous rice dumpling, and said, "Hello, Miss Liu, I'm Ouyang Qing."

   Miss Liu was stunned.

me too.

   After entering the palace for so long, no one with status has ever saluted Miss Liu, especially the other party...not ordinary noble.

   Miss Liu finally came to her senses, she was flattered and stretched out her hand to help her, but when she touched her high-grade clothes, she immediately retracted it like an electric shock.

   "Ouyang ... Miss Ouyang, don't be too polite."

   Emotions are hard to hide.

   Miss Liu looked at the grandmother behind her again, as if to ask, is there something wrong with Miss Ouyang coming to Liuchun Pavilion?

   Grandma didn't move, but Ouyang Qing said, "Who is Ming Lan?"

  Heart, I opened my eyes wide.

   Miss Liu waved to me: "Ming Lan, come over and see Miss Ouyang."

   Contained my shock, I stepped forward and gave a proper salute: "Miss Ouyang."

  Ouyang Qing raised his small face like water tofu, and stretched out his chubby little hands: "Is there any chestnut cake?"


After chatting for a quarter of an hour, I finally figured out the ins and outs. It turned out that the person who bought the cakes for twenty two dollars yesterday was the servant of the Ouyang family. Due to sister Dashun, the servant of the Ouyang family often came to visit. Uncle Sheng's restaurant just happened to come across a new variety of chestnut cakes in the restaurant yesterday, so he bought snacks that honor Ouyang's family at a sky-high price.

   And what's even more embarrassing is that the plum wine that I thought was sold at an exorbitant price (five or two large jars) was actually packed and sold to the other party by Uncle Sheng.

After    explained to Ouyang Qing that the things were made by Miss Liu, Ouyang Qing pestered Miss Liu to make her chestnut cakes. A small child, like a dumpling, without the kind of arrogance and arrogance, just sucking in saliva, as if she will be eager to see if she doesn't make chestnut cake for her.

But Miss Liu is His Majesty's woman after all, and whether she is favored or not is not the point of cooking for a minister's daughter, not to mention whether Ouyang Qing can afford it or not. Come to the censors to criticize them.

  Ouyang Qing was young and ignorant, but the servants couldn't be more open-minded.

Sure enough, the grandmother smiled and took Ouyang Qing's hand, pulled her off from Miss Liu's skirt, and said to Miss Liu, "Today, the slaves have the courage to ask Miss Liu for craftsmanship, lest this little devil star Day by day, the house is uneasy."

  Ouyang Qing seemed to enjoy the title of Little Magic Star, and smiled and squinted.

   That cute little appearance made me want to run over and kiss her.

I turned to look at Miss Liu. From what I know about Miss Liu, she is the most reluctant to reject people. Grandma's mouth is nice and asks for craftsmanship, but in fact, it can be delicious enough to make Miss Ouyang herself The things that come to the door are by no means a recipe that can be learned.

   To put it bluntly, Miss Liu still has to cook by herself.

   Miss Liu smiled gently: "Okay."

  Grandma took two maids and went to the small kitchen with Miss Liu, leaving the other two maids to look after Ouyang Qing.

It was the first time Ouyang Qing came to such a shabby place. I guess she was sitting on a chair with her calves hanging in the air, shaking her little head from side to side. She was as clever as a rabbit, not like those dignified and rigid. 's daughter.

   "Miss Ouyang, are you cold?" I asked embarrassedly after the maid put on an extra cloak for her.

   The living room of a prince's biological mother didn't even have to burn the ground dragon. It was really shabby.

  Ouyang Qing jumped to the ground and pushed off the cloak on his body: "It's not cold, it's heavy! Don't wear it for me!"

   "Miss, you should be more obedient. You need to take medicine if you freeze." The maid coaxed her patiently.

  Ouyang Qing hid behind me: "If you don't wear it, you won't wear it!"

  The maid stomped her feet anxiously: "Miss!"

   Ouyang Qing made a face.

   I turned around and saw her sticking out her tongue, my heart melted.

  I squatted down and touched her soft little hands, it was indeed a little cold: "Miss Ouyang, do you like tea?"

  Ouyang shook his head: "It's so bitter, I don't like it!"

  I smiled: "The tea I cook is not bitter, sweet and fragrant, would you like to have a taste?"

  Ouyang Qing's sparkling eyes quickly flashed a bright color: "Sweet?"

   I proved this answer with practical actions.

   Ninety percent of the Great Zhou Dynasty were Han Chinese, but our royal family came from Kashiqing in the grasslands. The palace reserved a small pasture, where some cattle and sheep were grazing.

  I took some fresh goat milk, tapped the tea cake, and boiled it together with sucrose to make milk tea. I only took a small cup for her because she would have stomach discomfort at first taste.

   (end of this chapter)

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