Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 70: Chinese New Year, please come to your door (3)

   Chapter 70 Chinese New Year, please come to your door (3)

   "I'll let you prepare the car!"

The servant knelt down: "My lord! According to this old servant's opinion, Prince Zhuge put down his harsh words and asked Yao Xi to be dealt with more seriously. In fact, he was trying to lure you into the bait! You must, must be calm! If you don't move, he must be too. Don't dare to act rashly!"

   "Are you sure he won't act rashly?"

  In Liujing Pavilion, Shangguan Yu was leaning on the chair, and his fiery red gown was like a raging flame, illuminating the whole room a little bit brighter.

Zhuge Ye flipped through the secret report in his hand, and said lightly, "I've been investigating him with great fanfare for so long, and he should have noticed it. He would think that what happened to Yao Xi was a game I set up, and its purpose was to To lure him into the bait. He will also think that as long as he doesn't take the bait, Yao Xi will be safe for a day."

  Shangguan Yu stroked his long hair provocatively, and habitually touched the ink jade inkstone beside him, but he didn't touch it for a long time, turned his head and saw that it was gone!

   This guy, shouldn't he send Chu Qianqian again?

   That is the inkstone that the Prince Regent won from Queen Duanmin, the only one in the world!

   Prodigal son!

  Shangguan Yu snorted and said angrily, "Zhugeyan also likes Yao Xi?"

  What is "also"? Zhuge Ye hit him with a cold gaze!

  Shangguan Yu shrank his neck angrily and said with a smile, "Then why should he care about Yao Xi?"

   Zhuge Ye narrowed his eyes thoughtfully: "He doesn't care about Yao Xi, he cares about the daughter of pure yin."

   Zhuge Yan will protect both of them until he finds the real pure yin daughter.

   As for him, until he figured out Zhuge Yan's motives, he wouldn't easily dispose of Yao Xi.

   At first, he helped Yao Xi to cover up because he thought Yao Xi had saved his life; now he is still helping Yao Xi to cover up, but he thought it might be useful to keep Yao Xi.

   fixed his eyes, he looked at Shangguan Yu and said, "Let's get together for a good year, choose a day for you to set off, and check who Zhugeyan has been with during his fifteen years in Xuzhou."

   "Xuzhou?" At the city gate where the snow was blowing, the guard looked at the Lu Yin handed over by the man, and breathed a sigh of relief, "I hear your accent like a native of the capital, how did you come from Xuzhou?"

The    man smiled and said pleasantly: "My hometown is in Xuzhou, but I have been in the capital for seven years."

  The guard gave an "oh" and pointed the way back to the man: "No way, after a quarter of the time, the city gate will be prohibited from entering and leaving, you go, come back tomorrow."

After    finished speaking, he turned around and shouted at his companions, "Brothers, release the gates and close the gates!"

   "Little brother! I remember that the city gate was closed at three o'clock when Shen Shi! Why was it so early?" the man asked suspiciously.

The    guard explained: "Oh, that was the rule from years ago! It's different now! On New Year's Eve, a servant was shot and wounded by bandits, and the murderer has not been caught yet. Now, the whole city is on alert!"

   "But I'm really in a hurry to enter the city! You can make it easier for you, your city gate hasn't been closed yet!" The man said with a hint of pleading.

The guard frowned: "Who said it's not closed? It was the chief of Ming County who went out of the city, and we opened it again! But he is the prince of the county, you can't compare! Let's go, let's go, if you don't go, the road will be blocked by heavy snow! Snow, a lot of houses have collapsed, don't listen to me!"

The man scratched his head, took out a piece of silver from his arms, and stuffed it into the guard's hand: "Just do it conveniently, we've been on the road for a long time. I don't care, but my wife... She is a woman, and some can't support it. Living."

   "This..." The guard hesitated.

   At this time, a guard who had finished putting the gates came over and wanted to tell his companions to stop work and go home. As soon as he saw the man, he was startled: "Brother Yao?"

The    man looked at him: "Zhang Daniu!"

   "Haha, it's me!" Zhang Daniu was originally from the Jingzhao Mansion, and later joined the Imperial Guard, but before he officially joined the army, he had to train in the Defense Department for a year. Zhang Daniu looked at his companion and said, "My buddy, go in!"

  The carriage slowly passed through the cave of the city gate. Zhang Daniu patted the man on the shoulder and pointed to the carriageway: "Sister-in-law?"

The    man smiled and nodded.

  Daniu Zhang punched him: "Yes, you, don't tell your brother when you get married!"

   The man smiled and said nothing.

  Daniu Zhang flickered: "I have to say hello to my sister-in-law!"

The    man's expression changed, afraid that he would frighten Bi Zhu, and wanted to stop him, but he had already lifted the curtain.

   "Sister-in-law! I'm a big cow! Zichuan's buddy!" He introduced seriously.

  Bizhu blushed slightly, and said softly, "Hello, Daniel."

   "It's abrupt, it's abrupt." Zhang Tainiu made a nod, lowered the curtain, winked at the man and said, "My sister-in-law is very beautiful, you boy, you are blessed!"

  Bizhu heard this, and the distress of not being able to get married in time disappeared instantly. He cares about her, and if he doesn't care, he won't introduce her to his brother. It's not that they won't get married, it's just that it's delayed for a few days.

  Want to open up, Bizhu!

   "Brother Zichuan, where are we going now?"

   "Zhang Taiye's Mansion."

Mr. Zhang is eating crucian carp tofu soup. He has been addicted to this dish since he ate it at Juxianlou once, but unfortunately, he asked many cooks to make it, but he couldn't make the original taste, so he also sent someone to inquire about it. After seeing the maid, the people from Juxianlou said that the maid ran away with the man.

   In his life, he hated this kind of person who betrayed the Lord and begged for glory the most. Even if what he asked for was love in the world, he couldn't run away without a word! Where is this master located? If everyone were like that maid, would there still be the word "loyalty" in this world?

   "Master, Young Master Biao is back!" The servant girl under the corridor lifted the curtain and reported.

   "It's only been a few days?" The year hasn't passed, and they're all on their way, right? Mrs. Zhang shook his head and said, "Prepare another set of tableware."

When the    man came in, there were several more dishes that he liked to eat on the table, but unfortunately, he had no appetite.

   Mrs. Zhang looked at his sloppy appearance, who was so busy that he didn't even have time to shave his beard, and frowned, "Look at what kind of virtue you have made yourself into?"

  The man bowed: "Sorry, I'm rude in front of you."

   (end of this chapter)

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