Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 71: Chinese New Year, please come to your door (4)

   Chapter 71 Chinese New Year, please come to your door (4)

   Mr. Zhang waved his hand: "Go and clean up, and then have a meal with me."

  The only sister is in prison, where is he in the mood to eat? He went straight to the topic and said, "What happened to Xiaoxi? How could she be locked up?"

Has it been exposed that    is a fake pure yin girl? It should be impossible. If this matter is exposed, the entire Yao family will be implicated.

  Master Zhang stroked his beard and recounted the events of Zhugeyan and the crown ceremony from beginning to end. After speaking, he sighed one after another: "This child is also confused, thinking that all the cheap things in the world are so easy to pick up?"

After the man heard the incident, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Although the matter was a big one, it was not that there was no room for change at all. The fourth prince incident was purely accidental, and he was rescued by the woman, as long as the woman was willing to ask for Xiaoxi As a matter of fact, Empress Zhuang Su would not hold on to Xiaoxi.

   And it happened that the woman was the bitter master who was robbed of the credit by Xiaoxi. If she is willing to forgive Xiaoxi, the regent's palace and the government's side should also receive a lighter sentence.

   All in all, Xiaoxi's life was completely in the hands of this woman.

   "Master, which lady is that?" he asked.

   Master Zhang said, "Miss Chu family, Chu Qianqian."

   "Chu Qianqian?" The man's eyes suddenly widened!

   Mrs. Zhang glanced at him and smiled: "Have you heard of her too? Yes, this girl is famous for the plum banquet. You were still in the capital at that time."

Do not! not this! He was surprised because he didn't expect it to be her at all!

   "Daughter Chu, thank you Engong for saving Bizhu."

   "I owe my grace two favors."

   The dark eyes of the man suddenly reunited, he stood up and said excitedly, "I'll go to Miss Chu!"

   "Miss Chu is long gone!" The maid said while making the bed.

  Bizhu's pupils shrank, she clenched her fists and said, "Is Miss Chu married?"

   The maid smiled and shook her head: "No, no, I haven't married yet. I heard that she was ill and was sent to Zhuangzi for recuperation."

  Bizhu's heart tensed, and she lost her voice: "What's wrong?"

Seeing that she was so excited, the maid smiled gently and said, "Why are you excited? It's not you. Then it's not the first time that Miss Chu has been sick. She was sent to the countryside for a few years before, and she is recovering well. It took me a while to get it back, but it didn’t take long for me to get back, and I fell ill again.”


When did Miss    get sick? Aren't you afraid of the cold? What kind of disease is that?

   It must be the master... The master kicked the eldest out again!

   When did it happen? Five days after she left? three days? Or the same day?

   God, what did she do?

   When the eldest lady was abandoned by the Chu family again, she actually abandoned the eldest lady!

   "Huh? Who is that? He seems to be crying." Dan Ju twisted a food box and walked down the path, saw a familiar, shaking back, and asked the maid beside him.

   The servant girl smiled and said "Oh": "That is the fiancee of our cousin, the young master. Maybe she is a little homesick."

   Young Master Biao's fiancee, that shouldn't be Sister Bizhu. The one who is on good terms with Sister Bizhu is a bodyguard, Young Master Zhang Jiabiao, it is impossible for him to be a bodyguard. But the back was so familiar that Dan Ju couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you from the capital?"

   The maid smiled and shook her head: "Master Biao brought it from Xuzhou."

   Xuzhou people? Dan Ju is sure that the person is not Bizhu anymore.

  The two came to Mr. Zhang's yard. The gatekeeper said that Mr. Zhang was talking with Mr. Biao, and asked Dan Ju to sit in the flower hall for a while.

Danju remembered the eldest lady and didn't dare to keep it any longer, so she handed the food box to the maid and smiled, "Since the grandfather is busy, I won't bother you. My lady asked me to tell the grandfather, it's not how precious things are, just some Don't give her a gift in return for the snack for the tooth festival."

   This was originally to return to the grandfather's New Year's ceremony. The eldest lady was afraid that she would be confused when she came back, so she simply pointed out the words.

   The servant girl secretly said, it's too late for others to communicate with our grandfather, why does your young lady not know how to cherish?

   But he still said with a pleasant face: "Okay, I will see the grandfather later, and I will tell the grandfather. If you have something to do, I will not keep you, and I will take you out."

   "No, why bother my mother? I know the way, I can just walk by myself." This is Zhang's housekeeper's mother! It was also her who went to Zhuangzi to give New Year's gifts last time.

   The servant girl smiled and said, "You rarely come here, why don't I give it away? My grandfather knows and will scold me!"

  Danju laughed.

   After they were far away, Bizhu turned around slowly, her face full of tears.

  If she didn't leave, she would be the one with the eldest lady!

   She is the one who saddled up for the eldest lady!

   She is the one who is highly valued wherever she goes!

  Bizhu patted her head, what are you thinking? Makes it seem like he's not happy. What's not to be satisfied with when you're with someone who likes you and who you also like?

   Or maybe, just uneasy?

  Yes, from the moment she returned to Beijing, she was enveloped by an uneasy feeling, and she always felt that something bad was going to happen!

  Hope, I think too much.

  When Danju returned to Zhuangzi, Chu Qianqian had just put on light clothes and was about to go out for a walk.

   "I can't be cold all the time, I want to exercise."

   After saying this, climbing the mountain became a daily routine for the eldest lady.

   But a few heavy snowfalls a few days ago blocked the way up the mountain, so the eldest lady could only walk around the village.

   After walking back and forth on the hillside, Chu Qianqian was so tired that she was sweating profusely: "How many laps have you been?"

  Danju made a gesture with a smile: "Miss Sanhuan! I walked half a circle more than yesterday!"

   "There has been progress." Chu Qianqian smiled slightly, her clear eyes flashing crystal-like light under the reflection of the snow, "Take it down."

   "Okay!" Danju took out a small notebook and a small piece of charcoal, and stroked lightly. "What do you want for lunch?"

   "Roast venison."

   (end of this chapter)

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