Mo Qingyan was originally timing the time, so although the blood shed by Mo Qingyu is much, it looks terrible, but in fact it is nothing big.

After the doctor came out, he just looked at Mo Qingyan with great dissatisfaction. You know, just in the room, he had already heard about it.

It's nothing more than the child with the prince in the room, but the prince asks to marry Mo Qingyan. This made the doctor feel bad about Mo Qingyan.

No matter what, they already have two children. It seems immoral that this man is in the middle.

The doctor just thought of the word "the Prince" in it.

But these are not his little doctor's business. He's just a doctor who has been called in because of his excellent medical skills.

"Doctor, how is my sister? Is the baby in the belly saved? " Although I have a few in my heart, I still need to confirm with the doctor.

"Well, miss, it's all right. It's just that the vitality of the fetus in the mansion is damaged, and it needs a few days of rest. Don't let that happen again. "

Looking at Mo Qingyan's worried look in her eyes, the doctor's expression is somewhat relieved. He is clearly speaking to Mo Qingyan, but his eyes are looking at the prince.

"I see. Thank you very much, doctor Mo Qingyan quickly showed a very grateful look. But long Xiwei looks a little ugly.

He glanced at the doctor unintentionally, and a dark color ran through his eyes. The doctor didn't notice, but Mo Qingyan saw it.

In the heart suddenly a "clutters", how can Mo Qingyan not know what this kind of vision represents? She couldn't help frowning, but she soon evacuated.

"I've prescribed a prescription for the eldest lady to ease the pregnancy. I'll have to trouble you later. Lord Mo will send someone to fetch the medicine and fry it. I don't think it will take a quarter of an hour for the eldest lady to wake up. "

After the doctor had ordered these words, he said goodbye to Mo Wende and the prince, and then he went down to write a prescription.

Mo Qingyan took a deep breath and looked at long Xiwei and said:

"Your Highness, the emperor should not know about this matter, right? But if you know, I want to pay more attention to the baby in my sister's stomach, don't you? "

"What do you want to say?" Long Xiwei looks at Mo Qingyan, in the heart knows that she certainly is not to make any good idea. Sure enough, Mo Qingyan's next words are threatening him.

"Your Highness, you heard what the doctor said just now. If you want to keep this child, you need to make your sister feel good. I think his highness doesn't want to see her sister in trouble, does he? "

Mo Qingyan raised eyebrows to look at longxiwei, the meaning of that words inside has been very clear. Want to keep this kid? Then you have to follow Mo Qingyu's idea.

With Mo Qingyu's temperament, he will never agree to let himself marry in the past to be a imperial concubine. After all, after all, she has been under pressure for so long. It's not easy to feel that she's overpowered and has hope. Can she tolerate being oppressed by herself?

Long Xiwei of course also knows this truth, but when he let Mo Qingyu get pregnant, he only wanted to threaten Mo Qingyan with this matter. But did not expect Mo Qingyu's temperament.

Isn't that woman always knowledgeable and understanding in front of herself? How can such a thing happen?

Long Xiwei remembered that her eyes had been deeply unhappy. It's just because Mo Wende is still on the field, so it's not easy to vent.

But Mo Qingyan can still get long Xiwei's idea. Be understanding and knowledgeable? Ha ha, it's just to see who Mo Qingyu is facing.

Even if it is a real lady, in the case of unmarried first pregnancy, they will never allow their children's father to threaten their sisters to work together with their children.

What's more, Mo Qingyu's temperament is not so generous. But they are all disguised in front of long Xiwei.

"Miss Mo, don't worry. Since Qingyu is pregnant with the children of this palace, then of course, this palace will not give up Qingyu." Long Xi Wei suddenly said such a word, Mo Qingyan some Zheng Leng looking at him.

Don't understand why long Xiwei suddenly let go. However, long Xiwei obviously didn't give her much time to think about it, so he opened the door and went in.

"Father, it should be up to you. Let's go in and have a look Mo Qingyan doesn't believe long Xiwei is such a responsible person.

At present, I'm afraid that it's the bottom of my heart that I'm planning some ulterior purpose. Although for a while there is no way to understand, but Mo Qingyan is not at ease, long Xiwei a person to see Mo Qingyu.

Mo Wende originally wanted to let Mo Qingyu and long Xiwei contact each other alone, which could be regarded as an attitude between them on this matter.

Looking at Mo Qingyan's appearance, Zhang mouth wants to persuade what. Finally did not say, just with Mo Qingyan not from together approached the house."Your Royal Highness, do you want to marry your second sister as your imperial concubine?" Long Xiwei just stepped into the room, Mo Qingyu woke up.

Thinking of what he heard before he was unconscious, he bit his lower lip and looked at longxiwei with his watery eyes. Trying to get him to deny it.

Mo Qingyu has always felt that Mo Qingyan seduced long Xiwei, but now she can't show her disgust to Mo Qingyan. After all, she has always been gentle and kind in front of long Xiwei.

"Do you agree?" Long Xi Wei eyes flash, gentle to Mo Qingyu smile. As long as Mo Qingyu doesn't mind, then Mo Qingyan certainly won't say anything.

Mo Qingyu didn't expect that long Xiwei would push this matter to himself. She can't help but stare at her own eyes, a look of consternation.

How could she have been willing? If it was not for her identity, she would not be satisfied as a concubine. Just now, she can not directly in front of Long Xi Wei show their own careful eyes?

Mo Qingyu is very embarrassed. However, she felt that Mo Qingyan was not willing to do so. With a gentle light in her eyes, she looked at Mo Qingyan and said:

"this is the business of the prince and the second sister, and Qingyu dare not intervene. As long as the second sister agrees, it's nothing. "

When Mo Qingyu said these words, Mo Qingyan could even hear the taste of gnashing her teeth and couldn't help laughing.

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