"Big sister, are you confused? I still have an engagement with the ninth prince. How can you marry your royal highness? " Mo Qingyan's faint smile.

Mo Qingyu has been holding the heart is also put down. On the face that ferocious smile slightly converged many, some comfortable and gentle smile.

Long Xiwei is very dissatisfied with looking at Mo Qingyu, but does not show anything on the surface.

"Your Highness, the second sister is right. She is indeed engaged. If the unmarried man and the unmarried woman are unmarried, I will

Although Mo Qingyu is not willing to let long Xiwei know his careful eye, but the surface Kung Fu still needs to be done. But she did not know that long Xiwei had already seen through her.

"In this case, the palace will not insist on it. Just in this case, Xu to the sunny side of the imperial concubine's position is afraid is not good. It's better to carry it into the house as a concubine. "

Hear long Xiwei said in front of those words, Mo Qingyu's heart is also a joy. Can wait until Long Xi Wei finish saying, Mo Qingyu's face becomes very white.

"Your Highness, why? I still have your baby in my stomach. " Mo Qingyu can't believe it. She really wanted the position of the princess, but she also knew that it didn't belong to her.

Even before the prince opened her mouth, she was still thinking: the side princess will be the side princess. Now that she is pregnant with a child in her stomach, the prince will not be aggrieved.

But she did not think, because Mo Qingyan did not agree to marry long Xiwei, her identity also changed from side concubine to expensive concubine. Although it is concubine room, but side imperial concubine actually occupies a "imperial concubine" word.

"Of course we know that you have children in your stomach. Or it will be my concubine Long Xiwei looks very indifferent, he had no feelings for Mo Qingyu.

Let her pregnant is just to be able to smoothly let Mo Qingyan do their own imperial concubine just. Now my good plan has failed because of her.

He is willing to let her into the house is already a great favor! Long Xiwei thought, and then turned his eyes to Mo Wende and Mo Qingyan:

"this arrangement has not insulted the first lady of your Mo family?"

In fact, Mo Wende's original idea was to let Mo Qingyu go into the prince's house to be a concubine. But looking at Mo Qingyu's exclusion at the moment, he still felt some heartache.

"Your Highness, my eldest daughter's mother's identity is really not on the table. But in the end, there is still my father who is the Minister of history. It's OK to be a side concubine. "

Mo Wende pondered for a while, or decided to fight for his daughter's identity. Mo Qingyu did not expect that Mo Wende would speak for himself and looked at his father incredulously.

"If we talk about her identity, naturally we have not insulted the identity of this palace. But according to my royal custom, how can I marry a side concubine without a royal concubine? "

Like Mo Qingyu, long Xiwei looks at Mo Wende in surprise. However, he thought of a good countermeasure early in the morning. Since they didn't let themselves do what they wanted, they certainly would not follow their wishes.

Mo Wende and Mo Qingyan frowned at the same time. They all know that this is just the excuse of long Xiwei. Although it is generally the first to marry the imperial concubine in the side of the imperial concubine.

But that's not an unwritten rule. There are also many examples of a prince marrying a concubine first.

Mo Qingyu is relieved by long Xiwei's explanation. After all, what long Xiwei said is also true. "In that case, it doesn't matter if I am a concubine."

Mo Qingyu tried his best to pretend to be understanding in front of longxiwei, but he did not consider her father and sister who were fighting for her best interests.

"Is it? In this case, the palace left first. After a while, someone will pick you up. " Long Xiwei said, directly turned away from here.

Mo Qingyu didn't know why she had to spend some time, and she always felt that there was something wrong with long Xiwei's attitude towards himself. It seems that he is not the one who is so enthusiastic about himself some days ago.

Eyebrows gently twisted up, Mo Qingyu some uneasy stroking his stomach. She constantly comforted herself in the bottom of her heart, saying that long Xiwei was in a bad mood.

But in fact, even her own heart is bottomless, she even vaguely have a feeling, long Xiwei at the beginning of his goal is to be able to marry Mo Qingyan.

But long Xiwei did not take into account her emotions, Mo Wende and Mo Qingyan because she did not know good or bad, more will not take care of her.

Mo Wende gave her a disappointed look, but told her to take good care of the baby in her stomach. Then he left with Mo Qingyan. To tell the truth, Mo Qingyan has always known that her sister's IQ is not enough.

But she never thought that Mo Qingyu could be so stupid. Father is clearly in order to her fame and efforts, but she is stupid willing to be a concubine.

Mo Qingyan also lazy to pay attention to her, so went out with her father. Mo Qingyu opened his mouth and looked at the back of Mo Wende's leaving, and his eyes suddenly took hatred.

I don't know the news that the prince came to Shangshu's house to marry Miss Di, and I don't know where it came from. But a day's time has already spread all over the city.When Mo Qingyan knew these things from Anuo's mouth, the invitation from the ninth prince had already arrived at the Shangshu's house.

Mo Qingyan sighed helplessly, but also knew that this trip to the nine Prince's mansion was inevitable. Also do not know who is calculating themselves, Mo Qingyan's eyes cool.

"Anuo, you sent someone to tell the people of the ninth Prince's family that I would visit in two days. It's just that there's still something left to be done. "

How can Mo Qingyan be unprepared to meet a suspicious person?

A Nuo took his life and retreated and ran into Jiang Wan, who came in a hurry. Jiang Wan looked at Anuo in surprise, asked her what to do, and let her go.

"Yan'er, the prince, can he embarrass you?" Jiang Wan enters the room and takes Mo Qingyan's hand. She is not a fool. Naturally know why the ninth Prince and the crown prince are staring at Mo Qingyan.

"Don't worry, mother! I still have a engagement with the ninth prince, and I can be regarded as the younger brother and sister of the prince's highness. He can't do something that robbers can do. "

Mo Qingyan comforted her mother, but Jiang Wan still had doubts: "what about those rumors on the street?"

"Mother, that's just being told by someone who wants to. Your daughter will come up with a solution. You don't have to worry! " Mo Qingyan clenched her mother's hand.

Knowing that she was worried about herself, she did not hesitate to smile at her tenderly. In the heart is actually disgusted with long Xiwei.

When her mother's mood calmed down and sent her off, Mo Qingyan was relieved.

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