There was a rare silence in the hall, and everyone held his breath. It's like a group of criminals who have been put to death, waiting to be executed.

Under such circumstances, every minute and every second has been extremely painful. Even Mo Qingyan doesn't know what she is thinking at this time.

But Mo Qingyan and clearly know what they should do, she knows that she must think of a good way to get out before the doctor comes out.

She guessed that Chu Rou must have done something on her sachet.

In fact, this guess makes Mo Qingyan a little relaxed. After all, the sachet was made by Princess Chang herself. Chu Rou didn't know, but the emperor's heart was clear.

But the doctor stayed in it for a long time, and there was no news. The emperor sent someone in to inquire, but when he came back, he only said that his mother was weak and could not be born.

Long Sheng's face became very ugly, sitting on the seat and gripping the handle of the chair. The Empress Dowager sighed a little, how did it become like this?

"Who can tell the AI family what's going on? It's just a party. Why is there something wrong with my stomach? "

The Empress Dowager can see that the emperor has spent a lot of time in his mind, and the queen is a vicious person. I'm afraid that she will be very happy in her heart.

Now she's the only one who's got to do justice. In any case, we have to find out the context of the matter.

"Empress dowager, I will tell you." Taoguifei took the initiative to go to the Empress Dowager and knelt down. Her face was serious, neither flattering nor any other emotions.

The Empress Dowager has long heard of the peach princess who has been given special favor these days. Now she has taken the initiative to explain the situation, and her look has eased a lot.

A few days ago, the queen also went to the Empress Dowager to file a complaint, saying that the emperor has been wanton recently. It was also absent-minded to favor a woman.

Inside and outside the story is nothing more than to accuse the imperial concubine of being a demon concubine who brings disaster to the country and the people, and wants the Empress Dowager to come forward to deal with the peach princess. It's just that the Empress Dowager's perception of the queen is not very good.

Although listen to her to say so, to peach imperial concubine also don't have what good feeling to come. But in the end, she is not a soft hearted woman. The Empress Dowager only said:

"the affairs of the harem have long been ignored by the Empress Dowager. In recent years, the newly recruited concubines have never come to the AI's house to greet them. How can they manage the imperial concubine? The queen will think of something else. "

Such an attitude of the Empress Dowager can be said to have given up completely, and the queen couldn't help biting a bite of silver teeth. If she really had a way, she would not go to the Empress Dowager.

At the beginning, she personally took back all the power of the empress dowager, and the Empress Dowager simply let it go. Even put down the cruel words: henceforth, the imperial concubine in the palace does not have to go to the mourning palace to ask for peace.

The queen didn't pay much attention to it, but now she has something to ask for. So the Empress Dowager took this as a way to evade her, and she had nothing to say.

She can only be unwilling to come out from the Empress Dowager. After the Empress Dowager left, the mammy around her could not help worrying. She knows the Empress Dowager.

"Empress dowager, we have not been in contact with Princess Tao, and we can't all listen to the Empress Dowager alone."

"Don't worry, I know. Naturally, she will not instigate it. " The Empress Dowager is not a fool. She smiles faintly at Mammy.

"You don't know the emperor's temperament. Ordinary things can also listen to two words of AI Jia, but in terms of female sex, I don't know how many times I have said it. "

The Queen Mother shook her head and looked at herself in the bronze mirror. I can't help touching my cheek. It's covered with fine lines, smooth and delicate before it's gone.

The Empress Dowager's impression of the peach princess is not very good, but when she sees such a bold peach princess, her eyes are full of admiration.

You know, it's not easy for taoguifei to take the initiative to stand up.

"Well, tell it to AI Jia. What's going on? " The Empress Dowager nodded and asked Princess Tao to reply. The emperor took a worried look at the peach princess.

In fact, compared with the child who has not yet come out, he is actually more worried about the peach princess. Peach imperial concubine is opposite him to smile slightly, signal oneself is OK.

Peach princess is also a logical clear, although not to say a few words on the clear, but also did not have much effort to explain the cause and effect of this matter.

"What did the doctor say?" In fact, the Empress Dowager also understood that this was a trap. I just don't know who the trap is aimed at?

"The great doctor has been in the house since he came, and has not come out yet. We don't know what's going on inside. "

Princess Tao shook her head slightly. She was also worried about this matter. But from the beginning to the end, the grand doctor never came out. She can only be anxious.

"In that case, let's wait here. We have to wait for the imperial physician to find out what causes the premature delivery. "What the Empress Dowager said was just an order, and none of them dared to listen. In spite of my bad luck, I had to go along with it.

Maybe it's because the waiting time has been long enough, this time there is not much time, the doctor came out of it. But on the face but with fear, also with a small basket covered with yellow cloth.

People looked at each other, and felt bad in their hearts. Chu Rou is the only one. She had known for a long time that this would be the result, and it was no surprise.

"What's up? Is Yi Fei alive? Is it a man or a woman? " When the emperor saw the doctor coming out, he was very anxious to ask for the result. The doctor looked up at Long Sheng, very embarrassed.

However, Long Sheng is not a man with much patience. He can't stand other people's hesitation. "What happened? That's it. I won't do anything to you. "

"The emperor forgives me, but I am incompetent. The baby of Queen Yi is a dead fetus. " But he had to take the basket to the emperor.

After Long Sheng, Gao De quickly steps forward to take the basket to his hand. He gently lifts the yellow cloth, and his face is shocked.

"Stillbirth?" Long Sheng could not help frowning when he heard these two words. Looking at the small basket, he couldn't tell what he felt.

"Pass it to me." Gao de Wen Yan raised the basket a lot to facilitate Long Sheng to open the yellow cloth for inspection. After seeing clearly the scene inside the basket, Long Sheng's face suddenly turned pale.

How could this happen? Seeing Long Sheng's reaction, the doctor was more afraid.

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