The Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager have seen them respectively, and the expression on each face is not good enough. The scene was serious and dreary. Finally, the Empress Dowager said, "take it out and bury it according to the prince's specifications." The prince died young, according to the etiquette is not big burial, can only be quietly found buried in the imperial mausoleum, the imperial edict world can only be died of illness.

"Wait a minute!" Gao de had already been ordered to go down with the basket, but Long Sheng suddenly stopped him. When he stopped, he saw Long Sheng's face full of anger.

"What about Princess Yi? Is she still alive? " Long Sheng's tone is clearly not in worry, but like wish Yi Fei died. Even if the doctor heard it, he didn't dare not answer it seriously.

"Emperor, the empress Yi Fei's wife is no longer in any way. As long as good health care in the future, there will be opportunities in pregnancy. "

"Pregnant? Hum, even my prince is not well protected. What else do you do, concubine? It's no use living. Just go and bury my son. "

This child is long Sheng's old son. What's more, there is no news of pregnancy in the harem for so many years. Long Sheng has always attached great importance to this child.

Most of the time, even if I know that Princess Yi is making mischief with her child in her stomach, she will not say anything more when she is upset. In the end, they all followed the wishes of Yi Fei.

But she couldn't give birth to a healthy child. Long Sheng's discontent with Yi Fei accumulated in the past few months has broken out completely.

The great doctor didn't expect that Long Sheng should have such an idea. The people present did not expect that many people were shocked at first, then looked at Long Sheng, their eyes hidden dissatisfaction.

You know, Yi Fei also likes this child. Most of the people present were women, and they all knew that women had to go through hell when they had children.

Now that the child is gone, it must be more sad to be a mother. But the emperor is not considerate of Yi Fei who has lost her son. He even wants to let her be buried with her.

This had to make the officials and women shudder. And the Empress Dowager is obviously the first person to realize the thoughts of the courtiers and wives. She takes a look at Long Sheng with displeasure.

This emperor, do emperor did, now will not consider his reputation. If such words were said in private, it would be enough. If they were said in front of so many people, they would not be afraid to lose their own face.

"Emperor, are you angry? This child was born by Yi Fei. How can she be a mother without pain? "

Even if the emperor is not satisfied with the reputation of the emperor, he has to come out.

"Ai Jia knows that you really like this child too much. But you should not be angry with the child's mother

"Well, what the emperor said is just angry words. Gao De, you are not going to bury the little prince

Naturally, no one dares to refute the Empress Dowager's majesty. At this time, Long Sheng realized how inappropriate his words were. Therefore, there is no refutation of the Empress Dowager's face, silence is regarded as acquiescence.

"Grand doctor, since you said that Princess Yi's body still needs to be recuperated, then go down and remember to open a prescription to recuperate her body."

Intuition told the Empress Dowager that this incident must be aimed at the people inside the Palace Banquet. She didn't want to make a big fuss about it any more, so she wanted to get rid of the doctor and no longer pursue it.

But Chu Rou would not agree. She coaxed Yi Fei to drink that bowl of abortion medicine. How could the Empress Dowager destroy her plot now?

"Yes! Yi Fei Niang's body has always been healthy. How could this child be born prematurely now? If it's not premature, I'm afraid the prince will still be healthy. "

Chu Rou's face was sad and her voice was very low and sad. The Empress Dowager suddenly turned her eyes to Chu Rou's body, with a ray of inquiry in her eyes.

Chu Rou's words obviously sigh for Yi Fei, but the deep meaning is to provoke the emperor. Let Long Sheng think that Yi Fei's premature delivery is intentional.

The Empress Dowager intended to calm things down, but she did not expect Chu Rou to provoke herself openly. The Empress Dowager couldn't help but feel that Chu Rou was the one who was set by others.

But Chu Rou was flustered when she noticed that the Empress Dowager was not good at looking at her. But there is no way out now, and this must be done.

Chu Rou lowered her head and her eyes were full of firmness. In order to resist the Empress Dowager to bring their own pressure.

"Grand doctor, I come to ask you, what is the reason for Yi Fei's premature delivery?" Of course, Long Sheng could hear Chu Rou's meaning, so he was very depressed at the moment.

The doctor looked up at Long Sheng. He was puzzled for a long time. This just hesitates to open a mouth: "minister is in for Yi imperial concubine examination, always feel where is wrong."

"In recent months, I have been asking for peace pulse for my mother. In the past, my mother's pulse was very safe. There is no sign of premature delivery at all, but this time it is really unexpected

"I smelled a faint smell of musk when I asked for her pulse. I think it's because of these musks that the mother gave birth prematurely

The doctor quickly looked at Chu Rou's direction and said this to the emperor. "Do you mean that someone is deliberately harming my prince?"After listening to the doctor, Long Sheng couldn't help narrowing her eyes slightly. Doctors dare not speak, and dare not speculate. So he lowered his head.

And after the words of the great doctor were finished, almost all the people's eyes were put on Mo Qingyan's body. Chu Rou exclaimed directly:

"what? Musk! Today, Yan'er is the only one you sent... "

Chu Rou didn't finish his words, but the rest of them were more imaginative. After hearing these words, Long Sheng felt that he was wrong, but the feeling of losing the prince made him ignore these things.

He looked at the words and covered his mouth. Chu Rou, as if he had said something wrong, said with a overcast face:

"what did you send? But say it Chu Rou looks puzzled and slowly looks at Mo Qingyan. Slowly, she opens her mouth to Mo Qingyan:

"Yan'er, don't blame me. I didn't expect you to be so bold. Even if you and Yi Fei have conflicts, you shouldn't take such a bad strategy. "

"The emperor, empress Yi Fei told me a few days ago that Yan'er didn't want to marry the ninth prince any more. She asked Yan'er to talk, but she didn't expect Yan'er to refuse her directly."

"This makes my mother very angry. However, because she was a concubine, she could not embarrass the minister's daughter. So only let Yan'er go back to reflect. "

"It's a good idea for Xiang Yan'er to hold this banquet today. Yan'er gave Niang a sachet, and she put it into her arms happily. "

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