Wu also wanted to refute something, but Mo Qingyan did not give him a chance. Mo Qingyan directly said all the crimes she had.

He also brought a lot of human evidence and material evidence. Over the years, Wu Zhongwei did not know how many people he had offended. Now, of course, it's time for his paper to come.

Looking at so much evidence, Wu's face flashed despair for a moment. When he went to the post station today, he thought he could bribe Mo Qingyan and others with his wealth.

But did not expect, Mo Qingyan from the beginning to the end did not give him a chance! His wife and daughters were crying bitterly, but he was pale. I can't even say a word of defense.

"Wu Zhongwei, these things can only be sentenced to death for you and your son. But you should never, never should, raise taxes without permission. You are just a prefect. How dare you come from there? "

"You are wronged, Princess! How dare a minister to levy taxes without permission Wu Zhongwei's face suddenly changed very excited, as if he was really wronged in general.

And Mo Qingyan is sneer: "Wu Zhongwei, did you forget to see before you come, what's missing in your own house?" Mo Qingyan said, from the hand of a Nuo took a book and threw it on the desk.

"In this pamphlet, it is recorded in detail that you and the county magistrate are in collusion with each other, and now they have collected taxes in various names for many times. Wu Zhongwei, you are so brave

Mo Qingyan glared angrily, she was really distressed by this side of the people. The taxes of the imperial court are very heavy. These people also levy taxes privately. How can these people live?

Wu Zhongwei did not expect that his account book would be stolen. Suddenly he fell to the ground, lamenting that the situation was over.

"Princess, I am not satisfied with one thing! The princess is a member of the harem. How can you convict the officials of the former dynasty? " The county magistrate's brain turned fast, and he was sure to speak.

People around suddenly changed their faces, but the sheriff's family was relieved. But the people who testify are afraid that Mo Qingyan has no right to deal with these people.

"Well, your brain is very fast. Indeed, the princess has no right to deal with officials. " Hearing Mo Qingyan's admission, many people began to regret. The magistrate was relieved.

However, Mo Qingyan looked at the look of the sheriff and county magistrate and sneered: "it's just that you seem to have forgotten one thing. I have the Shangfang sword that was assassinated by the Emperor today."

Mo Qingyan took a look at Anuo, and Anuo put the cloth wrapped sword in his arms on the table. She opened it layer by layer, and the sword inside was soon revealed.

The golden scabbard is indeed the imperial sword. The common people knelt down and called "long live" one after another. Only the faces of the county magistrate and the sheriff were all defeated.

"The imperial sword can be cut first and then played. Wu Zhongwei, am I right? " Mo Qingyan looks at Wu Zhongwei with a smile. The latter is already full of despair.

Shangfang swords have been invited out. What else can Wu Zhongwei say? Of course, there was no suspense in the end. The sheriff and the local magistrate were stripped of their official posts, and the sheriff's family was sentenced to death.

But Mo Qingyan knew that the sheriff must have known something. After all, when he copied the house, the silver he kept was not up to the account book.

Such a large sum of money is only needed by those people. Mo Qingyan did not interrogate this matter in front of the people. After all, these things have to be carried out quietly.

However, he was interrogated in his death sentence. Mo Qingyan is sitting not far behind Lin Zifeng. Today is Lin Zifeng's home court.

"Sheriff?" Lin Zifeng looked at Wu Zhongfeng, who was hanged up. In his eyes, he was all contemptuous and contemptuous. "Just a sheriff, what do you want to do when you are injured and holding so much silver?"

"I can't think of it for a while. Why don't you think about it for me Lin Zifeng said, originally aimed at the sheriff's dagger, suddenly transferred to his side of the only son.

"If the sheriff can't think of it, I'm afraid Wu Guangzong is not very good." Lin Zifeng's eyes are dim and dim at Wu Zhongfeng, who is pale.

"The silver was spent by our family." Wu Zhongwei looked at his son's face full of panic, biting his teeth and opening his mouth.

"It's going to cost more than half of it every year. In addition, our family has always been extravagant, and many ways of spending money are not written in the account books. "

Lin Zifeng looked at Wu Zhongfeng. His face was very white, and he didn't look like he was lying. Just, the corner of the mouth of linzifeng is indifferent.

The dagger in his hand was inserted into Wu Guangzong's palm without hesitation, and even turned a circle without hesitation. Wu Guangzong screamed and fainted.

"Oh, I can't help but feel uneasy." Lin Zifeng suddenly pulled out the dagger, and Wu Guangzong was awakened by such pain.

Listening to his son's scream, Wu's eyes turned scarlet. However, Lin Zifeng did not intend to release the dog"Wu Jun Shou, if you don't tell the truth, you don't need to keep your son's eyes." Lin Zifeng has some indifferent smile.

Wu Zhongwei couldn't believe Lin Zifeng. He didn't expect Lin Zifeng to be so wonderful. But, no, he can't say, if he does, who will save their family?

"Don't you think you're going to be rescued? Wu Jun Shou, you can't help thinking a little. Even if they do come, do you think they can save you? "

"But, Wu Jun Shou, if you tell me all you know, I may still be able to keep your Wu family alive!" Lin Zifeng said the following sentence in his ear.

Wu Zhongwei suddenly widened his eyes and took a look at Wu Guangzong. Then he closed his eyes helplessly and bitterly.

Out of the dungeon, the sun burst into the eyes. Mo Qingyan some not adapt, a Nuo just want to help Mo Qingyan cover a cover.

Ah Rou, who had been left as a maid, immediately stepped forward and opened an oil paper umbrella: "princess, although it's rain proof. But today's sun is too sunny, and this umbrella can also shade the sun. "

A Nuo looked at the person who was courteous to his princess, and his eyes widened a little. Lin Zifeng frowned, but he didn't think about it anywhere else.

Only Mo Qingyan, looking at her slightly pursed lips: "why bother?"

The woman returned with a smile: "I think it's worth it, it's enough!"

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