"What do you mean? It's enough for my princess to be guarded by me. You don't need to make a fuss about it! " A Nuo couldn't see it. She went up to grab the umbrella and pushed her away.

Ah Rou looked at her, and then at Mo Qingyan's look. Lowering his head and biting his lower lip: "princess, I don't expect you to treat Anuo in general. I just want to be with you and do something for you. That's all. Can't you?"

Mo Qingyan originally thought that ah Rou was very suitable for her eyes, and she would not ignore her at present. She pursed her lips and looked at Anuo with a little anger:

"I asked you to reflect last night. What did you say to me this morning? How can you forget all your promises just in these few hours? "

A Nuo's face turned white for a while, and his hand holding the umbrella handle became more and more tight. Looking at Mo Qingyan, I don't know what I should do now.

"Ah Rou, since you have become the servant girl of the prince, you can serve him wholeheartedly. I'm happy to take care of my side occasionally. "

Look at ah Rou's bearing, she is definitely from a scholarly family. Just don't know what happened, even their own name is not willing to have.

"Thank you, Princess! However, the princess and the maidservant follow the son of the world because they want to find a chance to get close to the princess, and ask the princess to complete the slave

Ah Rou suddenly kneels down. She really doesn't want to be trusted by Mo Qingyan. However, some people, after a glance, do not want to leave.

She knew what was insurmountable, so she just wanted to secretly guard her.

Mo Qingyan frowns and looks at ah rou. She didn't understand. Where did she attract ah Rou? Will let such a girl, would rather be a rough servant girl also want to follow in his side.

"Yan'er, take her. I promised to take her with me just because she said she only wanted to stay with you. What's more, Anuo always has a bad time

"Isn't it good to have someone who looks after each other?" Lin Zifeng did not intend to make a sound, but after seeing the attitude of that a Nuo, he opened his mouth.

A Nuo is just a servant. How can he interfere with his master's choice? This is certainly unacceptable to Lin Zifeng.

Today is because of the servant girl's affairs and Mo Qingyan's anger, will not the next day give Mo Qingyan gas to accept? A Nuo is a little arrogant because of his actions.

And a Nuo, a bit surprised at Lin Zifeng. Suddenly I think of what I thought last night. I have always been proud of myself.

I have always felt that, from childhood to most accompany Mo Qingyan, so growing up Mo Qingyan should be only himself. So when Zhidong and zhixia were bought, she hated these people.

But later, the young lady said, no one can take his place. The winter and the summer were also sent to the wild peak, so I feel that the young lady only needs to be on her own.

But is that enough? A Nuo suddenly thought that he could not protect the young lady every time. Even if they have learned martial arts, they still can't compete with those people in Guangji temple.

As long as she is separated, the young lady will be in danger. All of a sudden, Anuo understood everything. Although she felt that she could not accept it, this was the fact.

"Ah Rou, have you really made a decision?" Mo Qingyan doesn't understand what makes this woman go her own way.

A Nuo of course heard the softening of Mo Qingyan's tone. Even if she understood, she was going to accept it. But I still clenched my fist nervously.

"Princess, ah Rou's decision has not changed since the beginning." Ah Rou looks up at Mo Qingyan, who is silent for a long time before she smiles.

"In that case, you will wait by my side in the future. I'm the same as Anuo. I'll introduce you to your family after I go back. "

When Mo Qingyan made this decision, she didn't even look at Anuo. The bottom of a Nuo's heart feel a little sour, but it is just hanging eyes, eyes with a little bitter.

"Well, I'm tired today. Go back and have a rest, ah rou. You don't have to come to my courtyard today. We will go back to Beijing tomorrow. "

Mo Qingyan open mouth light said, a Nuo holding an umbrella will Mo Qingyan to their own house inside. From the beginning to the end, Mo Qingyan did not look at a Nuo, and a Nuo said a word.

A Nuo tried to open her mouth several times, but the pain at the bottom of her heart made her talk to her mouth but swallowed again. A Nuo has been holding on until he enters the house and suddenly kneels down.

Mo Qingyan this just falls on the body of a Nuo, but that pair of eyes son does not take too much temperature: "you this is why?"

"Miss, Anuo knew he was wrong." A Nuo had wanted to understand today, Mo Qingyan treat her very well, even if there are other servant girls will not change Mo Qingyan's attitude towards her.

But she was too selfish. Mingming has always known that the people around Mo Qingyan are lacking. She knows that Mo Qingyan has been taking care of her mood.

Mo Qingyan didn't speak, just looked at a Nuo with her head down in front of her. She and a Nuo so many years of friendship, of course, can feel whether a Nuo is sincere.After a long time, Mo Qingyan sighed in a low voice: "Anuo, I have already said that. No matter how many servant girls I have around me, they are not as good as you are here. "

"We've been together since we were little, and I treat you like my sister. You know that, don't you? "

"Miss!" Mo Qingyan's words let a Nuo's body tremble, looking up at Mo Qingyan with tears in her eyes. Mo Qingyan helpless smile, let a Nuo up.

"Well, now that you're ready to go, I'll treat you as always. I'm a little tired. It's good for you to go and have a look at the food. If so, please call me again

What happened in Nanji County, Mo Qingyan has sent people to send back to the capital. Long Sheng could not help but feel worried.

He did not know whether he was right or wrong to give the imperial sword. However, he did not hesitate for long, the peach princess from the palace slowly walked in.

While kneading his shoulder, I wrote down the contents of the letter in my heart. I can't help admiring Mo Qingyan. This woman is really intelligent.

She just gave Mo Qingyan an east wind, but did not expect that Mo Qingyan would use such excellent. But Long Sheng did not speak, and she would not say anything.

What if Long Sheng regrets it? I've never heard of it. If you give it to me, you can get it back.

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