The meaning of long Tianze's words is very clear in summer and winter. But because of this, the two of them had to wait for a while.

Two people look at each other, eyes are bitter and fear. After a long time, the summer kowtowed to Long Sheng and said:

"the emperor is not a woman of the people, who does not believe that the emperor will clean up the grievances of our people. But since the emperor has already summoned the Minister of the Ministry of punishment, the women of the people want to tell their grievances and grievances when the adults come. "

"Since then, there is no need to explain it again. Please understand the feelings of the women. " The summer kowtowed again, eyes earnestly.

Both summer and winter know that what they want to say today is nothing to do with the ministers, even if it is the prime minister under one person and above ten thousand people.

But the man was the son of Long Sheng and the prince of the dynasty. At present, the palace is also the territory of the dragon family, and Long Sheng is a lustful lust for beauty, selfish can not do.

What's more, even if it is a wise king, such things happen. Then, in order to protect the dignity of the royal family and the reputation of the crown prince, they must be killed.

After all, long Tianze was also long Sheng's son. If Long Sheng is determined to keep this matter down, what right do they have to resist?

Although the summer between the words to Long Sheng left face, Long Sheng's face is still very ugly. After all, no matter who the king is, he doesn't want his ministers to be more important than himself.

Fortunately, the Minister of the Ministry of punishment came very quickly. As soon as he came in, he knelt on the ground. But Long Sheng sprinkled his anger on him:

"my instructions have already arrived at your house, but you have been dragging on. If I am assassinated, I will have to collect my corpse when you come!"

Long Sheng angrily smashed the tea cup in his hand towards the Minister of punishment, who was shocked. Winter is a stiff body, the whole person is almost hidden behind the winter.

"My Lord, I am guilty! Please forgive me The Minister of the Ministry of punishment has been immersed in the officialdom for so many years. Naturally, he knows that Long Sheng is taking it out on himself again.

Although in the heart some indignant, but on the face actually did not show what. At this time, Long Sheng's Heart Qi was much better, so his face was not so bad.

"At present, my minister of punishment has come. If you two have any grievances, please tell them all about it." Long Sheng's eyes fell on the two sisters, and an imperceptible greed flashed through her eyes.

"Yes Summer kneels down, kowtow to Long Sheng. This will be their own family's grievances.

That year was the second year that the crown prince announced to the world. In summer, the family was originally a wealthy merchant's home in Qizhou, and his father's favorite was to collect all kinds of rare treasures.

Therefore, it is also a little famous in Qizhou. But nobody thought of it. In the summer, the family will be killed.

At that time, a very handsome and generous young man appeared in Qizhou. Even rumor has it that his identity is a royal relative, and even the prefectures and prefectures of Qizhou are respectful to him.

Therefore, the people in Qizhou dare not find him. In the summer, the family got the news early, saying that it was the childe who took a fancy to his goods and wanted to make a deal.

This disaster is caused by this transaction. At that time, the childe just wanted to buy a night pearl. The Pearl of the night is precious, but it is not rare.

Only in Qizhou, but also only summer's father has a treasure. Although the childe paid a high price, his father was not willing to sell it.

That childe is good-natured, saying that since he is not willing to sell it, he will not sell it. Originally, everyone thought that this matter had passed, but did not expect that the family would be destroyed in the summer within five days.

On that day, the summer and sister's winter went out to go shopping. I didn't get ready to go home until evening. But I don't know how. As soon as I got home, the guard's face changed greatly.

Then the two sisters will be led to a more remote yard in weekdays to hide. The summer and the winter can't ask what happened.

The gatekeeper only said, "two ladies, I'm afraid our family is facing the disaster of destroying the door today! The master entrusted the villain to keep you two ladies in any case. "

"Ladies, you'd better hide yourself quickly." Not waiting to ask what, suddenly came a well-trained footstep outside the yard.

The gatekeeper looked even worse. Sign two people to hide, and then go out alone. But before he opened his mouth, he was chopped by the guard brought by the childe.

Summer response quickly with the winter to hide in the top of the attic. It was a secret chamber specially built by his father in order to play hide and seek with Xia when he was a child.

Who did not expect, unexpectedly saved the summer two people's lives! There are windows in that room, deliberately see the outside, summer and winter hide by the window, do not dare to move.

The young man broke into the attic with his bodyguards and searched for no one. So she took her parents and her only brother to the yard.In front of all the servants, the father of the summer was tied up, and the young man took the lead in insulting his mother. Even, the pervert didn't let go of his five-year-old brother.

Seeing parents and younger brother being so played to death, the summer and winter only feel that they are in the ice cellar. But those people did not intend to let go of summer and winter.

"You have been patrolling the city for me recently. If you find those two women, you must report them to the police in time. If you can't, you can solve it on the spot. Do you understand? "

Clearly, it is still the sound of jade, but it seems to be a devil crawling out of hell. Summer and winter hid in the attic for five days.

I saw with my own eyes that the childe and his men destroyed the door of the summer family, and stacked the bodies on the bodies of his parents and younger brother.

Two women's eyes suddenly shed a string of blood and tears. Five days later, the two were afraid to steal their parents' bodies. He simply burned down his whole family.

Looking at the half of the sky reflected by the fire, summer and winter, two people are powerless to fall on the ground. Later, in order to live. Summer and winter to find a person who has been associated with their own Caria.

In the summer, the family was kind to the old lady, who was grateful. So in the summer, under the strong demand of the two people, they were sent to the capital as slaves.

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