"There are still such cruel people in this world! It's unforgivable. " After listening to the two sisters, Long Sheng felt more pity for them.

So, along with the destruction of the two sisters of the people's heart more angry. I just don't know if I will be so indignant when I know who did it.

"The emperor, the people's daughter's family is really wronged!" The summer can see Long Sheng's mood, naturally began to cry with her sister.

However, some of his scalp was numb. Such a massacre is not a small matter, but at the beginning, only one person told himself that the case of Qizhou would be suppressed no matter what!

However, the present status of the Minister of punishment seems to have thought of something and knelt on the ground without saying a word. But in my heart, I was crying bitterly.

"Don't worry, you two! Now that I am going to take charge of this matter, I will certainly arrest the murderer! But who is the man in your mouth? "

Long Sheng did not know why, looking at the bottom of the two people's heart a wave of uneasiness. But I think he didn't do such a thing when he was young.

So he didn't feel anything about this feeling at the bottom of his heart. But he didn't know how excited he was now with his nine son, long Tianze.

"The emperor, what the women want to sue is that it is the crown prince, long Xiwei." Summer looking at Long Sheng, face also with a rare resolute look.

The look on Long Sheng's face became very stiff for a moment, and then went down again. "Do you know what is the charge of framing the prince?"

Of course, Long Sheng didn't think it was his prince who made such a thing. But even if you know that this person is not lying, but still subconsciously want to protect their son.

"The emperor, of course, the women know what is the crime of murdering the prince. But what the women said is true Long Sheng's reaction was expected in the summer.

Although there will still be disappointment, but also understand that this is a reasonable thing. And it's only one chance, so the summer has to do its best.

"Emperor, when the man insulted my parents and younger brother, my father once asked the man," is he not afraid of the law of heaven? "

"But the man said that he would be the law of the whole country in the future! His father scolded him for being too arrogant, but he confided in his pride that he was the crown prince of the dynasty

"As for the lost pearl of night, the emperor should know more than the daughter of the people. That night pearl is prepared by the prince for the Queen's birthday

If said before those words let Long Sheng heart already very unhappy. After all, the meaning of the man's saying this means that he has the intention to seek power and usurp the throne.

But the latter sentence makes the identity of that person suddenly become clear. At the Queen's birthday banquet that year, the Pearl presented by Prince long Xiwei was indeed a priceless treasure, which made the queen very happy.

Until now, the Pearl of that night is still in the Queen's bedroom. Long Sheng had been very disgusted with the villains who had done this. Now he heard such a thing again, and his heart for the maintenance of long Xiwei was also weak.

"It is well known that the prince gave the queen a pearl of night. How can I know that you are not conspiring with others to trap the prince? Do you have any other evidence besides that? "

Even if the bottom of my heart already believed what this woman said, but Long Sheng could not so easily dispose of the prince. After all, it's about the dignity of the royal family.

"The emperor, there are other things in the hands of Min Nu to prove that man's identity. However, minnu asked to see the prince first. Please summon the prince

Although this request is not excessive, but Long Sheng's look is still gloomy. His eyes even glanced at the book.

At first, he called the Minister of the Ministry of punishment just to find out who was so bold that he could let the Secretary of the Ministry of punishment help to hide it. Now it seems that it is lifting a stone and hitting his own foot.

And the Ministry of punishment is from the beginning of the book is timid kneeling on the ground, hear the prince's name taboo body become more severe. Now Long Sheng's eyes swept over his body, which made him feel unbearable.

"Lord Shangshu, I don't know what someone told you at the beginning?" This is a rare opportunity to take the crown prince of longxiwei. Of course, long Tianze can't let this matter be covered up.

So he asked the Minister of the Ministry of punishment with no politeness. As for whether it will cause the emperor's displeasure, long Tianze is not worried at all.

Anyway, this minister of punishment is not his own, even if it is damaged, it is nothing! When the man heard the question of long Tianze, he felt more bitter in his mouth.

"If you go back to the ninth prince, it was a long time ago. I've never seen any of these girls before, and I can't write down any of them

How could he give up the prince? So I can't get rid of it. However, his reaction has already explained everything in Long Sheng's eyes."Come on! But he invited the prince Even if Long Sheng is reluctant, he knows that today it is necessary to give these two people an account. But it also needs to see what long Xiwei said first.

It was not a while after the people sent out that the prime minister had come to see the emperor. Long Sheng took a look at the two men kneeling on the ground and couldn't help wringing her eyebrows.

It's a matter of royal dignity. Naturally, the less people know, the better. But if long Xiwei really made such a thing, then it would be impossible to hide from the people of the world.

For a while, Long Sheng didn't even know whether to choose to meet Prime Minister Chu. On the contrary, it was long Tianze. Looking at him, he seemed unable to make a choice. He bowed his hands and said, "father, this matter matters a lot. If the emperor really did such a thing, if our royal family didn't give the two sisters an account, wouldn't it become a laughing stock in the world

"I'm afraid even the people don't dare to trust the royal family. It's good that the prime minister is also on the scene. Moreover, the prime minister has always been on good terms with the prince and his brother, and he should be relieved if he is there. "

What long Tianze said is really artistic. The previous summer's accusation revealed that the prince had a heart for the throne. Now long Tianze said that the prince and the prime minister were in close contact.

The meaning in this discourse is really intriguing. For Long Sheng, even the prince could not covet the throne when he was still in power.

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