"The emperor, the daughter of the people pleads to execute the punishment now!" Summer let go of his sister, full of nostalgia and did not give up a look at her, and then did not hesitate to request execution.

"Good! If you can carry the sentence to the end, it proves that your family is indeed wronged. I will redress the grievances of your family and take good care of your only sister. "

In fact, all the people present know that they just live to the end of the punishment. A thin woman, rolling on such a wide nail bed, can support her nothing but the will to revenge.

"Come on! Bring the nail bed in! " Long Sheng didn't even have the heart to see this smiling woman. But since the decision has been made, it must be carried out according to this.

Soon, the palace guards will need to use the nail bed carried to the temple. The bed was covered with extremely sharp steel nails, each of which was five centimeters long.

It's about half the length of a person's body. What's more, the nail bed is as wide as five or six people. If you roll on this one round, you will die. It is inevitable.

The bright sun is shining outside the palace, and even sunlight comes in through the gap between the doors and windows. The warm and soft light suddenly became cold and dazzling under the refraction of these steel nails.

It makes people feel very chilly just looking at it. The pupil of winter suddenly constricts, that is her only elder sister now! How could she bear to see her sister suffer such punishment?

Just thinking that these nails would pierce her sister's body made her feel unbearable. How could she face the next bloody picture?

The winter is about to collapse. She even felt for a moment that revenge was not important at all. As long as her sister can still live in this world.

Summer is also afraid. The bed of nails was laid on the ground and made a heavy noise. The summer even can't help shivering for a while, the complexion suddenly becomes pale.

"Summer, winter, if you two sisters change their decision now, I won't say much." Long Sheng also saw the nail bed for the first time.

This kind of torture tool that even a big man would feel afraid of, he would naturally feel unbearable. So he frowned and decided to give the sisters a choice.

"No, I want revenge." Summer's hand tightly clenched into a fist, in order to cover up his fingers are shaking violently. < BR, < BR, when you look at your sister, you must take revenge on her. Remember what my sister just said to you, you know Summer said these words with a determined tone, the winter tears a strong nod.

Long Xiwei was very happy when he saw the nail bed. After all, such a cruel punishment is not affordable for ordinary people.

But before I had time to be happy, I felt the firm attitude of the summer. Long Xiwei at that moment felt that he really regretted provoking this family.

But there is no regret to sell the medicine, so longxiwei is doomed to plant this time. Of course, in addition to long Xiwei, long Tianze is also greatly relieved.

You know, he was very nervous when he put forward this proposal. He knew how unbearable the punishment was.

He would also be afraid that if the summer and the winter were not so determined as to want revenge, then all his plans would disappear.

Fortunately, he did not mistake the two women. Summer and winter did not disappoint him.

Summer stood up, determined like a strong man to return. When she stood beside the nail bed and looked down, the cold spikes almost broke the courage in her heart.

Except for the summer, all the people present were staring at the summer's movements. Although these people all have their own purposes, any action of zhixia is involved in their attention.

Step by step in the summer to the nail bed in front of, and then turn around. Close your eyes, in the heart of courage is about to dry up that moment, the summer body suddenly fell back down.

"Sister!" Winter's eyes widened, even the corners of his eyes burst out of the thread of blood. With the sound of "puff", the steel nails rooted into the body of summer.

The intense pain let the summer hate longxiwei instantly condensed to the top. She roared and screamed, turning her body over.

The steel nails that pierced her body were torn from her flesh with the movement of her turning, and every nail was covered with the blood of summer.

The bloody picture makes the winter can't stand it any more. She rushes forward and wants to save her sister. Long Tianze does not allow his plan to be destroyed.

"Stop her!" Dragon Tianze a fierce drink, the eunuch in the palace near the winter immediately jumped up and bound the hands and feet of the winter.

"Ah Winter screamed, like a madman driven mad. And the summer after rolling half son, all over the pain let her almost faint in the past.But the power of hatred let her hold down, but even so, her whole body was shaking. She didn't seem to have the strength to go on.

However, she heard her sister's scream. She raised her head and looked at her sister with a smile in her mouth.

"Don't be afraid!" She opened her mouth to placate her sister, but she could not speak at all. But when she looked at her sister's nearly crazy and red eyes, she felt that she suddenly had strength again.

So she tried to turn over again. The scene of blood spatter almost all held their breath. Except for the sound of steel nails entering and leaving the body and the fierce struggle and scream of winter, the whole hall became very quiet.

Such punishment may be just an hour for outsiders. But for the summer, she played back her whole voice in this hour.

The summer of "Mei, Mei" finally rolled down from the nail bed, and her whole body was covered with needle holes of the steel nail thickness. Blood kept flowing out of the needle's eye and dyed the cushion under her body bright red.

"Sister, sister!" Those who bound the winter finally let go, the winter ran past, stretched out his hand to hold the summer, but in an instant was stunned.

Looking at the bruised sister, she did not know whether her touch would let her sister in pain once. Tears slide down the cheek, dripping in the summer, also stained with blood on the face.

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