"Sister, sister. You must remember that you must avenge your parents. Certainly, you can't let that beast go. " In summer, her lips moved twice, and her sister's tears made her heart ache violently.

"The emperor!" Summer suddenly roared a loud, scared the whole hall people are a shiver. Long Sheng looked at the woman wrapped in blood, and suddenly fell into the ice cave.

"Please, you must remember and remember what you promised to do in the summer." Xia's eyes were sharp at Long Sheng, who almost nodded subconsciously:

"I, naturally remember! Don't worry, I'll give you family an account of this matter! " Long Sheng doesn't dare to deceive Xia.

Her eyes make Long Sheng feel that if she doesn't follow what she said before, she will turn into a fierce ghost to pester herself.

"That's good. That's good." This sentence, the summer said powerless. No one could hear clearly except for the winter.

The winter carefully stretched out his hand to hold the summer, but the summer frowned painfully. She looked at the hand that had been shaking in winter, looked up at her sister and laughed.

The mouth suddenly overflows innumerable blood, the summer anxiously moves the lip, wants to comfort the winter, but because the blood overflows the mouth, actually cannot open the mouth.

"Don't worry, sister! I know, I know! I'll be fine. I'll be fine Winter of course know that their sister is most worried about themselves.

How could she be willing to let her sister worry about herself when she was dying? She tried hard to push back her tears, but the tears were falling.

She wiped it again and again, but she couldn't smile before she died in the summer. She can finally rest assured of her sister's body, because her sister will not feel the pain ah!

Winter desperately want to stop their tears, but in the end, they can't force back the tears in their eyes. The Dragon doesn't even want to interrupt.

But the winter soon put down his sister's body, she lowered her head, with her handkerchief to wipe the blood on her sister's face.

"Don't worry, sister. I won't let your efforts in vain, he will certainly pay the price Dong Zhidong said softly, then turned to face Long Sheng:

"emperor, my sister has been punished by the rolling nail bed. At present, I would like to ask the emperor to fulfill my sister's last wish and go to the prince's house to check the evidence with the women. "

Clearly before or a delicate little sister, but it is this hour, winter is like before the fear of the summer in general.

"Queen, Prince, now you two have no objection? Now that her sister has survived this punishment, it is time to go to the prince's house. "

Long Sheng now knows the crime of long Xiwei. He gets up and goes out. When he passes by long Xiwei, who is full of ashes, he just gives him a cold look.

Longtianze's joy at the bottom of his heart could hardly be suppressed. Even if this is not his canonization ceremony, even if it is just the last Prince down from the altar, it is enough to make him happy.

From the palace, a group of people came to the prince's mansion, and the emperor in the middle of the palace allowed all the people to follow. The queen also knew that this time was really over.

Just thinking like this, she felt that the bloody corpse in the Qianqing palace was very eye-catching. He just pushed his son out of bed.

The punishment for the woman was too light. In retrospect, she would like to insult and torture the woman's body in the most vicious way in the world.

this group of people came out of the palace. But because Qianqing hall was closed at that time, there was no news of his death in summer.

"I know a little about the evidence in the prince's house. In this way, the summer and the winter of the two people's hatred finally burst. Isn't it said that all the people who have become this can follow? Let's go and have a look. "

Mo Qingyan just wants to see what kind of punishment will be given to the prince who has committed such a crime again.

Winter did not say a word all the way, followed by the bodyguards and eunuchs carrying her sister's body. Every step she took, the pain in her heart became more intense.

But she can't fall. She wants to fulfill her sister's last wish. We should also see with our own eyes that the animal who caused his own family to be destroyed was punished.

A group of people arrived in the prince's house in silence. Long Xiwei knew that this time he was finished. He had no chance to talk to his servants.

Can only watch the winter with all the people toward their own construction of the secret base. In winter, I feel the mechanism from a stone in the back garden.

Gently twist the mechanism stone twice. With the sound of "boom", rockery began to move slowly. In front of the crowd was a short secret path.

Along with it, there is a very frightening picture. Under the rockery, there are dozens of boys whose mouths are stuffed with cloth. And every boy didn't wear any clothes.Perhaps hearing the sound of the rockery being opened, these boys could not help but shrunk their bodies and looked at the place where people were always frightened.

Even Long Sheng, when seeing such a scene, felt too cruel. But long Xiwei is only dark hate, hate why he suddenly played with the mind.

That's not killing all these people! If these people are gone, there will be no more evidence to threaten themselves.

Because many of the people who followed him also saw this scene, and the breath was constantly ringing in Long Sheng's ears. Long Sheng's face changed again and again, and suddenly turned around and slapped long Xiwei fiercely:

"you beast! These are all your people in the future Although Long Sheng was incompetent, he knew to be good to the people.

On the surface, at least, it is absolutely impossible for the people to see their disdain. However, long Xiwei's practice actually broke the root of their dynasty!

"Water can carry a boat, but also can capsize a boat" is a truth that has been learned since the princes entered the school. But long Xiwei sat down on such a thing.

Long Sheng knew that the prince could not be asked for in any case. Many people began to spit on long Xiwei, but Long Sheng didn't mean to stop him.

Winter cold eye watching all this, the bottom of my heart hate is far from being calmed down. Not enough, these are not enough!

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