"Emperor, this is not the only evidence of his guilt. You just need to send someone to salvage the lake, and you will have a better understanding of your son! "

The winter did not look at Long Xi Wei. All that she was doing now was to fulfill her sister's will.

My sister sacrificed her life for revenge. Then she will continue to avenge her sister. What she hopes most is to expose the prince who eats people and doesn't vomit bones. Then she will finish all this for her sister.

Long Sheng took a look at long Xiwei. In addition to the look of despair on his face, there was no trace of regret.

"Come on! According to the girl Zhidong, go fishing! " Long Sheng is very disappointed with his prince. And the queen, when she saw the scene in the dungeon, knew it was a foregone conclusion.

The bodyguards salvaged the lake for about an hour, and all they got were dense white bones. From the development of the skeleton, we can see that these are all the corpses of children aged 5-9.

Looking at the bones almost piled up into a hill, but the guards are still in the salvage. Long Sheng even had a shudder fear for her son.

How abnormal is it to live in a yard of corpses every day? And long Xiwei's unrepentant attitude also stimulated Long Sheng.

He never thought that his son would be a paedophile and a murderer. It took another half an hour for the guards to report that the salvage was finished.

Looking at the hill which is high enough to be an adult and piled up by bones. Long Sheng staggered back a few steps, the dignity of the dragon family, are all destroyed by the so-called prince!

"According to my will, the former crown prince, long Xiwei, was tyrannical and fatuous, and by virtue of his power he destroyed countless people. If you can't bear the responsibility of the emperor, you will be removed from the crown prince's position and sent to the death row to be beheaded on a certain day! "

Long Sheng never thought that he would personally execute his son. Even in cold blood, he never thought that there would be this scene today.

"Father, spare your life! Son minister knows wrong, father emperor Long Xiwei heard such a will, his face was filled with panic.

He thought he was just the crown prince, so what? As the saying goes, if you leave green hills, you will not be afraid of no firewood. But I didn't expect long Sheng to ask himself.

He is his son! Tiger poison still does not eat son! Long Xiwei rushed to Long Sheng in front of him and hugged his legs.

Long Sheng forced to bear his heart's unwillingness and intolerance, let him cry for mercy. After a while, he kicked him away and left here in a big stride.

Long Xiwei suddenly thought of his mother and looked at the queen who had been silent. But did not expect to have been treated his excellent mother, now is looking at himself with disappointed eyes.

The queen knew in her heart that this son would be abandoned. Think of their own age, even if they do not give up, but there is no other way. If my son is gone, I can still have another one.

So, when long Xiwei wanted to come to his own for help. She did not hesitate to faint in the past, long Xiwei did not have time to seize the Queen's coat, was pressed on the ground.

At this point, the matter has finally come to an end. What happened in the prince's mansion has spread all over the capital in this short half day.

Mo Qingyan couldn't be present in person because of her identity. But ah Rou was sent out. For one thing, because ah Rou is a new face and won't attract people's attention. It's very convenient to come out and inquire about information.

Second, it is also to get the news of two people in winter and summer as soon as possible. Ah Rou does not know these two people, but has seen the portraits of the two sisters.

She saw one of them lying on a stretcher, pale. The whole body was soaked with blood, and even the blood hole visible to the naked eye almost fainted.

Shivering back to the house, said to Mo Qingyan what he saw. Mo Qingyan's heart is a cluttering, the feeling of uneasiness suddenly filled her whole heart.

"Let's go and have a look." Mo Qingyan made a decision at that time. Naturally, she couldn't avoid suspicion. The crowd in the prince's house has long since dispersed.

After all, this is the prince's house, anyway. But Mo Qingyan is still very easy to go in, because long Tianze is still inside.

When Mo Qingyan saw the summer lying on the cloth and the winter when her spirits were lost, her eyes turned red. She stepped forward and patted Zhidong on the shoulder:

"winter, I'm sorry." At this time, all the words are so pale and powerless. The winter saw Mo Qingyan, opened his mouth and wanted to call a master, but remembered what place was here.

To the mouth of words swallow down, the winter miserable smile. Looking at not far away is busy cleaning up the mess of long Tianze, Mo Qingyan anger from the heart.

She stepped forward and grabbed long Tianze: "the ninth prince, go with me to a place!" Mo Qingyan's words with anger and no doubt, even the Dragon Tianze did not respond.

Pulling long Tianze to a remote place, Mo Qingyan slapped the Dragon Tianze in the face. Long Tianze looked at her in consternation, and his heart was filled with displeasure.But Mo Qingyan next question, but let him speechless: "nine prince, why don't you save the summer?"

"Yan'er, don't make a fool of yourself. You don't know the situation at all, that · "

" enough! Ninth prince, what evidence do you have in your hand? Do you need me to tell you? " Mo Qingyan got angry and stopped his sophistry.

Long Tianze didn't know what to say. "Are you for Chu Rou? Chu Rou knew our plan and knew that summer and winter were my people. "

"So, in order to make Chu Rou believe that you are really using me, you used the most cruel way to treat two people in summer and winter, right?"

Mo Qingyan on the way to already want to understand all things. In the past life, summer and winter all lived well in the end.

But in this life, why is summer so severely punished? I also know that long Tianze must have done it on purpose. He clearly held the evidence that he could not let the summer suffer, but chose to hide it.

The person that Mo Qingyan hates most is oneself. Is she good scar forgot to ache, how to believe so long Tianze? If she didn't believe in long Tianze too much, how could zhixia have suffered such hardships? How could you lose your life!

"The ninth prince, don't forget. You're not the prince right now! I can help you pull down the crown prince, and I can help others to hold you down! " Mo Qingyan sneers at the dragon in front of her.

The latter's face turned ugly as expected: "it's just two maids. What do you want to do?"

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