Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 383: Everything has a Price!

"Young Master I don't understand why did you let them go alive, and even give them that much money?"

Jayden just looked at him for a moment, as he said in a calm and cool voice,

"Old Huo, one needs wind to spread the smoke and fire so we need them at the moment. As for the money, do you think that they will live long enough to tell the tale?

You already know what might happen in the proximate future, and not only them but all the cultivators in this space are in danger, and probably not even 1/10 of them will survive.

If still they make it through all this and manage to get back on Earth, then they truly deserve that money, and I will have no justification!"

Hearing these words the guard seemed to understand his Young Master's decision, but there was still something on his mind,

"Young Master do you think the situation will be so harsh as you describe it? In that case, wouldn't it be better for us to stay with the family, and the Old Master?"

Jayden seemed in a good and satisfied mood right now, so he didn't mind his guard's questions, as he answered,

"The situation is most probably worse than each and any one of us could imagine Old Huo. Right now we are just like trapped animals in a cage, and soon the cage owners will enter inside hunting us.

But that is not even the worst part! The worst part is the people inside the camp itself, a lot of them are like vultures, waiting for a chance or opportunity to get rid of their enemies.

As for the reason we left the camp is quite easy actually, it's because we are, or more precisely I am too weak right now, and if we stayed in the camp we would be more of a burden than help!"

The old guard seemed to really ponder on Jayden's words, and his words were truly wise, and he couldn't really find something to object to, but he still asked,

"Young Master don't you think that everyone will unite once their lives are in danger!?"

After this question though, Jayden looked at him with a wondering face, and a slight smile, as if he was mocking him. This clearly made the old guard angry, but hearing Jayden's next words he understood,

"Let us suppose that happens, how long you think it will take before the truly powerful people think that the situation is beyond saving them themselves, and will agree to it?

Furthermore, you seem to have a fish's memory, because you just witnessed something that could shake every being's belief in that ever happening.

In this life and world, we are living, everything has a price Old Huo. Love, respect, strength, position, power, loyalty are fake and have a price.

Even when we find something genuine we are used to the idea of buying and try to put a price on it. This is an undeniable truth of the world and the life we are living.

You and I are not exceptions of this rule Old Huo, just that we take a much higher price, and like to place an honorable name to it."

Jayden's words seemed to be like claps of thunder in a clear sky, as he was truly correct, it was just that nobody liked to be reminded of the darkness of the world, and their own character.

Jayden was claiming that each and everyone in this world was some kind of prostitute, as each one of them had their own price, and their rate placed them above the others.

Jayden didn't seem to care as he noticed the old man's pondering expression, as he stopped for a moment, looked him in the eye, and asked in a serious voice,

"What about you Old man, tell me what is your price?"

The old guard was clearly surprised by Jayden's words, he hadn't expected such a thing to happen, he didn't understand how the conversation came to such a point, as he asked with an offended voice,

"What do you mean Young Master?"

Jayden didn't seem to be buying that as he kept his look eye to eye with the old guard and said with his same serious voice,

"Let us spare ourselves from this unnecessary thing old man, just tell me what you want, to promise your loyalty, respect, and life to me."

The old guard seemed a bit offended as he said,

"My life, loyalty, and respect are already yours Young Master, I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Laughing in a self-mocking way, Jayden didn't separate the eye to eye look, as he continued,

"Old Huo I might have been a cultivation cripple, but I am not an idiot, I can clearly understand that everything you said lies with the Old Man.

Right now I am asking to buy that for myself, not for the family, or the Old Man."

Hearing these words the old guard was like a startled rabbit, as he asked,

"Young Master are you thinking to rebel against the family!?"

Jayden broke the eye to eye look at that moment, as he sighed and said,

"Sigh~! No at the moment I am not, but I don't know what the future holds! I have been able to hang on until now due to the Old Man's support.

Once that disappears I don't know what will happen to me or the family, so I have to prepare, old man. I truly appreciate you, and your skills for that reason I am trying to pull you to my side.

So tell me what do you want to come to my side!?"

The old guard stopped pretending anymore, as he observed Jayden once again, and said in a serious and solemn voice,

"Since you are serious, then I shall be too. Why should I sell my life and loyalty to a cripple Young Master? What are your chances of surviving or winning this fight, if it happens!"

Jayden didn't seem to mind his words, as they were true, not long ago he had given up on his life, and would live it in ecstasy as long as the Old Man was alive, and then probably die after he did.

But now new hopes were built inside him, he wasn't a cultivation cripple anymore, he could cultivate and increase his strength.

While his best years were almost gone, with the help of the pouch he hoped he could make the impossible possible.

With these thoughts in mind, he finally released his cultivation, and pressure while he smiled lightly and said,

"Old man who said I would stay a cripple for whole my life!"

The old guard was clearly astounded by the fact that his Young Master seemed to be on the verge of a breakthrough, which should be clearly impossible.

The poison that Jayden had been poisoned with didn't allow him to cultivate anymore, as any Qi he tried to gather inside his Dantian surpassing its capacity would disperse immediately.

No matter who visited him, told the Old Man, and the family, that Jayden was a lost cause, and that no medicine of doctor could save him.

Yet right now he was clearly showing signs of a breakthrough, which should have been totally impossible. This could only mean that he had been cleansed in a way, or surpassed the poison.

No matter which one of the two was, it clearly showed that Jayden had turned back. Even though he was already 35+ years old, no one could forget that he once was a cultivation genius.

Then as if remembering something he asked,

"Does Old Master know about this?"

"Nobody knows about this old Huo, you are the first, and this is because we are here alone and I am confident I can pull you to my side."

Jayden seemed like he was really confident in having the old guard by his side at all times, which clearly surprised the old man, and couldn't help but ask,

"What makes you so sure Young Master!?"

With a devilish grin, Jayden looked him right in the eye, as he said,

"Because I am totally confident that I can make you reach the Soul Formation Realm!"

His words were like a bomb, every cultivator's dream was to reach as far as he could in his cultivation road because the benefits were unimaginable.

Strength, power, influence, wealth, beauties, and of course lifespan. Each of these things was already a big reason in and of itself, and yet all these came together.

The old guard was already an old man or more than two centuries old, and his life was coming to an end, as his cultivation would slowly start to disperse soon.

He had given up from all hope to advance further in his life, and this was also the reason why he had accepted to be Jayden's guard.

The Old Master had promised him to nurture his grandkids, and protect his family, he didn't have many dreams in his life besides living his last few years in comfort.

But Jayden was able to turn his world upside down with just one sentence, and he was unable to properly process it for a moment.

His brain wasn't working at first, but recollecting himself, he was brought down to earth recognizing his situation, and age, as he said,

"Don't jest with this old man, Young Master! Otherwise, I might suffer some heart attack and die sooner."

Jayden didn't seem to be joking though, as he took a jade pill bottle from his space ring, and said in a serious voice,

"I am not joking Old Man, I have the necessary means to help you reach beyond your potential. You, and those five that are listening to us talking right now!!!"

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