Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 384: Decision & Exchange

As soon as he said those words, the four maidservants, and the other guard, together with the two packages on their hands, got out of their waiting place, and approached the duo.

The old guard wasn't really surprised by the presence of those people as he had already sensed them a bit earlier, but he didn't bothered about them, as the topic at hand was more important.

But the fact that Jayden could sense them was a startling fact, a normal cultivator of his level wouldn't be able to do that.

Yet no one was able to think about that, as right now each and any one of them was in a shock due to the offer they received.

It was something that they had never thought it would happen, and even more seriously consider it, but Jayden looked completely serious about it.

They didn't know what to make of this offer right now, Jayden was asking for everything they had life, loyalty, and respect but also what he offered was something beyond their reach.

It was a truly tempting offer to say in the least, so they didn't really know what to say. But most importantly they didn't know if the offer was real and standing.

It was easy to say something like that, but was Jayden really able to make something like that a reality? They had never thought of such cases, and even less did they expect this to happen to them.

Looking at their disbelieving faces Jayden didn't seem to think much about it, even though he would have liked them to believe his word, he didn't blame them!

Not long ago he had been just a typical and arrogant Young Master that thought more about his infernal desires that his direction in life.

One could say that it was that pouch that totally changed his life, and made him have a 180 degree rotation on his life.

He still couldn't believe it himself, so for these people to doubt him it was more than expected, for that reason he looked at them on their faces, as he said,

"Well it's clear that you still don't believe me totally, and I can't blame your for that, after all even I wouldn't have believed it were I in your place.

To make you believe in what I say, I am willing to let you try this, and its effects, and make your decisions after! What do you say!?"

This concession from Jayden made the 4 maidservants, and the 2 guards a bit surprised as they hadn't expected something like this.

As Nina couldn't keep herself from asking,

"Young Master, what if we decide against your proposal after we have consumed whatever that is! After all we would already have taken what we want!"

Her words were on the mind of each and every one of the six. Even if they didn't accept Jayden's offer they would still have consumed whatever that was.

But Jayden didn't seem to mind it, as he smiled lightly, and explained,

"Well first of all I must warn you that what you will consume, or use is a continuously used potion, and not a one-time pill.

This potion helps in cleansing your body, and also tempering it, and in the process it also releases the hidden potential in your bodies, and helps you reach beyond your current ability.

But forgetting about this fact, would you still be able to let go of such an opportunity!? I am sure that even the Old Man wouldn't be able to let go of such an opportunity.

As for the possibility of killing me and taking my belongings, well I don't think that would be a good idea. The Old Man already must have told you that your life is related to mine!

Not to mention that it would be an even greater stupidity knowing that this place is sealed and you can't even turn back!"

His words were like a bomb on the 4 ladies, as they hadn't expected such a thing. The two guards were different, because they had been close to Jayden and knew what was going on.

But the 4 maidservants had no idea of what Jayden just said. As they asked almost in the same pitched voice,

"What do you mean Young Master?"

Looking at their confused and complicated faces, Jayden remembered he hadn't told them anything about this, as he said,

"Oh right I forgot to explain you why we left the camp!"

Then he continued with telling them about their current situation, and the reasons why they left the camp.

Of course the ladies had a little bit too many questions to ask, but Jayden showed complete tranquility, as he answered them one by one.

His explanation just made the situation weirder, and even more complicated. After all, they were trapped in a cage, and their survival was in question.

Add this to the fact that they were already in deep thoughts due to Jayden's offer, everything seemed to be truly complicated right now.

As they were thinking deeply about their situation Jayden said in a calm voice,

"Aren't you tiring your brain a bit too much at the moment? First we aren't in the first line of defense, and we will be protected for some time until those old fogies are alive.

Secondly you have a great chance to improve highly in your cultivation, taking in consideration even the higher concentration of Qi in this place.

Right now our duty and goal is to increase our strength as much as we can, and return back, or find another way to escape after it."

Thinking like this it really made sense, they were away from the danger line, and not to mention that Jayden was offering them a golden opportunity if he was telling the truth.

With their thoughts cleared, and their short term decisions made there were only two problems in their way, the kid and his guard.

Without even considering any other possibility Jayden took the life of two in a blink, and they just continued their way.

Just like he had said earlier this was just a small interest he would collect from them, as the real deal will start soon enough.

On the other hand, inside the Old Pouch Tianlong Yun had already completed his research on the partial souls, and the Vampires, as he had even collected a bit of source blood from the Royal Vampire he had.

It was just a bit, only 5 drops of it, but it was nonetheless something really precious for him. At the same time he had also kept Jayden in check all this time, and leading the story how he liked it.

Now that his research had finished and he was in a need for more research subjects, and materials, he needed to go out, and take care of the things personally.

He had also been noticed from Jiang Bao that Yang Xiu had almost hacked the defensive barrier, and that he would probably succeed in the next two or three days.

This was a great news for him, because finally he would be able to truly explore this place, and it's treasures.

Of course this would also be a great opportunity for him to train and cultivate himself. He was feeling quite rusty just directing things all this time.

It was time for him to go on a little trip around the place, and explore as far as he could. With these thoughts in mind, he extended his spirit sense outside of the Old Pouch and had a look at Jayden.

At the moment Jayden was cultivating in a newly set up tent in between two structures, on the west part of the fortress city, as he was cultivating to have his breakthrough.

It was his first after such a long time and he was really excited. So excited that he wasn't able to notice that he had been pulled inside the pouch, as he was cultivating!

The breakthrough was a bit difficult and it took him a bit of time, but he was finally able to breakthrough, but the moment he opened his eyes he wasn't able to make sense of his surroundings.

While he was trying to recollect himself from what was happening around him, he could only feel that he was becoming extremely drowsy, and that he had a huge desire to sleep.

And he wasn't able to stand that drowsy feeling for long, as he closed his eyes, and slowly lost his conscience, not understanding in the least what was going on.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun got out of the Old Pouch while he pulled Jayden inside, as he even changed his look to resemble him, and also mimicked his soul frequency and behavior.

If one hadn't lived with him for centuries, they wouldn't be able to make the difference between the real Jayden, and the one that Tianlong Yun was personificating.

But of course the last test was the 4 maidservants, and the two guards. If they found out about the change, he would be forced to kill them, but if they didn't he would take them on his journey.

Free manpower was always welcomed, not to mention that he didn't need to care about if these guys lived or died, as he had no connection whatsoever.

As for the ladies, they seemed like good seedlings for him, that he could use from now on, but firstly he would have to look, and understand their character, and qualities.

His harem held a lot of ladies already, so more than quantity he was now concentrated on the quality. So starting from now he would slowly start testing these four ladies to understand their inner self.

With these thoughts in mind, he got out of his personal cultivation space, and got into his bathroom forgetting about the fact that the maidservants were using his body tempering potion inside, completely naked…

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