Ruler Of The Martial World

Chapter 105 - Tomb Of Dead

Outside, when the elder seen Ayan coming out of the building he rubbed his eyes and give a second look to see what is he seeing is truth.

However, to his surprise even after rubbing his eyes the figure of Ayan's didn't vanished away. It was still there and coming toward him.

Ayan come close to the elder and open his mouth "so, I passed?" Asked Ayan.

However, the elder didn't give any answer because he is still in daze. "It's been five minutes this boy gone Inside, how did he finished the trial so fast" the elder thought.

He can't think of anything that will allow Ayan's to finish the trial. Unless he didn't even fight. However, that's not possible.

After thinking more he was still failed to guess what Ayan have done inside the building that let him come out faster. As he is thinking this a voice force him to come out from his illusion.

After hearing what this said the elder open his mouth "Y_-yes, you have passed the trial. And from now on you are a inner disciple of the imperial sect".

Saying this the elder hand over a jade where 'inner disciple' are written.

"After you show this to the elder guarding the winner gate will let you go." Said the elder. After hearing everything what this elder has too say Ayan headed toward the inner sect.

Not long after Ayan left another 2 disciple' came to give the trial. This people are none other than Iver and Alya.


After showing new identity Ayan is able to enter the Inner sect and granted a residence inside. Those who is already a inner disciple get a residence by their name.

After taking a long nap Ayan came out of his House and give a quick look around his house and find out where Iver and Alya are. After meeting with them Ayan goes deep into the inner sect to see more.

The thing he is searching for is doing some challenges to increase the rank or trial that will help him increases his rank.

After walking for 30 minutes the most used word Ayan heard is 'tomb of the dead'. Ayan's interested arouse after hearing the name.

Soon he asked a disciple about the what is the tomb of dead. The answer was 'the tomb of dead Is a place just like it's name says. It's a place where hundred thousand of people have been burred. This tomb of the dead located in the middle of border of this Kingdom and it's neighbour country.

In every 50 years the tomb open itself to outside world so all the younger generation would be able to harvest greatly.

However, when Ayan asked where this tomb came from the disciple wasn't able to give a answer. It's because he didn't know about it. And when Ayan asked from how many years this tomb has been existing the disciple wasn't able to give any answer.

After this Ayan talk with some other disciple as well to know more. Later he was able to know that only inner disciple able to join the team not only disciple form this Kingdom but the neighbour country will also join. 

And to join he needs to go into the mission hall inside the inner sect and asked them to join. However not everyone will be able to only Those who are under 15 years old will be able to go. And there is another thing that is only 500 disciple will be able to go.

After 10 minutes later as noah exit the forest road and entered the joined road That linked with other village a voice calling him from behind

"Brother Noah wait for me"

Noah look back and discover a person "Fatty!"

'huff' 'huff' "How c-can I let you go in a battlefield alone," said fatty huffing voice.

Hearing Fatty Noah on raise one of his eyebrow "Don't lie to me, Your mother beat you right?".

"Aha ha ha, brother is indeed good at joking. I am not that little kid anymore, Mother wouldn't dare to hit me" said Fatty with a laugh.

However, his laugh turns into a frown when he notices Noah's gaze. Noah opens his mouth "I can see that on your face".

"What" Fatty touched his left cheek with his hand when he heard Noah's word.

"Ah aha ha, so that's where you got slapped this time," Noah said with a laugh. Noah just casually saying but who would have thought fatty was indeed beaten.

"AHHhh, brother you lied".

But Noah couldn't help but become a little disheartened Thinking he might not be able to see his only friend after the war. No one can give guaranty that they will come back alive from a war.

At this moment the tiger cub peeks from Ayan's cloth.

"Brother Noah, why it seems he didn't get any weight in the past 10 day's?" fatty said as he points toward the cub. He don't dare to touch or get little closer in fear of getting bitten by the cub.

"This is also puzzling to me, even though I made sure he eats his full stomach he didn't get any weight," Noah said as he gently caressed the cub head.

"Maybe it's because he is not a normal tiger," Noah thought to himself. There is no other explanation he can think of right now. After all his mother is normal.


After 30 minutes later they came to the place where they were told to come. Noah noticed their many people came even Before them. Well, not many but most of the people. It could be said they are the last

"Brother it seems there are not even half of the people that came other days". Fatty said.

Noah nodded, Fatty is indeed true, not even half of the people came today. Noah and fatty came closer to the other people to see what the soldier saying.

"we will start our journey right away. No question is allowed. Further information will be given on the way, anyone has any questions?" He swipes his gaze all around him and looks toward the person who rise his hand.


"Are we directly going to the battlefield? If so what about training?" Someone asked

"Yes, we will be directly going to the battlefield. And about the training ---" soldier stopped for few seconds before saying " We will after we arrive at the camp. I don't have any clear details yet. However, when we reach the camp a high ranking officer will explain everything"

"Any other questions?" the soldier asked. However, no one rise Their hands "hmm" the soldier gives a satisfactory nod Before saying "everyone line up we will start our journey right away".

"Halt," said a soldier from the very front. It's been 7 day's Noah and other started Their journey. On the way, many people from other villages also joined them.

The officer in charge made a gesture with his head to another soldier. Understanding its meaning he left and came back after a hour later.

"Everything is good sir, they haven't moved yet"

"Hmm, that's good to hear, we have some times in our hands now," said the officer

"What should we do sir? Should we camp here?"

"yes, and remember to scatter the soldier all around the forest and keep an eye for spy and prepare everyone".

"But sir, these people don't have any experience," said the soldier. As he look toward the Villagers.

"Just use them as footmen, there is no need for the horseman, and other soldiers anyway". Said the high ranking. Officer.

This little conversation didn't escape Noah's ears. From the time he was only 2 years old he can here everyone if he concentrate.

After hearing their conversation Noah frown slightly"they are thinking of using the villagers as a sacrificial pawn!" Noah's eyelashes tremble slightly.

There is a high chance these Villagers will be placed in very front to exhausting the Enemy soldiers.

After talking with the higher officer the soldier came close to the people "Everyone we will camp here for now. The battle is yet to start and we have orders form the main camp to camp here for now. We will join the main army after we get permission from the main camp.

After that with the help of everyone a temporary camp was made Inside the forest.

In this time Noah able to talk with a soldier. He was able to know something. The main army are stationed at two kilometres away from here.

This is not the only battlefield there is total of 4 battle currently talking place in different territory of the country leading by the generals.


In the night as everyone told to take a rest many voices full of complaints flowing out from the tents.

Even though the soldiers notice this they didn't said anything. After all this people are not well trained and if they try to stop them there is high chance of retaliation.

Inside one of the tents Noah, fatty and the other 4 are seating together. Even though there wasn't enough space for six they still had to stay in one tent because there wasn't enough tent to stay.

Out of these 4 people only one person in his 40 and have long beard. As for the other three they don't have any beard. All of the three in Their mid 25.

"Fuck what am I supposed to do with this sword and shield when I am good with a bow" siren said with a angry Voice. In the recruitment test he was able to become 35th rank in archery.

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