After explaining everything the soldier placed 1 bow in his hand. "see that target?" the soldier point his finger toward the clay figure in the distance. "You have to hit that clay figure with arrows".

Noah only chuckles inwardly after seeing just how easy a test they are giving. Noah placed the arrow in his bow and released the arrow. With an air perching sound, the arrow released from Noah bow and Only stopped after perching the head of the clay figure.

But the soldier didn't show any surprising reaction thinking it was just a fluke.

However, the people who came to give the test gasped in shock. "how did he do that" someone couldn't hold his inner thought and asked out loud

Noah aims and released the arrow, with an air perching sound it hit the clay figure.

"What the fuck" someone shouts out loud.

People start giving voice. People start rubbing their eyes to see if they are seeing mistaken. But unfortunately, they didn't mistake.

"This is madness, this is crazy. He hit two arrows in one go, Both of those arrows hit the vital spot. One In the head And one in the left side".

Not only the people other soldiers also paid attention. At first they it's just a fluke but the 2nd time was it also a fluke?

"Why are they making a fuss over nothing, isn't it just hitting the clay figure". If people just heard what Noah's is thinking they would have died by spouting blood.

The clay figure was placed so far away some people even failed to Their arrow was close to the clay figure let alone hit it.

When everyone saw Noah took the last arrow in his hand everyone expecting that Noah will hit the target surprised them again. But soon they become disappointed. Because Noah's arrow didn't hit the clay figure, it missed by a big margin.

Some soldiers give a sigh of relief seeing Noah's arrow didn't hit the target.

'AHH, it it's a good feeling, I can't even think what would have happened if I hit the 3rd arrow as well, it was a good thing I didn't hit". Thought Noah.

At this time a boy came toward him and congratulate him. "Brother Noah you are awesome you were able to hit the clay figure 2 time"

"It was just luck, how about you?, How many times did you manage to hit the clay figure?".

"Ahh, brother let's not talk about this now" fatty said with a somewhat embarrassed tone.

"Now the first test ended we will start the 2nd test right away. It will be a ruining test".

Noah Became 31 out of all the soldiers.

"Now the 3rd test is strength, we will test your strength".

This time soldier handed a big shield in the hand of the people. This Shield is almost as big as 5 feet and weighs close to 20 kg.

The test is people had to run with the shield in their hand.

In this test, Noah becomes 56.

"If I wanted I could have become No1 in every test, however, that will only draw in unintentional attention," thought Noah. He thought, for now, he should hide his strength as much as he can.

The soldiers gathered Everyone in one place and one among them open his mouth "From now on you are a proud soldier of the kingdom" After saying this soldier begin to give a pouch to everyone.

"This money is a bonus given by his majesty himself. Go back and enjoy your remaining time with your family, your friends. You have 10 day's to Do whatever you wants".

Chapter 5 journey start

The soldiers gathered Everyone in one place and one among them open his mouth "From now on you are a proud soldier of the kingdom" After saying this soldiers begin to give a pouch to everyone.

"This money is a bonus given by his majesty himself. Go back and enjoy your remaining time with your family and friends. You have 10 day's to Do whatever you want, after that, we will start our journey.".


"Brother Noah, Brother Noah wait for me".

Hearing someone's shout Noah turn around to see "Fatty!".

Soon Fatty made it to the place Noah was standing.

"Where were you, why didn't I seen you?" Noah asked.

"Don't say, brother, today is a very bad day for me. Anyway, you were awesome back there" said fatty with a happy expression

Suddenly, fatty felt something moving inside Noah cloth! "Brother what's that," he asked.

"Ohh this" Noah take out the tiger cub outside.

( Author note: Noah and fatty fall behind. After getting money other people were so happy they couldn't hold themselves and start running towards their village)

"Haaaa, A tiger cub!" Fatty takes a step forward and look toward the cub with sparkling eyes.

He couldn't hold himself and stretch out his hand overwhelmed by the cuteness of the cub. "Brother can I touch him," said fatty with an innocent look on his face.

But even before Noah could say anything The Tiger cub starts hissing toward fatty.

"It seems he doesn't want to go," said Noah.

"It seems so, anyways where did you get him," Fatty asked

"I found him in the forest".

After that, they resume their journey toward the village.

Next-day When everyone is busy buying their Favourite thing from the merchant 'Noah' Busy hunting beast for the Tigger cub.

Just like that 10 days passed. After 10 day's later Noah came back to the village.

" Brother you came!" Fatty said after seeing Noah coming back from the hill.

"Yes, isn't today the day when we have to go?" Noah asked.

"Y-yes brother, But I don't think I will be able to go". Said fatty with an embarrassing smile.

"Ohh it's Okay if you don't want to go, anyway bye I'll see you after the war" saying this Noah start his journey.

Noah noticed not only Fatty many others didn't intend to go. After all, it's a war, not a food party.

The little cub wakes up from his slumber and releases a low growl. But when his eyes fall into Noah he trembles slightly. Because it's the first time he saw a human.

The Tigress opens her eyes look toward her cub and starts licking her cub. Felling his mother presence he got some strength in him he took a step toward Noah and start Growling.

However, soon he stopped growing and look toward Noah in a confused gaze seeing Noah didn't moving and not showing any sign of begin scared.

At this time the voice rang out inside Noah's mind. "Now it's all up to you, you stay alive or not you have to send my son to another side."

The tigress look toward her cub for one last time and licked him before the cub come closer to Noah. Noah takes the cub into his arm.

"Before our parting, I should give you a gift, as long as you present this gift they will surely help you even if it meant to risk their life". The tigress said

As soon she finishes her sentence a teeth from the Tiger mouth fall but it didn't touch the ground but slowly flow toward Noah and Landed on his hands.

"A teeth," he thought, what type of gift it is? He looked toward the Tigress to asked what type of gift it is, however, what he saw made him terrified.

The Tigress eyes lost their colour and become White, Soon after a blue fire ignited and start burning the entire body of the Tigress. A scent of roasted meat covered the full cave but soon it turns into the scent of over burnt meat.

IN front of his eyes a Tigress lived for Thousands of years turn into nothing a pile of ashes.

Noah felt his arm getting wet. He looks toward his arm and saw nonstop tears pouring out from the eyes of the little guy. Noah only sighs inwardly. There is nothing he can say to comfort him. He slowly and gently caressed the head of the cub.

After sometime later he came out of the cave. after coming out he noticed the sun has gone backwards!.

When he came to the forest the sun was in the middle of The sky but right now it's on the east side of the sky?

"Did I spent one day Inside the cave?" he asked himself. "But it's not possible," he thought.

"I have only spent only 30 to 40 minutes at most" he thought to himself

"Fuck it's out of my knowledge, I shouldn't think about it too much," Noah thought to himself.

It took him almost 1 hour minutes to come back to the village. Noah notices the village is somewhat empty!. Only women and children and some elderly man could be seen...

These people also look toward him with a somewhat odd gaze as if he shouldn't be here. Soon he saw a person he knows very well it was old man 'Tang' he was enjoying 'hookah'.

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