(Author note: Hookah is a type of smoking device. Hookahs were simple, primitive, and rugged in design, usually made from a coconut shell base and tube with a head attached. This device was most used in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and in some other countries.)

"Old man Tang where are the others?" Noah asked. He doesn't know many people in the village, even though he was living here in the village. However, his adopted Father and old man Tang had a somewhat good relationship and that's how he knows him.

He rise his head and looks toward Noah, after remembering Noah face he open his mouth "Ohh, isn't it Noah!, If you are searching others they were taken to give soldier recruitment test, you should go now and catch up to them, if they came back and saw you still in the village they will punish you " said old man Tang.

"They? Who are they?" Noah raised his eyebrows as he asked

"The soldiers, They came back to the village for 3rd time to check, who knows they might come back again. If they sees you they will surely punish you" Old man Tang said.

"Thank old man Tang, I'll go right away" Noah bow Toward old man Tang for the last time and turn around to leave.

"You haven't asked where you should go" old man Tang shout from behind.

Hearing this Noah stopped and turn around with an embarrass smile on his face he said: "He he, Forget to ask".

"Just follow the main road, you'll find them". Old man Tang said as he starts smoking.

After showing a sign of respect by bowing slightly Noah starts his journey. On the way, he met a group of people. There was a total of 7 members in this group of people, all of them has age of 15 to 30.

"Hey, little brother are you going to join the army?" Someone asked him.

"Yes, it's my dream to join the army and serve the country" Noah lied with a smile on his face.

"Wow, that's a very Nobel dream you have there," The oldest of the group said. "Just don't lose your life by trying to fulfilling your dream"

After this, no one talks anymore. Soon after walking 15 minutes, an open grass field come to Noah's view. Not only the grass filed the people standing in different lines in orderly manners didn't Escape his vision.

"Hey, why are you guys standing there for?" a soldier with a spear in his hand shout toward Noah's group.

"Go stand in the line" He ordered with an annoying face as if he had become exhausted just by repeating this same word.

Noah noticed in front of every line placed a little signboard was written their village name. After searching for sometimes he found his village line and stood there.

There was only one person before him when he stood in the line. He had to wait less than 30 seconds before his turn came.Noah look toward the tigress and asked "who are you, did you call me here, what is this place"

" I'll answer every question of yours, but in exchange, you have to take an oath".

"oath!" said Noah in surprised voice.

"You have to protect my child and take care of him until you get out of here," the tigress said as if there is other option beside this.

"Ok" Noah said " that's not a big deal as long as I learn everything." Soon he took the oath.

Soon a voice of the tigress rang into his ears again "Ok tell what you wants to know".

"I wants to know about this World and how to leave it". Said Noah in determination in his eyes.

"This World, it called the sealed world, I don't know its real name. Thousands of years ago suddenly a light fall from the sky after that this region becomes sealed, I noticed as time passed mana getting thinner and thinner. Old generation died and the generation born without any dentian".

"what is dentian" Noah asked curiously.

"Dentian is a placed where human store mana".

"Another question, What are you? If old generation died how come you are alive?", Noah asked in confusion.

"After the world become sealed human start to fight with each other over remaining resource and they died. As for me, I am nothing" said the voice.

Hearing this Noah changed his question. "So can they absorb this mana?" he is curious. He thought this tigress knows so much she should be able to tell this.

"No they cannot. They were born mortal and they will die as a mortal". Said the voice. It

Hearing this Noah become slightly surprised. He thought there is lot's of powerful people who can absorb that strange energy called "mana" just like him. but it seems he was wrong. However, the main question is if this world is sealed how the hell is he supposed to get out of here.

"You said this World is sealed. If so, how am I supposed to leave this place" Noah asked in concern voice.

"There is way, If you go to the North you'll find a door".

"Door! A door that leads to the outside world?" Noah couldn't help but become excited hearing this.

"Probably, I have never seen someone to pass through that door, as for myself I am way too big for that".

"Door! A door that leads to the outside world?" Noah couldn't hide his Excitement as he asked.

"Probably, I have never seen someone pass through that door, as for myself I am way too big for that". Said the tigress with a somewhat disappointed tone. As if she was disappointed in herself.

"You never seen someone pass through that door? Then how the hell you know that's the way of getting out of here!" But no answered come to his questions.

5 seconds 10 seconds 20 seconds but still no reply came.

"H-hey you still alive" Noah shout loudly

"hey, how can you just die like that" Noah shout. He has so many questions in his head, but when he was thinking about asking she died, just like that!.

"I am not dead yet , I can still live more than 1 year " she stopped for few seconds and said again

" That's the only door I have found. And I believe that's the only way to get out of here, and now it's up to you, if you wants to get out of here you can try your luck" said the voice inside Noah's head.

"So how many days do I need to get there," Noah asked. If possible he wants to start his journey right away.

But surprisingly hearing this a burst of laughter fill his mind.

" It took me 1 year to get there. If I talk about you, you might need 20 years or more to just get there"

"whaaaaat, 20 years! Won't I become old even before I found the door" Noah couldn't believe what he just heard 20 years it's not 2 or 3 years? He couldn't help but become disheartened.

"Is there no other way to get there as fast as possible?" Noah asked

"There is" hearing this Noah felt he is seeing light at the end of the dark cave.

"What's the way?". Noah asked. He become little happy after hearing there is another way.

"I need your final word, you need to take another oath"

"I am willing to take another oath" he Doesn't even want to hear what the oath is about. All he wants to hear is the road that leads to the outer world

"You will not hurt. Your responsibility is to always protect my son until you get out of this place. And if you can't do that your dentian will explode and your road of Cultivation will end" said the voice

Hearing this Noah become silent for a bit Before answering. 1 minute later he opens his mouth "I agreed to your conditions". Said Noah.

Noah thought he can trust this monster after all. she is sending her son with him and wants her son to get out of here with him. There's no way she will give any false hope and information.

After the oath ends that familiar voice rang out inside Noah's head and told him the way to get there faster. Time to time Noah couldn't help but give surprised look.

Hearing this Noah become a little surprised and unwilling but soon the unwillingness vanished from his face and a firm determination start working on him.

(Author note. Guys don't forget to add it to your library and vote and support. I love to see you guys do that . It will motivate me to write. It's help a lot. J. J d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d. D d d d d d d d. D d d. D d d f d f f. F f f f. F f f f f f f f f f f. F f f. F f f f f. F f f. F f f)

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