In an open square, many people gathered around. A man around 40 years old holding a paper in his hand. He wore a white simple robe and a short sword on his waist.

Everyone Guessing what this person has come to say. Pure respect can be seen in Their eyes for this man, from time to time they Glance toward the man to see if this man is going to start reading the pepper.

At this moment this man opens his mouth. Seeing this everyone stop Their conversation. It doesn't matter what they were talking about they stop their conversation and look toward the man.

"I'll read the announcement now," said the man.

As soon as the villagers heard this they take a breath in but didn't release fearing if they miss something important.

[ "My beloved citizens. For the past 10 years We are in a continuous war with the 'citadal Kingdom'.

They are considered as a force of evil who can't see the good of others. They took our children, burned down our crops, tainted this sacred land on which we live.

We cannot continue like this. We have to eradicate them once for all if we want to live in peace. However, we don't have enough forces.

I king of 'Aetas' invite you to join the army of 'Aetas' and help eradicate the force of evils and bring prosperity to the country.

For Those who are willing to do this Sacrifice your name will go down in the history of the 'Aetas' kingdom and a part of the war spoil will be given to you.]

After this man finishes the announcement everyone let out their breath.

"The recruitment will be starting after 15 days. At least one person from each house must join the army. It is one in a lifetime opportunity" the man said.

From the crowd of people one man raised his hand after getting permission he opens his mouth "sir 'cifer' do we have to give entrance exam or something"

"Yes, a little qualification test will be held. It's necessary after all you are joining the army of heroes. But the result will be used to determine which army you will be joining.

After answering some questions asked by the villagers he left.

After the man left all of the villagers showed a happy expression except a boy around 15 wearing very normal clothes. He has black hair and one pair of black pupils.

Soon everyone turns around and head to their own house except this boy, he passes all of the houses and heads toward the small hill close to the village.. after 5 minutes later stop in front of two graves. He placed flowers he has picked on his way.

Sorrow could be seen in his eyes. He slowly opens his mouth "today is the last we will be meeting. I was never able to say 'thank you. I was grateful, for all of the love you have shown me. No word in the world can explain how grateful I am Toward you".

"If that day you haven't taken me to your home I might have died. You have taken care of me like your own son. 12 years, you never let me know I was adopted." A drop of tears falls from his eyes even though he tries to suppress them. He swipes Away his eyes and gives one final look before coming back to the city.

"It's been 12 years since the old man adopts me. It's been 12 years since I have come to the world. It was such a long time" thought the boy.

"Big brother Noah" at this time a shout forces 'Noah to come to reality. Noah looks toward the source of the sound. It was a boy with grey hair weaving his hand toward Noah.

Seeing this boy a smile come to his face. Noah also. Wave his hand, that boy come close to Noah, with a beaming smile on his face.

In the past 12 years, this is the only friends Noah was able to make. He doesn't want to make friends because he didn't want to be tied down here.

"Brother I was searching for you, where have you been!". Said the boy

"What happened?, Other kid bullied you or something or do you need something from me," Noah said with a smile...

"Brother what are you talking about! Do you think I am that type of person, I had something to discuss with you that's why I was searching for you And who can bully this boss," The boy said with a proud expression as if what he is saying is the obvious truth.

"Fatty, do you think I have forgotten everything that happened 2 months ago," Noah said.

"Brother why reminding me of my bitter past, that's Happened 2 months ago, I can easily take care of them now". Said fatty with an embarrassing smile.

"Ohh the reason I have been searching for you, are you joining the army?" asked Fatty

"Yes, I am thinking". Said Noah.

"I am sure there are some ways to get out of here. All I just need to do find the road but for that, I need power and information"When he was only three meter away he felt he passed a invisible lair. He couldn't help but become more shocked when he discovered a cave. Even though it's a cave unfortunately he wasn't able to see the end it it's covered in darkness.

At this time when he hesitated what's to do a another low growl came from Inside. At this time for some reason he felt something attracting him to go inside. He muster all of his strength and enter the cave.

It took him almost 10 minute and some turn's before he comes to the end of the cave. "I see, so that's why the cave look so dark from outside"

Soon Noah stopped after taking the last turn what he saw made him very surprised, he wasn't prepared for this at all.

In front of him lying down the tigress. Without a doubt, it is more than 6 meters long. But the main issue is it looked like just bones.

His gaze fall to the roof of the cave toward only source of light. He saw a ray of sunlight slipping through the small hole in the rooftop and making the whole cave bright like outside.

"So it's is indeed a tiger" Noah thought to himself as he notices a little figure close to the Tigress.

For few seconds Noah thought this Tigress might have died. However his thoughts were totally wrong as a voice rang inside Noah's head "Boy come close to me"

"Who" Noah jump backwards. He becomes alert and starts searching all around him to see who just talked.

"It's me" another sound rang into Noah's mind.

As the same voice rang in Noah's mind again he couldn't help but become surprised. He looks toward the tigress with amazement. For reason he didn't because terrified even after hearing someone's voice inside his head.

However a question come out form his mouth "How can you talk inside my head?"

"When you become strong enough you also will be able to talk inside someone's head "

"Come close to me" another voice rang inside Noah head.

Noah starts walking toward the tigress at a slow pace. For some reasons he didn't become sceard and felt good. After getting close he saw the little figure clearly, it was a cub sleeping comfortably with its eyes closed.

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