Ruler Of The Martial World

Chapter 110 - Registration

Outside, when the elder seen Ayan coming out of the building he rubbed his eyes and give a second look to see what.

"Didn't he entered just 10 minutes ago ? How come he is here this fast, even if he is that good he at least need 20 minutes to clear the 2nd floor and another 10 minute for 3rd floor".

However, to his surprise even after rubbing his eyes the figure of Ayan's didn't vanished away. It was still there and coming toward him

Ayan slowly come close to the elder and open his mouth "so, I passed?" Asked Ayan.

However, the elder didn't give any answer because he is still in daze. "It's been five minutes this boy gone Inside, how did he finished the trial so fast" the elder thought.

He can't think of any other way that will allow Ayan's to finish the trial. Unless he didn't even fight. However, that's not possible.

After thinking more he was still failed to guess what Ayan have done inside the building that let him come out faster. As he is thinking this a voice force him to come out from his illusion.

"Did I pass the test" Ayan shout. For some reason this elder looking toward him in daze and not answering him. It made him angry slightly.

After hearing what this said the elder open his mouth "Y_-yes, you have passed the trial. And from now on you are a inner disciple of the imperial sect".

Saying this the elder hand over a jade where 'inner disciple' are written.

"After you show this to the elder guarding the winner gate will let you go." Said the elder. After hearing everything what this elder has too say Ayan headed toward the inner sect.

Not long after Ayan left another 2 disciple' came to give the trial. This people are none other than Iver and Alya.

However even after Noah gone the elder couldn't stop thinking about Ayan. He is still curious what Ayan did and how he came back this fast


After showing new identity Ayan is able to enter the Inner sect and granted a residence inside. Those who is already a inner disciple get a residence by their name.

After taking a long nap Ayan came out of his House and give a quick look around his house and find out where Iver and Alya are. After meeting with them Ayan goes deep into the inner sect to see more.

The thing he is searching for is doing some challenges to increase the rank or trial that will help him increases his rank.

After walking for 30 minutes the most used word Ayan heard is 'tomb of the dead'. Ayan's interested arouse after hearing the name.

Soon he asked a disciple about the what is the tomb of dead. The answer was 'the tomb of dead Is a place just like it's name says. It's a place where hundred thousand of people have been burred. This tomb of the dead located in the middle of border of this Kingdom and it's neighbour country.

In every 50 years the tomb open itself to outside world so all the younger generation would be able to harvest greatly.

However, when Ayan asked where this tomb came from the disciple wasn't able to give a answer. It's because he didn't know about it. And when Ayan asked from how many years this tomb has been existing the disciple wasn't able to give any answer.

After this Ayan talk with some other disciple as well to know more. Later he was able to know that only inner disciple able to join the team not only disciple form this Kingdom but the neighbour country will also join. 

And to join he needs to go into the mission hall inside the inner sect and asked them to join. However not everyone will be able to only Those who are under 15 years old will be able to go. And there is another thing that is only 500 disciple will be able to go.

It is said that is is the place where multiple transcendence fought. Is was a war of the transcends. In the past they fought over a treasure. Including that treasure everyone died.

How they died no one knows. There is no records for this as well. When the first time this were discovered people named it the tombs of undead.

However those who entered wasn't able to return. There is age restrictions there only Those under 15 years old able to entered the tomb. Those who don't fit in This will die if they entered.

After hearing this Noah goes to the mission counter. Seeing Ayan's figure disciple start to Talk with each other. They are mainly Talking about Ayan's performance and others thing.

Some disciple become puzzle seeing Ayan is still in good condition . They thought ayan would be a cripple by the morning. However, surprisingly not only he is not crippled he is very fine to walk in here.

This make them more puzzle. The more they think the more puzzling this to them. There is nothing the can think right now. In the past someone just ignored pitus word in the next moment he was beaten to half death.

However now Ayan who crippled pitus brother walking freely and pitu not saying anything.

For outer sect disciple they gossip one thing for month . Right now pitu didn't do anything to Ayan this will be hot topic among the outer disciple. However, inner disciple are not interested why pitu didn't move yet.

And more importantly they also become shocked when that saw Ayan in inner disciple cloth. "when did becoming a inner disciple become this easy?" Someone asked.

They didn't even know Ayan's name before his match with jiro. However, right after he defeat jiro be become a inner disciple. Just how strong is he?.

Inner disciple are interested in Ayan. They are interested to know his origin. And interested to take him in. Many disciple working in the shadow To find Ayan's origin. Where he came from and how strong he is or who he met with.

Everything he do. Ayan came to the mission hall this is also being monitored. Ayan understood long ago that some rat following him. However, he is not interested and that's why didn't take any action yet.

After coming to the counter Ayan show his identity.

Seeing the identity in Noah's hand the man in teh counter size up Ayan . "where did you find it, did you here to hand over it?".

The man in the dusk asked Ayan. After Noah show he thought Noah might have found it on the road and just came to give it back. However he gasp in shock when he noticed the inner disciple cloth in Ayan's body.

He didn't actually notice Ayan cloth for some reason however when he saw surprised visible all over his face .

"I don't have time, I came here do registration for the tomb of dead" said Ayan. After hearing That the tomb of dead opening Ayan decided to join however no Matter where he going this people making things difficult for him..

"I should show glimpse of my power to this people" thought ayan.

"y-yes" saying this the man take out a ball and placed it one the table "please place your hand on the ball it will detect your bone age"

Ayan place his hand on the ball. After placing his hand on the ball, the Ball glow little. Soon it dim down and lost it's glow.

The man just looked toward Ayan with wide eyes. He didn't even dare to close his. He become so shocked he just don't dare to. "how can this be?, How can there be someone as young as him become a inner disciple?" thought the man.

Ayan become impatient seeing the man's expression. "I am in hurry" said Ayan in a cold expression.

"y-yes yes" to he man write down something. "If you were selected you will be notified".

Hearing this noah didn't wasted a single second and come out of the building. As soon as ayan come out of the building everyone looked toward him again. As if they are seeing a zoo monkey. 

Ayan could Only sigh inwardly. He wasn't the one to be blamed here. Jiro challenge him like thinking he can easily defeat him. However, jiro make mistake in his little calculation and kicked a iron sheet.

And that's why he was bound to be hurt by the iron sheet and he did. There is nothing Ayan can do . And to that's why Noah is being watch by everyone. No , not everyone only those who belongs to outer sect .

Ayan didn't wait a single second and start to head out from there.

"Hey you wait there" before Ayan could leave the area someone shout from behind.

Noah slowly look backward to see the face of this person who is calling for him. It's was a inner disciple.

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